Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My boss doesn't even tell me he's closing his practice.?

I have to hear it from other attorneys because my 'boss' doesn't tell me ANYTHING. He lost his license to practice law for 90 days, and didn't tell me that either. I would think it would be important for me to know, because I need to inform the clients about whats going on, and it would also be nice to tell me he is selling the practice to give me time to find a new job. What is his problem??
He should tell you about the suspension because by law he has to tell the clients, so if you didn't know you would still be telling the clients he represented them, and he can get in a lot of trouble for that, maybe even lose his license permanantly. He is also required to tell you he is closing, but not required to make sure you are financially stable (like in the answer above me) I guess you're right, he really doesn't care about the suspension, because it looks like he's looking for a permanent one.
Well He is being selfish, maybe he does not have enough to pay his employees so he just wanted to make an exit without all his employees knowing.. Its sad ... But I麓m sure that you will get a better job.. Don麓t ask more questions, just start looking for another Job..

he's obviously a narcissistic jerk
Your situation is not new. Here is what he is thinking. If he tells you that you will be laid off, you will sluff off at your work, not come in, use your time at work to job hunt, perhaps steal company property and not give the best of service to his clients in retaliation. Now you may be a person who would give 100% to the end and then again maybe not. I've seen this work both ways. He's protecting what he has for as long as he can. Nothing personal.
Your "boss" doesnt have to tell you any of that. Would it be nice if he told you? Sure. You bet. But he didnt have to. When you own a business, the crap comes at you fast. Especially when it's a small business. I suspect he had more important things to worry about. Like his family. His house. Stuff like that. Everybody has a priority. And often, you (the proper You that is) are not it. Move on and get a new...perhaps better...job. If this guy lost his ticket for ninety days, I'm sure he has bigger problems than you do.
It is not your obligation to tell his clients anything. It is his.
You're only 23; you'll work for plenty of crappy bosses in your time. Just don't ever let yourself do anything you think may be illegal. Quit %26 move on.
He is probobly going through a major depression, especially since he is sleeping at work. Sounds like he may need mental help, does he have family, does anybody care about him.

I am sure you are still getting paid or you wouldn't be there.

Oh, and here is an idea, maybe you should just ask him instead of listening to gossip.
Okay, you poor thing, now the pity party is over. If I were you I would have picked up and left a long time ago. I refuse to work for anyone who has a bad reputation, that will reflect on you when you start looking for another job. Start submitting your resumes now, before he closes the practice that way your behind is covered financially.
yes. by law your boss is requred to tell you. the court would have given at least a 1 week notice of when his license is suspended. during all of that time that is when he should be calling around telling everyone that he will not be doing any cases for 90 days for what ever he wants to tell them. he is also to decide if you are to get for certain times (such as a end of contract fee). also he is required to give a 3 week notice that he is selling the business which gives you time to find a new job, and to make sur that you have the funds to live until you do have a job.

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