Saturday, October 24, 2009


Seriously, how many people here, smoke marijuana and think it should be legalized.

If you do think it should be legalized, why should it?

(yes i'm for it being legalized)
Yes, and yes.

I don't drink. I work at a good job. I am educated, married long term, and my kids are growing up to be responsible young adults. Cannabis for me is a means to relaxation, a way to make sense of the many hats I wear, often switching 3 or 4 times in the course of a day. I, too, write high. I am published in a few different areas. Thoughts flow more easily. (Though I admit to occasionally going off on tangents, usually straightened out in the edit process.)
If not legalized, cannabis should at least be decriminalized. Millions throughout the world use it responsibly. We are ordinary people, living our lives peacefully. We are not criminals any more than someone who has a drink in the evening.
Cannabis is a weed. Created by God. It's been 70 years since it was declared illegal. And that declaration was based on racism and the interests of big business. The word "marijuana" is slang made up to incriminate Mexican immigrants. Prior to the laws being enacted to make this plant illegal, cannabis was the #3 most prescribed drug. That's right, doctors. 70 years later 13 states have recognised that cannabis STILL has medical benefits and these states have defied federal law to make medical use legal.

The War on Drugs is not winnable, at least not where cannabis is concerned. Legalize it.
They sound more appealing to you maybe but what do people who are not stoned out of their minds think.

No It should not be legal we have enough brain dead people in the world already.
Uh, what was the question?
No, it should not be legalized. You may do your best work while high, but what about those who will commit crime while high.
i dont smoke regularly, but im for it being legalized because it has little to no adverse effects and there is scientific evidence that it can help ease pain for suffering medical patients, and also is pretty sweet as a psychoactive drug in the way it makes you think.
Someday it will be legal. That someday probably won't be very soon.
You have to change peoples minds, and thats a very hard task.
I admit it, but i certainly don't promote it, and no I wouldn't want to legalize it either, but rather de-criminalize it.A lot of wrongs hide behind drugs and alcohol, put those on the table, and it still leaves the wrong...
Why yes it should. I would love to see dozens of people every day walking around giggling and acting like a goofy SOB. Would make my world.
I totally agree that it should be legalized, even though it mostly likely won't ever be. It is helping people with cancer and other diseases. I have never heard of anyone ever dying from smoking pot. But how many people die every year from alcohol poisoning or alcohol related deaths.
It should absolutely be legalized. Now. It has nothing to do with whether or not it is good, bad, right, or wrong, to smoke it. Illegalization has been a failure.
A. Doesn't stop or even limit use anymore than prohibition stopped drinking. In fact, it makes it worse.
B. Creates crime.
C. Creates illegal profits for which there is no benefit to society.
There is no Economist in America that will defend this idiotic and failed policy. We actually have a case study, prohibition, that showed very clearly the failings and yet we pursue the same policy today. BTW, I do not smoke anything.
Marijuana has been conclusively found, after decades of scientific research all over the world, to be not merely a relatively harmless recreational substance, but also a useful medicinal herb for thousands of medical conditions. Of course, it should be legalized. Any rational person knows that.

For more information, consult the link below:
Right now im really split down the middle. Its not nearly as harmful as ciggarets are but they are legal. Then again the girl at the top was right, there are a lot of people out there who do dumb **** while they are high.

I want it to be legal but there should be some restrictions on who can buy it

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