Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Most dangerous teen" guilty of nurse's murder?

stuart harling has been found guilty of murdering nurse cheryl moss just for the sake of it,he has fantasys of rape,gunning people down at a school he was bullied at,and how much to the tax payers is his imprisonmeant going to cost,why dont we just string him up and save the uk money,and before you wolly pc lotstart bleating cheryl moss was a nurse helping the sick ,and being a decent member of society,he was just pure evil the poor girl never even got to scream,as he stabbed and stabbed her,he stopped only when his witches mask fell off
society must be protected against people like this evil little monster
he should never be allowed out again,if we cant hang him
You have to have taken a life before you can ask a question like that.

Hanging might be an answer, I shan't insult you by asking if you have ever taken a life.

It leaves you saddened, elated and ashamed, severe depression follows.

Sometimes you wish for your own death to hurry so you can apologise and atone.

You want someone to go through that as an executioner?.

If you are so willing for executions, go to a country that still carries them out and offer your services.

Life in a Mental Hospital, without liberal meddling psychiatrists would be an answer too.
We shouldn't hang him, he has a mental illness. Asperger's syndrome means he doesn't know the difference between right and wrong.

He needs to be detained in an asylum forever, however. For everyone's safety.
if you want to bring back the Death Penalty,
i'm in compete agreement with you.
%26 this is the awkward bit, killing people is against their Human Rights regardless of their crimes, so unless we back away from these human-rights EU rules, we have no hope of ever bringing it back.
i think paying to keep these low-lifes in the lap of luxury, room/board, fed %26 pandered too,
is a huge waste of public funds.
hang them %26 put them out of their misery.
Why don't we string him up?
Why don't YOU string him up you armchair reporter.
If you've never taken a life, then the urine would be running down your leg [as indeed it does from your mouth!] you wouldn't have the guts to put the rope around his neck and pull the release unless you could do it from your living room seat!
Don't you just luv it, "society must be protected" but please don't ask me to do it, I'm just an armchair terrorist !
Contrary to a previous ill informed posting, Harling hasn't got a mental illness. Asperger's is a form of autism, a learning difficulty.
Labelling everyone who is evil or wicked as mentally ill does little to help those with genuine problems, and helps perpetuate the myth they are all homicidal maniacs.
I agree that he should never be released.
Well I bet a lot of people secretly fantasise about expressing power over other people so don't read too much into that.. I mean you seem to be fantasizing about taking this Stuart's life for a start.

As for killing him as some sort of avengement for that murder victim's life.. well its not going to bring the Nurse back to life and is unlikely to act as a deterrent next time someone unstable loses their grip on reality either. Keeping him in secure supervised accommodation seems like the most humane thing for society to do. He could be forced to participate in treatment and experimental treatment programs. That might be useful.
well he does deserve to go to prision.. but if the schools would moniter the bullying that was going on and protect our children form it.. then it may stop some of the insanity.. i am not saying that is a excuse for what he did .. it is not but if you have never been bully before and the teachers turn there back and protect the bully instead of you then you dont know what it feels like
Goodness me Archie, you are cross!

Of all the arguments for the reinstatement of capital punishment, the financial argument you put forward is the weakest of all. To reduce a complex moral issue to "I don't want my taxes spent keeping him alive", is facile to say the least.

This man is obviously severely mentally ill, but in a sense, that's not important. He should remain in a high security institution while there is any chance he could be a danger to the public, and I suspect that means for the rest of his life.

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