Why is it that ciggarets and alcohol cause almost half a million deaths a year and both are still legal, while marijuana causes 0 deaths a year and is frowned upon and still illegal?
I would say that the MAIN reason why marijuana is still illegal is because the government doesn't want to admit that it was wrong when it made marijuana illegal.
The second reason why marijuana is still illegal is because when someone is caught trafficking marijuana (or any illegal drug) law enforcement officers get to confiscate their house, car, boat, plane, and stuff. Then they get to keep the money from selling them (or sometimes they just keep the stuff).
Thirdly, many corrupt officials get paid to look the other way when marijuana is smuggled into (or out of) the country.
Frankly, I feel it is really, really, really stupid to keep marijuana illegal. Not only is it a wonderful medicine for those who need it, but it is a practically harmless substance when used recreationally.
Not to mention the wonderful boost to the economy that would happen if marijuana were legalized. Think of all the jobs that would be created: Growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, shipping, and selling marijuana!
Right now, marijuana is THE LARGEST CASH CROP IN THE USA! Think of all the farmers, who are feeding their families by growing marijuana.
Marijuana is widely accepted in our culture. Marijuana use appears on television, in movies, and in books. Even politicians will admit to having used marijuana.
The fact is, if someone doesn't want to use marijuana illegally, they are probably not going to use it when it is legal. And people who want to use marijuana, already do. Keeping marijuana illegal is accomplishing nothing except filling our jails with non-violent offenders.
Marijuana use is a contributing factor to criminal behavior, child abuse, car accidents, accidents on the job, and poor judgment in general.
Emotionally, Marijuana causes low self esteem and depression.
Children who use marijuana are less likely to graduate from high school.
Children who use marijuana are more likely to use harder drugs in the future.
Marijuana use is a serious problem in the U.S. and it is draining the youth, vitality, and creativity of our young people.
too many people getting rich keeping certain drugs illegal.
"marijuana causes 0 deaths a year "
Really? Where did you get that nonsense? What are your sources? Some pothead told you? LOL
Driving after smoking even a small amount of marijuana almost doubles the risk of a fatal highway accident, according to an extensive study of 10,748 drivers involved in fatal crashes between 2001 and 2003.
Here's MY source, which is accredited by the Health On the Net Foundation, which promotes reliable and trusted online health information:
Beats me. Marijuana and cocaine are both pretty mild drugs when used in moderation. The prohibition against them has gone on for seventy years, has cost huge amounts of public money, has accomplished nothing but to foster the growth of some amazingly powerful drug cartels all over the western hemisphere. You'd think people would catch on.
Im not really for making marijuana illegal, but i am for outlawing cigarretes. It's an addictive substance that kills people. No brainer, eh?
i have no idea.so many..no most of the people i know soke and fuction in normal daily lives. they are not losers,,,they work, pay bills, are responsible...i dont get it
It is still a money issue. That has not changed. In addition,(being illegal for some time now) it has build up a strong image in the minds of the ill informed that it cannot be easily changed.
Although marijuana is a drug and has adverse effects, alcohol is by FAR more damaging and cigarettes (although not mind altering) is more harmful to body tissues, primarily due to the additives put in the tobacco.
I'm not an advocate for the use of Marijuana, but it is hypocritical those advocating its illegality while sipping on their booze.
because in America only the wealthy are allowed to use recreational drugs via personal doctor, they can get Valium and other mind altering drugs with out fear of prosecution.
because the government doesn't make money of of drug dealers if they paid taxes it would be legal
Marijuana is kept illegal because the drug companies could not stand for an EFFECTIVE medicine to be so readily available. Their profits from Aspirin and the cures to the side-effects of Aspirin, and the cures to the side-effects of those rely on just that: side-effects. Marijuana has no side effects, so it's not profitable to them. Additionally, Marijuana grows wild all over the place in almost any climate, so it would be nearly impossible for them to control it in a market.
Also, the original reasons for making it illegal (primarily racism against Mexicans and Blacks) caused the government to put out propaganda against it, and because people continue to believe that propaganda, and believe that it is a terrible drug, they continue to create more propaganda under the mistaken opinion that they are doing society a favor. It feeds itself in this way.
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