Saturday, October 24, 2009

Marijuana scenario - what are your thoughts?

Imagine if a state - any one state - were to completely legalize marijuana. As available as a pack of cigarettes in any corner store or super market. There would certainly be an influx of new arrivals and possibly an exedus of some present citizens.

Now - TRUTHFULLY - imagine what that state would be like in 5 or 10 years from now.

Now extrapolate that to the country as a whole.
You'd say hello, it would take 10 minutes to get a hello back, unless he/she just didn't catch the meaning, then you'd get back whatever they interpreted your gesture to be LOL
First, it would draw down prices. Then there would be a big rush, then it would wear off after a while, then pot use would be the same as it is now.
Marijuana is a gift from above.
it is likely that as soon as one state completely decriminalizes it, more will follow suit.

you will ahve people crossing borders from nearby states to buy, but if it is still illegal in their home state, they would still not be likely to bring ganja back home.

it is also likely the federal government would intervene and shut down anyone who actually happened to be selling it. there would be a major supreme court battle, the outcome of which is not clear, and which will be determinative of the future sales of weed.
That would be great and that town would be a more happy place to live.
I know that if they did here in Hawaii and taxed it, it could eliminate all sales taxes, all state income tax.

Let the states legalize it and tax the heck out of it, just like gas and regular cigarettes.

Hey dudess, wow, look at all the pretty lights! Hand me the chips! being around a pot head is worse than being around a drunk.
Lol it is not exactly the worst drug on the planet. I really wouldn't see the big deal in legalising it. Have you ever smoked a joint?
So everyone would start to smoke marijuana because it became legal? That's like saying everyone drinks alcohol...because its legal or are coffee addicts.

Frankly, nothing would happen other than a few people would experiment and at the end of the day we would have increased tax revenues from the sale, decreased costs associated with imprisoning non-violent offenders thus more money to spend on education, and at the end of the day fewer murders associated with drug deals gone bad.

Before you write...think through all the possibilities. We would save billions not to mention the tax revenue.

Oh, and frankly drinking is worse than smoking. Just one persons opinion.
Well lets face it; marjiunia use is not as harsh of a crime as it ues to be. 10 years ago 1 ounce would land you in prison for quit sometime.

Now -a-day's in states such as Nevada its legal for some to pocess no more than 1 ounce for persons over 21. And in some states its no longer a Misdeminor unless the use of Marijunia is used during the commisision of a crime.

In some states its an infraction, no more than $100 for repeat offenders.What this allows is the DA's to focus there efforts on more serious crime such as gang violence and sex crimes.

But the issue is this, who is going to control the distribution of this?

That question is the only reason why it has not been legalized everywhere..
It wouldn't do anything to the state or country. People who smoke pot are going to smoke pot whether or not it is legal. People who do not smoke pot aren't going to become potheads just because its legalized. Lots of people already do it, legalization won't cause those numbers to increase. The state's government will make more money since they'll be able to tax pot. Big deal.
On a state level it wouldn't happen/couldn't happen. Federal laws prevent it. If they tried, they'd have federally funding cut off. So it won't happen. Legally it would be to disruptive to the whole country so it wouldn't be allowed.

If the whole country did this...?


It would have very little effect overall. Other than costing the government money lost in seizures and fines for people who are using it now.

But the money they'd make taxing it would make up for it tenfold.
Well, Marijuana is legal in the Netherlands, and they are doing OK.

"The economy is noted for stable industrial relations, moderate unemployment and inflation, a sizable current account surplus, and an important role as a European transportation hub. ....

At this moment the Netherlands is the 16th largest economy of the world."


"As of 2004, Belgium seems to be moving toward the Dutch model and a few local German legislators are calling for experiments based on the Dutch model."


Bunch of pot heads!

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