Saturday, October 31, 2009

Methods of execution question.?

The United States has more different methods of judicial killing than any other country in the history of the world. They've all got two things in common; they're painful and unreliable. Any anaesthetist and anybody who's ever had a general anaesthetic knows that it's easy to kill somebody painlessly. If it's really necessary to kill people to demonstrate that killing people is wrong, why not do it with laughing gas, halothane or entonox?
I agree with you, I am personally 100% against the death penalty, it is one of the most inhumane things ever. Just the thought of the fact we have a death penalty system makes me mad, I mean how in the world can you legalize the murder of a person, no matter what that person has done? You cannot justify killing someone, whether it is a criminal shooting someone or the government killing that criminal, it is murder either way.
I know that didn't answer your question, but I'll try. I think the way to demonstrate that killing is wrong is not by killing the accused, but instead by removing them from society and preventing them from having any human contact, even family members, and throwing them in a cold, dark, small room, where they can genuinely think about the pains they've caused. After all, the purpose of "correctional facilities" isn't and shouldn't be to punish, but to correct.
Good question. However, I don't have an answer to that. But again, very good question.
Good point, laughing gas is a good idea.
put their heads in the sand and smother them to death

why should criminals be treated respectfully? especially those who target babies?
The reason for the variety is that states determine whether they have the death penalty, and how it's carried out.

Why we don't just use anaesthesia to do it, I don't know. I do remember hearing that the inventor of 'lethal injection' turned out not to be very well qualified...
because the means is to punish and teach others to avoid the punishment.
Kinda locking up someone up and let them eat,say and sleep with their lovers when ever they want, give them whatever they want....are we talking a Corrections center ot Country Club?
I don't think the murderer worried about the pain he put the victim through. His death should be the same as his victim.We all know the death sentence law is a laugh at best.

You lose a love one that went through torture and re ask this question.
Why don't you ask the victim's family how painless the criminal's death should be?
While there is no doubt that there has been some botched executions.(some I think purposely) But in the majority of the cases and especially recent executions(Last 15yrs.) have for the most part been carried out in a relatively humane manner.
But of course we don't get to interview the deceased. "Old
Sparky," I have not heard of him taking anyone out lately. Nor
have we hung anyone lately to my knowledge and can't remember the last time I heard of anyone going to the "Gas Chamber" No firing squads either, as of late.(which I think might be my preference if I had to go) Anyone here lately gets
the gurney and the lethal injection, which they say is fairly
painless. How long does it take to laugh yourself to death, too long for me! What's bad,is the ones that get out quicker for murder than for robbery,drug offences(some need it)and
fraud. 1st degree murderers,rapist,and pedo's,how long do you want to keep them? "FROM NOW ON."
It's the public spectacle part that is difficult. In most states death has to be witnessed by an audience of up to 12 people. To do that, you have to kill quickly, but it must look pleasant too - you don't want to upset the witnesses too much.

An overdose of barbiturates in the last meal would do nicely, but takes too long. The guillotine works wonderfully, is fast and reliable, but gory, so considered inhumane.

The lethal injection seemed like a good idea - use a paralyzing drug first, so no-one knows if the person is aware and hurting, then stop their heart. Stopping the heart of course is something you are aware of, causes pain, and does not produce unconsciousness instantaneously. Even so, it looks quite elegant to the witnesses.

However you do it, killing is barbaric. Thankfully, more and more states are delaying executions and abandoning the practice.
I'm all for bringing back the guillotine and public executions.

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