Saturday, October 31, 2009

Money order question?

i am sending this money order for my friend. it is asking for her signature (purchaser signature). she is out of town and her name is on the account. who should sign? me or her
well you cant sign her name because that would be forgery.
I see nothing wrong with you signing it. My hubby buys money orders all the time and I sign them (my name). Nothing is wrong with that. If your friend gave you permission to send it for her then it should be ok for you to sign yor name to it.
The person who you are sending it for; the person getting it has no idea who you are.
You sign it and put her account number on it (if you have a way of getting it) or send a note with it if there is no place for the acct. number. Maybe even contact the company and let them know about it.

Monday i received a letter of intent to sue me by one of my wholesalers for nonpay.?

Tuesday, i sent a letter of intent to counterclaim for price gouging.
Wednesday, i received a reply letter asking if this matter could be handled out of court and very discreetly.
Thursday, i sent a letter stating no, i wish for this matter to go to court.
Friday i received a settlement offer.
Today, I still wish to take the matter to court.
Your opinion?
And yes, this actually is taking place.
First of all, did you know the price of the goods when you purchased them? If so, you are ON THE HOOK for the whole amount! If not, make a counteroffer to the offer of settlement and SETTLE. You owe them something, you cannot have the goods for nothing, you cannot benefit from a contract without some sort of payment. And believe me, there's a contract here, whether it's in writing or not. Settle babe, SETTLE.

Ok, now that I see your further details, that price increase was OUTRAGEOUS and illegal, and you were blindsided, suckerpunched by these pieces of work who pulled this crap. I still don't understand why the price wasn't fixed before the transaction was made. In any event, you guys seem to have what is called a "course of business" and they have to stick to it, they have deviated way too far from the course. You should countersue, and sue for punitive damages. Also, sue for costs, in other words, they must pay your legal fees as the result of forcing you into bringing a lawyer into it. Infuriating. Good luck.
Sounds like they were trying to 'legally' blackmail you and you called their bluff. LoL! Good for you!!

I say if the settlement is decent go for it, don't waste the courts time. Unless the gouging was outrageous then other people need to know about it, because they may be other victims as well.
You should first determine if "price gouging" gives rise to a civil suit. Ordinarily, people are free to negotiate whatever price the parties agree to.
screw em and the horse they rode in on!
I hope you contacted the State Attorney's office also.

I'd take the settlement under the condition that they can still be charged criminally.
If you think you can prevail with a better outcome in court you should go for it.

Mom is primary card holder, she listed no user on account, she is in nursing home and bill has gone unpaid.?

Dad knew nothing about card til collection agency called...can he be held responsible for balance? Card was issued in 1999.
What happened to the monthly bills that were mailed out? She is still legally liable for the debt. Your dad could probably negotiate payment amount. Lots of times they will accept 25% if their choice is that on nothing. Also he should force them to eliminate any late fees, penalties and interest.
If your mom's name only name on account period, no user, etc.. your dad cannot be held responsible..ALTHOUGH the credit card people will tell u otherwise... they do that to intimidate and to get people scared and to pay... so if your dad WANTS to pay it off, then make arrangements explain situation to credit card people and carry on.. if not, I would get a statement from the nursing home, and write a letter to the credit card people telling them that dad had nothing and no knowledge of this card til collection agencies called and mom is in nursing home and that he is not responsible for this credit card. Then, either change ur phone number or get caller id.. they will harrass for awhile anyway.. thats what they do.. but they cannot hold this against ur dad.
Generally No but spouses can be held responsible for each other's debts due to living expenses. See page 4 of the link...
Look anyone that could help you ain't gonna under stand all this street crap...
In some states, spouses can be held liable for each other's debts, if the debt was incurred during the marriage. (If it was a debt that was incurred only prior to marriage, then that would be a different story.)

Your dad may want to consult an attorney if the debt is significant...laws vary from state to state, and an attorney in your area would be best able to advise him.
why dont you try to talk to her ask her things so you will understand her life and how she feels or if your old enough(which could be 10-14 you could get a job of picking up cans) but if this doesn't answer your question i am sorry i am only 10 years old and i do not know what a primary card holder is,so please dont hurt!!!!!!!!!!...

Modification of divorce in colorado need help.?

Can a judge order the following 1. require an 8 year old female to talk to the non custodial parent on the computer with a web cam. 2. order a custodial parent to send the minor child across country on a plane to visit the parent without supervision of such parent and 3 order the custodial parent to teach the child sigh language to talk to her non custodial parent because he is deaf although he can read and write.
Yes, a judge can order those as an 8 years old do not have legal rights to decide thing and the judge can decide things that he deemed is in his best interest eg taking him away against his wishes if the parent is abusing him even he wish to continue to stay with them and put him into a home under social worker care.
Can a judge order these things? Probably. They don't seem to be extremely onerous for the ordinary 8 year old.

It sounds as if you are the child's mother. Unless the father is extremely dangerous, why don't you just go along and stop making everyone's life [especially your daughter's] miserable.

Mobile police (speed)! cameras.?

If (as I do ) I were to take offence at the positioning of (any) mobile police "speed cameras", would it be legal for me to stand directly in front of that camera, blocking its abillity to capture an image of the so-called offender, and thereby putting the copper back on the street? The use of these mobile cameras has become prevelant in our area, and it really bugs me. I don't break the speed limit often, but I have been burgled, a neighbour robbed, and I ain't seen a copper on the beat in years, but give them a lay-by and a camera, there they are. Police want to do their job, for sure, but lay-by louching is not what I pay large ammounts of cash for.
Everyone feels as you do, but to stand in front of the camera would be obstruction, and if you persisted after a warning, you would be arrested, thus putting the arresting officer in the police station for the next 7 hours doing paperwork.
It reminds me last publication in the Daily Mail: London is the capital city with most of speed cameras in the Europe and worst dead tool of drink related deaths on the roads. money, money, money... police is just fancy get in to your pocket.
they'd find something to 'nick' you on for sure
i think it would be perfectly legal to stand in front of the speed cameras the law might put a no loitering sign on the speed camera tho then it would be illegal
I know how you feel but if you done something like that i can guarantee you it wont be safe for you to go out in your car you will be picked up the the police for any reason they will pin something on you
I agree with you , the police need to catch the real crooks , but there is more money to be made by speed cameras , than catching a crook

The system ( legal ) are out of touch with what the people want and it is about time that they took notice

Mobile Phone Cons why are they not illegal.?

I had a call the other day on my mobile and didnt answer it in time. It was a number I didnt recognise but as it started 07 I automatically assumed it was a mobile number. So I called it back the number hung up immediately so I tried it a couple more times to see who it was. I checked my credit after making these calls and discovered it had decreased drastically. On speaking to phone co cust services I found out these calls were costing 85p just to connect them. Apparently companies call random numbers in the hope people will call them back. It is a con and should be illegal I know i am a fool so all of you that are about to waste your time saying so dont bother I want positive responses lets get these outrageous actions stopped
just like scam emails, people just cant resist being curious.its you who are keeping the scammers in business
People can do that on your home phone too, you shouldn't have wasted more minutes with customer service.
Hi your totally right this should be illegal but as it is a relativly new con trick laws have not been passed to safe guard us.

You can either call oftel or visit their site this is the governing body for phone and premium rate numbers if they believe you called this without knowing it was a premium rate then they will give you the money back as all operators of premium numbers have to give oftel a deposit to give refunds to customers
The trouble is legislation to combat these types of things lag way behind the technology involved to seperate you from your money.

Like your question and your closing comments about ending this practise. We seem to have become a society that nurtures corruption and allows random mugging. I for one would refuse to pay these costs, as the mobile phone companies who don't police such despicable practises are to blame - and I bet they'd shy off rather than have someone with gumption say so in a court of law. Let's have some test cases.

Good wishes.
it is a con and its illegal as well but most of them are run from abroad which is why its difficult to stop them. Personally I dont call back numbers I dont recognise for two reasons. Firstly, im a tightwad, and secondly if its important theyll call back! Sorry to hear whats happened to you anyway, wish there was something you could do to get your money back
Thanks i like to hear all the scam stories ...cant takeyour eye of the ball these days

Mississippi laws on Nursing Homes and who pays?

My mom has $80,000 in the bank and could need nursing home/assisted living facility care soon. Will they take her CD/Money Market savings to pay for it? I head heard that you are allowed to keep up to a certain amount but that if you have assets/money over and above that amount they will take it from you to pay for your care. She rents an apt and has no other assets at all other than this money in CD's and Money Market accounts and her personal furniture/clothing, etc. Does anyone know if this is true about there being a limit you are allowed to keep?
She will go into the nursing home/ assisted living as private pay. When she no longer has assets ($2,000 limit) she would qualify for nursing home care through medicaid most likely - but medicaid does not cover assisted living. She may qualify for some waiver services to keep her in her own home and out a nursing facilty. Check with your local office on aging. They may have a case manager to assess her needs and help plan her care.
if you have it,you also cannot transfer it to hide it if less two years pass between when the transfer takes place and the internment begins...
I live in Alabama and work with NH patients. This is mostly true of most states. You either have to pay the NH every month out of your pocket or if you need Medicaid to pay they will make sure that you have no assets left before Medicaid will pick up the tab and then they will decide by your mother's income if she has to still pay a share of the cost.

Missing non-custodial parent owes $12000 dollars and has never paid a dime!?

My x-husband owes me $8000 in child support and $4016 dollars for personal property in our divorce. The guy has been missing since August of 2006 right after are divorce was final. He has never seen his son. He is hiding out somewhere but, child support can't find him. What will happen to this guy once he is found? and what do you think child support will do to find this guy. He also owes me money for all my furniture he sold, how can I put him in contempt for that? I live in wisconsin my son was born here. Wisconsin works with louisiana child support. and My divorce was located in louisiana. Would I have to go back to louisiana to put him in contempt for not paying my the personal property, or can that be transfered to wisconsin?
Matters relating to the personal property would have to be in Louisina courts. If you have a support order, you can file anywhere under the Uniform Reciptorcal Enforcement of Support Agreements Act. The Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act concerns interstate cooperation in the collection of spousal and child support. It lays out the procedure for enforcement in cases in which the person owing alimony or child support is in one state and the person to whom the support is owed is in another state (hence the word "reciprocal").

Contact your district attorney's office.
If he is missing you are lucky they have not investigated you in his disappearance...
He will be forced to pay the fine and be sentinced to jail for a pretty long time, the state doesn't take kindly to this.
sounds to me that you got stuck with a deadbeat, my condolences. But as long as he is working under a W2, they will catch up to him. But if he is working under the table, then there isn't much you could do but wait. That is the unfortunate thing about child support, the courts cannot order him to work - he can avoid child support by being paid cash.

What a loser. Sad thing is that your son has to suffer.

Since he owes you for the furniture, I am sure there is a judgement on his credit report. And he probably doesn't even care. You should be sure and check with the state where the divorce was filed and see what can be done about that.

Check your state laws to see what they say about failure to pay child support. More than likely they have a law that will suspend his license. If we are lucky, he will get pulled over, they will see he is wanted and has a suspended license and will not let him out until the arrears is paid.

I swear one day I am going to create a website called, "Deadbeat dad (or mom).com"

Good luck
Have you also considered being able to put an attachment to any refund he might get thru the IRS when he files each year (assuming he is being honest and not working under the table)?

Missed first Arraign Date, what charge can I get?

If I missed first arraignment date, what kind of charge can I receive?
Failure to appear
That depends on what the original charge was and what jurisdiction you're in. Now would be a good time to contact a lawyer.

Misdemeanors and felonies?

question how is the order arranged is a "A" misdemeanor or felony higher that a "C" or is the "C" higher.
Felonies are always higher than misdemeanors. Generally, misdemeanors are those offenses that would result in a jail sentence of less than 1 year. Felonies would result in jail sentences of more than 1 year.

The higher the offense, the closer the letter will be to the beginning of the alphabet.

In Indiana, here are the levels of offense, from highest to lowest:
Class "A" Felony
Class "B" Felony
Class "C" Felony
Class "D" Felony
Class "A" Misdemeanor
Class "B" Misdemeanor
Class "C" Misdemeanor
Status Offense

(Status offenses are only applicable to minors, as it is an offense only because of the status of the person's age as being a non-adult. If an adult committed the same action, it wouldn't be an offense. For example, truancy. Someone over 18 isn't required to be in school, therefore, it's not a criminal offense if that person isn't going to school.)
In Ky a Class D is much less severe than a Class A.

Misdemeanor on record, and it cannot be sealed/expunged. What now?

6 years ago, I was arrested for being with my girlfriend (we were only 2 years and 2 months apart in age, I had just turned 18 and she was about to turn 16), and she even testified in front of the judge that I did no wrong (ie. rape, etc.). The prosecutors tried for felony charges, prison time, etc. but my lawyer talked them down to 2 misdemeanor counts - Child Abuse and Lewd Battery.

There is a statute in Florida preventing me from having my record sealed or expunged. I am now stuck with this forever, for not really doing anything wrong.

I just moved to a new city to finish school (pre-reqs for Pharmacy school, which from what I've been told I can thankfully still get into) and have been denied time and time again for apartments here, along with a few jobs.

What on earth can I do? It's frustrating because I've always been a 4.0 student, and never gotten in ANY trouble before or after this.

I'm to the point of thinking of just moving to another country.

Just looking for some hope.
I'd try to find a lawyer, if you can afford one, who might be able to argue that your case falls into some kind of exception to the statute, to get it expunged.

If that can't work, I'd say to change your strategy and your approach to this whole situation. You DID do something wrong..the law says an adult (18 or over) can't have sex with a child (under 16). So you broke the law, and you committed a form of assault on a child, because we believe, as a society, that children aren't capable of the maturity needed to consent.

So what do I think you should do? Change your tack on this thing, mentally. Accept responsbility, and if anyone (job, apartment, etc.) asks you about it, explain exactly what happened and tell them that you realize you made a mistake and you're trying to learn from it. You could consider entering therapy or doing some kind of volunteer work with social service agencies to show that you are putting your past mistakes behind you.

I know I'll probably get a lot of thumbs-down for this answer, but I happen to believe that this law exists for a reason. While I agree that it's wrong to put someone who did what you did in the same category with pedophiles and child rapists, I do believe that what you did constitutes a crime. If you are able to show everyone you know that you are an honorable person and that you are working to put your one and only mistake behind you, you might have better luck getting past it than if you take a defensive "I didn't do anything wrong...the law is wrong!" type of posture.

Just my opinion, for whatever it's worth. No matter what you do, you will probably still have trouble in some places with being accepted, but I think over time it will get less and less. Don't move to another country! Look at this whole thing as a challenge and a learning experience.

Good luck to you!!
Misdemeanors are nothing to worry about.
Find yourself an attorney.
Get rich. Money will get you anywhere
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Democracy simply does not work.

I think your only hope is to talk to a lawyer and see if you have any options.

You are paying the consequences for having sexual relations with a child.

There is nothing you can do except try to wait for the years to pass.

You are going to have more trouble when you try to find a job in your field...background checks will reveal your record.
Like thousands before you, Learn to live with it.
File a lawsuit against the state of Florida for discrimination in Federal court under the 14th amendment that may be illegal abuse of your civil rights. It is called equal; protection under the law. If your record can never be sealed then neither can any other. Law may be unconstitutional.
I hope you really enjoyed that underage sex, you're going to be paying for it a long, long time.
Certain things you do in life will haunt you forever.
This is just something that you have to live with. Consider yourself luck that you didnt get found guilty of Statutory Rape because then you would be places on the sex offenders reg.
How do you know of this Statute? Talk to a lawyer. Don't settle for a cheap one get a good lawyer with a reputable background. Because of the statute Ask he/she if they can look at your records to find any loop holes to see if you can get this misdemeamor off your record. You'll pay out your nose but it might be worth it.
That was still a guilty plea even though it was reduced from a felony, and guilty plea's can not be sealed or expunged. Not guilty or dismissed yes. Sounds like your getting into a good profession, I would just suck it up and go on about my life, after 20 years it will be in archive somewhere and not easily discovered.
What you did was commit statutory rape. It doesn't matter that you guys were in a relationship or that she "consented" because the law in every state is very clear when it gives the age of consent for an individual.

You are legally a sex offender and as a result, you will find it very hard (if not impossible) to ever get it removed from your record or from any Megan's Law websites.

Saying that you should be thankful that it was reduced down to a misdemeanor is hollow and doesn't really help you at all.

However, I don't know if there is really any realistic help to be given. As much as I support Megan's Law and sex offender laws/requirements, I do feel that this is one area that needs to be delved into, because you aren't the only person to have been affected by this.

I would highly suggest talking to an attorney and seeing if there isn't some way of mitigating the damage which might be tough in and of itself since she was/is a minor. still dont think you were doing anything wrong. You were a young adult, she was a child. You got lucky with just a misdemeanor. You cant tell me that something inside of you back then didnt tell you that what you were doing was wrong. Im guessing that even your friends were making fun of you for doing it.
Unfortunately for you, there isnt much you can do about it, just deal with it. If you are ever lucky enough to have a daughter of your own, you will love the laws that you broke.
Keep trying and state your case. Since you were young as you grow older with work experience and schooling this will become hopefully less of an issue. But it happened and now you have to live with your decisions of the past...

Misd. shoplift chrge on record from 10 years ago, do I have to put it on a application for employm in NC?

I have a misd charge I got when I had just turned 18 I'm 28 now, i'm applying for a job but it says I only qualify if I have never been convicted of, plead guilty or no contest to a crime other than a traffic violation. Do I have to tell them about my 1 %26 only charge from 10 years ago in the state of NC? It's for a claims specialist w/an Insurance company for a call center position in Raleigh NC, I work for a payroll compnay now %26 they only went back 7 years!
Oh my, don't listen to the advice you've received so far. The only thing that would excuse you from putting the conviction down is if the application said you cannot have the job if you have been convicted in the past 7 years. If they are asking for any convictions ever, I highly recommend that you fully disclose your conviction.

There have been several instances of people geting fired for falsifying an applications. Further, if you work for the government or a contractor, you can actually have criminal charges brought against you for falsifying a government document.

To the individual that said they were only concerned with felonies--if this were true, they would have said only list felonies. Furthermore, the fact that they said anything more than traffic violations implies that they are concerned with misdemeanors, as well.

Perhaps the best way to get around this would be to attach a personal statement explaining the conviction and illustrating how you've changed since that time. It sounds like you're looking for people to support your already-made decision to omit the conviction, but I would discourage that.

Good luck in whatever you decide, however.
I am pretty sure they only care about felonies
Well, I certainly would not. Most places do only go back 7 years. It was a misdemeanor, 10 years old. What is the worst thing that could happen, they wouldn't give you the job??? They weren't going to anyway now were they. Go for it!

Miscarriage at work..?

ok so i was working in a daycare and i had a miscarriage at work. the thing is i didnt know i was pregnant at all. the pain was horrible and i didnt know what was happening to me. there was massive bleeding and i spent alot of my day in the bathroom, or hunched over. my boss refused to find a replacement and let me leave work. i wasnt able to go to the doctor until late that night (pain started around noon, didnt get off until 6pm) could he have gotten in trouble for not letting me leave?
YES. If you required emergency care, your employer is required to help you obtain it. Hemorrhaging is not uncommon with miscarriages - you could have bled to death.

I think some of this is murky because the situation wasn't caused by an injury at work (if it were you *would* have grounds for a lawsuit, and the company you work for could have their insurance revoked).

Still, the fact that you needed medical treatment and your boss denied it is insane. I would have a sit down conversation with your boss's boss (and a rep from hr if the company's big enough to have a hr department). If your boss is the owner, I would seriously consider looking for a new job - that doesn't sound like the kind of person you should be working for. Make sure to tell this person the reason why you're leaving.

If you are reprimanded or punished at all for spending all day in the bathroom, call a lawyer.
he very well could. you were having a miscarraige and you needed medical help. he kept you there. it put your health in danger. bring a doctor note to whoever is his boss and see what they say about it.
Absolutley! You should have been able to seek medical attention right away.
hi check this link its good



Miranda Rights??

If you are not read your Miranda Rights and not given the opportunity to speak with a detective during time of arrest could charges be dropped?
No, a common misconception.
I am a law professor, and hat happens if they don't read you your miranda rights is that anything you say cannot be used against you in a court of law.
In fact, Ernesto Miranda was still convicted, despite his confession being thrown out.
It depends. Miranda Rights are not required for detainment.
They can always be dropped, but it's unlikley for the above reason. Now if they started interrogating you without having read you those rights, then that's a different story.
That depends, It's your word against theirs.
only if you give a statement used against need the chance to speak with a lawyer, not a detective.
If you are not read your miranda rights you dont need to remind them and the whole thing could go to trial and fall through.
miranda rights are required in a criminal case, if they use a statement against you in court then the case would fall through because you "where not informed" they could do that, and the dash cam in most cruisers would have captured if they where read to you or not, so it is supported by video evidence
No. In the real world, it is suggested that the Miranda be read at arrest, but it is not necessary or mandatory. It should be and is strongly advised that it be read before any questioning by any official agent (officer or agent working for the govt.).

And its not "given the opportunity to speak with a detective", as you say. It is a lawyer.
Miranda applies when your being questioned about a crime. If no detective spoke with you then there is no reason to mirandize you. If you were questioned with your Miranda rights being read then all statements made cannot be used in court

Miranda rights weren't read, what are my rights?

I was arrested 3 days ago for an outstanding warrent from 4 years ago (hot check), was totally unaware of it. The cops were called to the house due to an argument that got out of hand w/spouse. I was arrested, after the warrent was found and they added a family violence charge, in which I was arrested for that. They had asked my husband to leave the residence, came back to house to arrest me for both charges. My rights were never read to me, no charges were pressed against me from my husband or myself. Spent 14 1/2 hours in jail, for the first time in my life. Posted $4300 of bail and now have to be in court this week for both charges. What is going to happen? And what happens with the bail money? My husband is going to the DA office, here in Texas to file an affadavit of non-prosecution towards me and was instructed not to answer any questions, just reply with "no comment". Any ideas or advice on this nightmare would be great. Thanks!
Miranda rights only have to be read to a person after he is taken into police custody and before any questions are asked. (This does not include questions such as name, date of birth, etc., these are identification type questions and are considered as normal booking procedures. This means questions that could incriminate you). It only protects the statements given by the defendant and will not necessarily void the arrest itself. If there was an outstanding arrest warrant, then charges previously been made for that offense.

As far as the domestic violence charge; most state's (mine included) domestic violence statutes require police to make an arrest if there are any signs of an assault. It also requires the police (state) to make the charge and not the "victim". It also requires a mandatory "cool-down" period in which the arrestee must remain in jail for a certain amount of time (12 hours in my state) before being allowed to post bail.
Get a good lawyer. There are some constitutionality issues at play.
You only get your Miranda rights read to you if they are going to question you. they didn't.
They can not use anything you said against you but thay still can arrest you and convict you on all other evedence
I have an idea.

Clean up your act, take responsibility for you own actions.
You had better be able to document the point where your rights were not read to you in a way that you can prove it before a judge. Remember that the court will believe two or more cops over any claim of an accused party. You have a big hill to get over with this claim.

If none of the involved officers can produce evidence to this effect, you have a fair case against this arrest. But the burden is on you to produce evidence.

Good luck. And try to stay out of trouble. A record isn't an easy thing to clear up once it exists, as you well know.
I think there's so loop-hole or something that says you can't be held w/ being read your rights. Or something. I don't know, I'm not really a lawyer. By Miranda rights are stuff like, you have a right to an attorney/legal counsil, if you don't have one, one will be provided, you have the right to remain silent and anything you say or do can be held against you in a court of law. That sort of thing. I'm not too much of a reliable source though. You should ask your lawyer. I've just watch a bunch of Law and Order. :)
First of all, your "Miranda" rights were not violated. As most people are mistaken as to what those rights entail.

If you were arrested, booked and then questioned regarding anything which was to be used as evidence against you in court, then without the warning that evidence would be disallowed.

However, Miranda is NOT required simply because you were arrested. And it is NOT required at any specific point in the process except as stated above.

You need to find an attorney on the outstanding warrant. As for the bail money, if you do not forfeit it by not appearing on the outstanding issue, then it will most likely be forfeited to the victim of the hot check crime.
Despite what we see on T.V. they don actually have to read you your Miranda rights untill you are actually booked.

I don't know what actually happened in your case.

Now since you had a warrant on you, I don't know for sure that they actually had to read you your rights at all.

A warrant is probable cause in and of itself.
Absent any direct questions to you in regard to reason you are being placed under arrest, you do not have to be mirandized at all.
Miranda applies only to custodial interrogation. Unless they questioned after they arrested you, they are not required to "Mirandize" you.

The bail money should be returned once your case is over, assuming you appear.

And, they can prosecute without your husband's consent.

Miranda Rights question?

I was recently arrested for underage drinking and complicty of arson however i was not read my right i admitted to the crime after i was in custody but the other people i was with who got arrested and who were also read their rights said i comitted the crime so i am wondering weither or not i can get off on these charges im in the process of obtaining a quality lawyer also how can you prove that you were not read your rights im very curious about this matter because i have no idea how the judge is going to believe a 16 year old punk was not read his rights while everyone else got arrested did if you have any info about my question i would be greatful if you could post an answer thanks!
It is the obligation of the arresting officer to recite the Miranda rights during the execution of the warrant of arrest, but as you've said its hard to prove that the procedures has been by pass, but i have a strategy for you

Before the inquest or hearing, you should have established that your a minor, and when you go to court see to it that you look respectable and "NOrmal" in the eyes of the judge that will help you. You can't be jailed long for the underage drinking but i can't say that for the arson

well good luck
they should hsave read you your rights from the card.taken you to the station then called your parents.
Well you can't really prove whether you were read your rights or not. The police officer that is responsible for your rights will be called up and will be asked whether he read you your rights. If he lies (i assume you are telling the truth) and say he did, then you are screwed. If he tells the truth, then you will still be screwed but the sentence will not be as severe.
Did you sign a statement? Don't! Get a good lawyer and don't write to the judge saying your sorry or anything like that. Even, no especially if your lawyer tells you to do so. I had a problem 30 years ago, and was not read my rights. I didn't know that my attorney was a superior court judge and former cop. I got off with probation and a small fine, but if he hadn't made me confess and write the judge a letter, I would have walked free.
Good luck trying to prove it. Why would you get a lawyer? Do you have a Mommy and Daddy with lots of money to throw away? If you did the crime do the time. You are 16 years old, instead of trying to get out of the punishment you deserve why don't you take the time to realize what you are doing is stupid. Drinking at 16 is like playing Russian Roulette. If your parents can afford a lawyer to get your spoiled *** out of this mess, then your life cant be that bad.
During the arrest process, it is not mandatory that you are advised of you rights. Before any questioning by an officer, it is.

What gets me is that you said, "other people I was with who got arrested and who were ALSO read their rights..." A Freudian slip? And, " am wondering weither or not i can get off on these charges... " Another ? You may not like it but, take it like a man, go along with your first instinct and do the right thing.

We all make mistakes in life. Learn. Move on.
I just wonder if you were too drunk to remember hearing the Miranda read? You admitted the crime, so clean up, appeal to the judge for community service/probation and not a loophole and learn from the experience. Mature from it.
Actually Liven_Large34, you are incorrect. There is no state or federal law or case law which requires Miranda Before, during or after an arrest.

The relevant part of your post is this:

" i admitted to the crime after i was in custody ..."

What matters in this situation is if your admission was in direct response to a question asked of you by the arresting or custodial official or if your admission was freely given.

If it was the second, then you have no case or cause to overturn your confession. If the first, then MAYBE.

Miranda is ONLY required if after a custodial arrest or confinement you are asked direct questions and the answers of such will or are intended to be used as evidence against you at bar.

In that case, if you are not informed of your right to representation before such questioning, the results of such can be struck from the evidentiary submissions of the complaining authority and not allowed as evidence.

If your admission was given without the requesite question as to your participation, then the evidence of your admission is admissible.

MIP in Oregon?

I got my first mip wondering if there was anyways out of it. I also got an "officer's motion and order amending uniform citation %26 complaint" I don鈥檛 know what this means tho. It sounds like they just moved me over to a different court but it doesn鈥檛 talk about when it is or anything. And only half the page is filled out the judge and order part.
No, you won't get out if it, if in fact you are a minor and were caught with alcohol or other controlled substance. Face up to it, go to court and be respectful to the judge, pay the fine or do your community service, and stay clean! This should be a reality check to you that you need to change direction.

The motion sounds like the officer changed something on the original complaint but you could ask the court what it means.
You are stupid. Freaking druggie

Minutes at union meetings?

Do minutes at union/mangement meetings need to be taken by law
No legal requirement but can management enforce some decision it has made in a unionised workplace if they have no record of it without creating an uproar?

I'd say it is required not by law but because of industrial relations.
No. They are generally neccessary because of financial decisions that are taken. The minutes represent a part of the audit trail, but there is no direct legal requirement.
No - but they are useful, for both sides. So, if the other side do not want to do them, you should - and get them to agree them as an accurate record.
No. But they may need to be taken as per stated policy.

Minor Incommsumtion?

ok i got a ticket for minor incomsumption of alcohol about a month ago and im due for court in a couple of months.
i was wondering
if i already got the ticket i cant go to jail right
it says i have to go to municipal court and we made a deal with the prosecutor that doesnt involve jail time
so i cant go to jail right
I would take a close look at the paperwork you got from the officer. In Ohio, underage consumption is a first degree misdemeanor. The officers have the right to arrest on this offense, however the most common result is a Summons in Lieu of arrest. This is not the same thing as a "ticket". In general, jail time may still be possible. Whatever deals you made with the prosecutor are considered by the judge on a case by case basis. If it's your first offense, jail time is very rare.
If the judge OKs it , %26 you don't violate any of the provisions of the agreement .(Your post seems as if it might be under the influence . Check it again in the morning )
hope you have a lawyer. talk with your lawyer. 1st offense -- probably not so bad. but you get more credit with representation than without. since I'm sure telling you to stop partying wouldn't' matter to you, then STOP putting yourself in a situation that can get you busted. use common sense and show some responsibility.
deals are discretionary, meaning the judge gets the final if they want to make an example of you, they can make you serve the really depends on what side of the bed the judge wakes up on. :-)

Minor in Possession of Alcohol?

I got a MIP in Illinois and I have to go to court tomorrow. What should I wear? What is the judge going to say? For the people who received this what were the fines or punishments your received? If money how much? I know it varies state to state but I just wanted an idea.
it is good that you already realize it varies from state to state.

in general, you want to have a clean, neat, well-groomed appearance. say 'yes sir (ma'am)' and 'no sir (ma'am)'. be polite and respectful. tell the truth.

depending on the area, the judge may do most of the talking or the prosecutor will. they will do a formal reading of the charge (say your name and that you are charged w/ MIP) then will ask if you plea guilty or not guilty. there are actually some places where you simply fill out a form.

they may or may not have a jail time sentence (a few days at most as this is generally a class "c" misdemeanor) and will count the time you were in jail from your arrest as your jail sentence. the fine is based on the charge, your criminal history, etc. In texas, the fine is usually around $500.

take some money with you in case they require that you pay something toward your fine to get a payment plan for the rest of the costs. 200$+ is a good round number to have with you. if they decide for whatever reason to go ahead and have you serve some kind of sentence, then whatever money you have on you at the time you book-into jail will be returned when you book-out of jail (unless you use it to pay on the fine).

in texas, this is a misdemeanor that is about the equivalent of a traffic ticket as far as how 'serious' the offense is considered.

whatever you do, look clean and neat, be respectful, be honest!!! that will do more for you than anything else.
and don't freak out! just remember this experience and your worry from now on and don't break the law again..use this as a learning experience.
Wear a suit. Make sure you are hair is clean cut, and shave. If you dont have a suit, wear a nice long sleeve shirt and slacks not jeans. If this is your first offense you probably will just get probation. or community service. as for fines, I am sorry I have no idea. Keep us updated on what happens. good luck.
wear a suit and look clean

idk what the judge is going to say but you could be expelled from your school or have to go to a special school for troubled children it happened to my friend
dunno. just remember how the system screwed you and never forget, fight back against it. Make the fine you receive be to their own detriment. Life is a fcking war. What if you are reborn to more of this, so save your next life end the oppression in this one.
99% of humanity is worthless **** don't forget that . fck society!
Are you a boy or a girl? Dress nice, if you are a boy, don't wear any jewelry and look humble. If you are a girl, don't look sexy. Try to look humble but nice. If you have never been in trouble before, they will probably just make you take a class and fine you around $200.00.
You should wear a t-shirt with a budweiser advertisement on the front and a miller light baseball cap. I feel sorry for you man; those idiots need to find some real criminals to incriminate.
235 ILCS 5/6鈥?0
The consumption of alcoholic liquor by any person under 21 years of age is forbidden. Whoever violates any provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
235 ILCS 5/6-16 (a)(i) No one may sell or serve alcohol to any person under the age of 21.

235 ILCS 5/6-16 (a)(iii) No one may purchase or provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.

235 ILCS 5/6-16 (a) (iii) (a) Violation of the above provisions is a Class A misdemeanor and the sentence shall include, but shall not be limited to a fine of not less than $500.

235 ILCS 5/6-16 (a) (i) (a) Possession of alcohol in either an opened or closed container by anyone under the age of 21 on any street, highway or public place, can result in a Class B misdemeanor.

235 ILCS 5/6-16 (iii) (a-1) (c) Any person can be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor if he or she allows or knowingly permits a gathering at a residence which he or she occupies of two or more persons where any one or more of the guests is under 21 years of age, the following factors apply:

The person occupying the residence knows that any such person under the age of 21 is in possession of or is consuming any alcoholic beverage and

The person occupying the residence knows that the person under the age of 21 leaves the residence in an intoxicated condition.

235 ILCS 5/6-16 (iii)(a-1)(d) Any person who rents a hotel or motel room while alcoholic beverages are being consumed by anyone under 21 years of age can be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and sentenced up to one year in jail and a $2500 fine. The penalty also applies to the hotel or motel.

235 ILCS 5/6-20 Any consumption, possession, purchase or acceptance of any alcoholic beverage as a gift by any person under the age of 21 is forbidden, except during a religious ceremony or under parental supervision in the privacy of a home. Anyone who violates this section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

What should you wear to court? I advise all my clients to do the following: no baggy pants; wear a shirt with a collar, tuck in your shirt, and wear a belt; no sneakers; no hats; no chewing gum, candy or anything; clean hair, little or no jewelry; no cell phones and pagers; no clothing that has a name brand written all over it; clean pants, no jeans; basically you want to show respect to the court and yourself. If it's a female client, many of the above can apply but they can also wear skirts/dresses and it can't be skin tight or improper.

Address the judge as "Your honor" and say "yes sir/ma'm." Don't speak unless you are asked a question. Don't knod your head because the court reporter needs to hear a response.

Minor in Possession of Alcohol, what will happen?

My boyfriend was driving last night and got pulled over by a police officer. He said my boyfriend was not wearing a seat belt. Oh, my boyfriend moved from California to New Jersey a year ago and he did not change his license yet. So, the cop asked him why he did not change his license and searched his car. He had a bottle of vodka and a bottle of another liquor. He is 19 right now. He was not drunk driving. He was transferred to the police station and his car was towed. He stayed at the station for around three hours and they took the alcohols away for evidence and took his finger prints and mugshots. They said it will be on his record. Also, they will send it to the school? What will happen to him? What are the punishments and how much are the fines? It was in the state of New Jersey. Will he have to bring a lawyer or money to the court? Thank you for answering!
If this was his first offense and he was not intoxicated at time of dention, then this is really not that big of a deal. Even if he was drunk, this still wouldn't be the end of the world. It's just a hassle and could involve steep fines. First def get a lawyer ($1000 - $1500) What he/she should do is try to go for probation before judgement. Your bf's primary concern should be to not have this be on his record - and based on what you wrote, there is no reason why it should be. It even sounds strange that he was arrested for just having bottles in the car. It makes me think that he was under the influence or was hostile in some way to the police. The alcohol would be have been taken and he would be issued a citation, but not arrested. Anyway your lawyer will most likely arrange for probation before judgement with the prosecutor. That may involve some community service and maybe alcohol education classes. Most importantly though is that if he stays out of trouble, his record will be clean. Also if he is filling out an application he does not have to answer YES to the conviction question, because probation does NOT constitute a convition. I also don't beleive the police have the right to contact his school, he is not a minor.
in texas he gets a fine and its on his record
same as texas in arkansas fined and it goes on your record my friend just got that
He needs to get a lawyer BEFORE he goes to court, since a lawyer will not only know the specific penalties but possibly ways to plea bargain around it or get it wiped off his record.
If this was his first offense Fines probation and on his record. Always get a lawyer and yes take plenty of money. Were the bottles unopened. If so he can probably beat it with a lawyer.
Do you know how absolutely ridiculous we are and sound? Do you know why we look like idiots to the rest of the world as Americans? A minor with alcohol? Its alcohol for Pete's sake! It's such a big part of most of the rest of the world and it's cultures that children consume alcohol daily with every meal at home and elsewhere and it's not even a consideration. We have such ridiculous notions about such ridiculous things especially when it comes to young adults who we consider children and real children and this is why the rest of the world thinks we are the nut jobs that we in the Anglo world really look like.

Addendum: This is why by the way, the reason that American kids act irresponsibly with alcohol and other behaviors is because there is no cultural histrionics to support responsible behavior and like most things that are attempting to regulate or be withheld, you only create an underground activity. It doesn't impede the activity in the slightest. Never has, never will.
I spent a night in jail for that when I was 17. It's going to involve a fine, and be on his record, but no one will care about it once he's old enough that it wouldn't even be a crime. It didn't stop me from getting a security clearance or being admitted to the Bar.

The license he should get changed immediately. Each state only honors licenses from another state for a short time, usually 30 days. He did not have a valid license, and should correct that before his first Appearance, even if it requires taking a test, or even a class. Get that done before the first hearing, without fail.
So, your boyfriend was driving without a "legal" license, was not wearing a seatbelt, and illegally in possession of alcohol. And, we might guess that he was driving poorly enough to merit being stopped in the first place.

His license will almost certainly be suspended for six months to a year. He will be fined heavily. And, he will have to pay to get his car out of the tow yard...and that can be quite expensive. And, given that he had mugshots and fingerprints done, he can now live with an arrest record for the rest of his life.

However, the police are not obligated to notify his school. All he is facing at present is ton of fines and a loss of driving privileges for a period of time. Had he been found drunk; he'd be facing a good bit of jail time.

Bring lots of money to court. Your boyfriend will need it.
Any time you are arrested or detained by the police and expected to make a court appearance you need to retain an attorney. You say he was not drunk driving but had he had even one drink? Did they run a blood alcohol test? You do not say if the seal on the booze bottles were broken. These are all important pieces of information. here is what he is up against.
1. No valid license - since he is a resident of NJ now he needs a NJ license.
2. not wearing a seat belt.
3. possesion of alcohol as a minor
4. possible driving as a minor after drinking
5. possible open container violation
He will need that attorney to mitigate as much of this as possible. He will probably get fines, community service and bad boy school unless he has other things on his record that the court does not like. He may lose his license for a while. He will have to pay impound and towing on the vehicle. The good news is that in most states, what happened should drop off his record when he is 21. However, another thing an attorney is good for is telling you the local laws and how it will impact you. Good Luck, I've got a feeling that he will need it for a while.

Minor in Possession of Alcohol, what will happen?

My boyfriend was driving last night and got pulled over by a police officer. He said my boyfriend was not wearing a seat belt. Oh, my boyfriend moved from California to New Jersey a year ago and he did not change his license yet. So, the cop asked him why he did not change his license and searched his car. He had a bottle of vodka and a bottle of another liquor. He is 19 right now. He was not drunk driving. He was transferred to the police station and his car was towed. He stayed at the station for around three hours and they took the alcohols away for evidence and took his finger prints and mugshots. They said it will be on his record. Also, they will send it to the school? What will happen to him? What are the punishments and how much are the fines? It was in the state of New Jersey. Will he have to bring a lawyer or money to the court? Thank you answering!
its a minor offense. you just pay the fine. it never hurts to go and see an attorney for advise. make sure the attorney has some background. your boyfriend will be alright thought.
Did he have to take breathalizer if so did he pass it , no law against alcohol in a car unless it was opened but if no one was drinking in the vehicle , he has him on seat belt thing most likely not sure on plate change on how long it should have been done .
But if he did not blow the breathalizer I would say he should be safe on that one, I would have him talk to a lwayer to be on the safe side..

Minor in possession of alcohol, what are the consequences?

So I had a 12 pack of beer in my back pack at school and a teacher heard the jingles of the bottle. He asked me to open my back pack which I did and he found the beer. He took me down to the Dean's office and I talked and etc. I was holding on to it for a friend which is a poor choice and I understand that now. So the officer wrote me a ticket for minor in possession of alcohol and he knows I don't drink. He said I will have to appear before a judge and whatever. I asked if this would go on my record and he said no, its just standard ordinance. The is my first time offense and I'm 16. I'm super scared on whats going to happen. So here are my questions for you guys.

What are some punishments I will get?

I know its either a fine or community service or a combo of both but I would rather have community service then a fine. So is there anyway I can ask for it rather then a fine?

Will I get probation also?

Whats it like in court? What do I say? What does the judge say or ask?

I've been with a couple of my friends to court when they got MIPs. Basically, unless you live in a really small town, you won't be the only one with an MIP..and your case will be very minimal to the others there. In our situation, the judge had all the MIP cases go up at one time and ask if they all plead guilty (they all did) so then he told them to pay the fine by the end of the week and that was that.

You're right depends on State law the amount of community service time, $$ etc. There was no probation except for the ones who had repeated offenses with MIPs or other things on the record.

Also, your record will be wiped clean when you turn 18, don't stress too much, it's not a huge deal.
more than likely probation
Laws vary from state to state. In Texas we have what's called 'Teen Court'. You are judged and sentenced by your peers. There is usually a fine and some community service involved. I don't think there is any way to waive the fine. You have to pay court costs.

On your court date: dress nicely, speak politely and show remorse for what you did.
Ok well when i was 16 and got a minor in possession of alcohol. i had to go to court and what happened to me was I had to do community service and had to pay a small fine. I didnt get put on probabtion or anything. it might be different in your state...and court isnt so bad..when i was there i didnt have to say anything. the judge just looked at and told me what i had to do. thats it...not so bad...and when u turn 18 it all goes record of having a minor in possession or anything. hope this helps..good luck
what you say is the truth unless you want to be a liar in court too? anyway, first offense they arent going to do too much to you but get caught again and its a different story. the judge will ask you aht happened then he will try to scare the piss out of you but other than that it will be a case he'd rather not even hear. your parents should be the one to deal with you. anyway, here is the dang problem, all younger people (and im young) think its ok to do stupid things, well it isnt because if you continue to do stupid things then someday our country will be like mexico lazy stupid and corrupt. smarten up and try to do the best you can in school leave the booze for the weekend or rather not at all
dont know up to judge but probably
dont know up to judge
like being in church
you be very polite yes sir no sir look really scared and sound very sorry for your sins a few tears would be great but thats it just a one or two rolling down no sniffles tho and the all important you learned your lesson will nvr do it again. blah blah until the weekend gets here lol

but let me give you some advice if your gonna be stupid and do crap like that at least be smart about it and think of things that could happen like the bottles jingles ahead of time.
Geez our kids just dont think these days its a wonder they get away with anything amatures lol

Minor been home with infant?

is there a federal law or state law where you have to be X years of age so that u can be home alone. My sister in-law takes care of my 3 month old for few hours a day, and im not sure if thats ok. She is 14, shes very good with babies, i know that for sure.
Most states do not give a specific age. Generally, when someone calls the police to report this as neglect they will show up and check the welfare of the children. They will write a report and send it to the appropriate office. (With us we sent it to a detective who specialized in family and DV issues).

The police would document the general cleanliness of the home and whether there was enough food. They would also check for any obvious hazards. (I went into a home onetime where there were about 30 steak knives laying everywhere and broken glass). They would also want to know how long the children were left alone, if there were contact numbers, how long it would take for the mother to return, if there were neighbors that agreed to provide assistance. they will even make an assessment of the maturity of the 14 year old. There are a lot of factors to include in such a report.

14 is probably old enough for short periods of time. Hours is a bit too much.
yes she can watch your babay for a few hours day. as long as she thas the proper tranning. like babysitting classies thay offer them with the red cross %26 some time at the hopsital. that is somthing you might want to check into
There usually isn't a limit but common sense. A 14 year old can babysit, but not for any long period of time. Overnights are OUT!

If I found a babysitter sitting a 3 month old overnight I would warn the parent first, and if I caught them again I would file a petition of neglect as they can obviously not make good decisions!

A 3 month old is not the same as a 6 year old, another FACT you need to consider!

You can't leave 14 year olds alone with regards to themselves for long periods of time. They did not have the capacity to make decisions that require reasoning as most have no experience with things like fire!

We had a 16 yo JD who was not suppose to be living with her father and the worker was not on top of it! Well, the trailers propane tank blew and killed the kid. She was alone!
Last I heard you have to be 12 to babysitt in Cali.

Minnesota common law- How many years do you have to live together before the state considers you married?

hate to tell you this, but common law marriage is not recognized in Minnesota -


District of Columbia
Georgia (if created before 1/1/97)
Idaho (if created before 1/1/96)
New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
Ohio (if created before 10/10/91)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Minnesota stopped recognizing Common Law marriages April 27, 1941. Here's some info:
common law marriages are not much different then gay marriages

Minimum Wage?

Should minimum wage be increased? What are some pros and cons about this topic?
Minimum wage should be tied to the cost of living (or inflation)
if inflation goes up 3%, then the next year minimum wage should go up 3%.

or something like that.
Pros: People can have a livable wage and not starve or work themselves ragged at terrible jobs just to afford food.

Cons: Big factory bosses won't be able to afford their annual new car.
minimum wage increase helps no one at all...the price of everything goes up with the wage so your pay check is a little bit bigger but you must spend more on the items you buy.. if a company has to pay more to a employee it will simply increase the price of there product...that hurts the guy making a little more than minimum wage only the rich guy has it to spare
No, it shouldn't be raised, markets dictate pay. If employers can't hire people, they raise the wage. that's why in Seattle you can work for McDonald's for 9.50 an hour starting, and in Texas its 6.50, markets dictate. The ones making the loudest noise about minimum wage increases are the unions. because there pay increases are indexed off the minimum wage.
Yes!I myself see more pro`s on the concept.The poor hard working so called unskilled worker would finnelly be able to keep up with all the price increases that have been going on all these years.Company`s, I would have the say would be in the con i guess because their high set profit margin will not be that good.They don`t realize that more people would be able to buy their products if they could finelly afford them again.So their profit income would not really decrease that much. They are hurting themself more by not seeing the problem on hand.They raised the prices,they shut down companys in the US to save money.Ha in the long run it is hurtung them more .People on a fixed low budget know how to improvise and cut back on things they don`t need.If it wasn`t for the minimum Wage worker the rich wouldn`t have what they have !I could go on and on about this subject but i better stop.
Minimum wage laws should be abolished if we are to compete in a global economy. Tuna canneries in Thailand and the Phillipines pay 67 cents and 66 cents an hour, respectively. Starkist Tuna pays American tuna canners in American Samoa 3.50 dollars per hour.

So if we eliminate minimum wages, the market can dictate the prices of labor as well as the prices of the goods produced with that labor. Once the market approaches equilibrium, we can truly compete with cheap foreign labor and stop out-sourcing much of our labor. Who knows, one day we might even go back to being a major exporter of quality goods.

America has too much government intervention with markets. We are far from a capitalist system as originally conceived by our Founding Fathers.
I don't think it should be increased, since it just makes things worse. Employers who have to pay more for labour have 3 options: Cut back on hours of operation (by reducing everyone's hours or firing people), raise the prices of products (which puts everyone right back where they started), or hire more skilled labour (which puts the poorest, unskilled people out of work). What most people don't realize is that minimum wage jobs were intended as entry level jobs for 16 year olds who have never worked before, they are not careers. The only way that someone can truly get out of poverty is to get an education (while working part time) so they can use the skills they learned at their jobs combined with their education to get a better job.

Millions for get sick soon tax the world vs thousands for get well soon feed the world?

the world already throws away more food than is needed to feed the whole world, but the food never gets to the hungry... or as i like to call them, the wardens ... so why do the richest choose to pay millions, even hundreds of millions, of dollars each to soldiers who dance get sick soon tax the world songs all over the trails while stifiling the kids dancing the get well soon feed the world songs for minimum wage? (at minimum wage, 140 million kids, would do the job at a whopping cost to the richest 3% of maybe 33 bucks per day each)
Score one for babelfish YAY!
I don't understand a thing you typed. Step away from the pipe.
Try posting again, and speak English.
Your question makes no sense,sorry.

Military Moves and Child Custody - Indiana?

I had my child custody finalized in Indiana prior to marrying/moving to Hawaii to be with my Army husband. We're getting ready to move to our next final destination which is back to the mainland. Does anyone know if in the courts of Indiana, you are required to file an intent to move with every move? Also, can a change of jurisdiction be requested once we reach our final destination since it's outside of Indiana? This involves a young child so there will be years of potential updates required and neither the father nor I reside in Indiana.
I would just call the court clerk and ask them. I think it wold be better to let them know, especially if child support is ordered through the courts.
You can submit your issue in the following website and a lawyer will contact you within 24hrs. Don't worry about their charges, Its only $1/day. So you are getting what you want in just $1. I think this you can afford. Here is the link
Good luck

Mike Nifong is now disbarred. What next ?

Now that Mike Nifong has suffered his fate of losing his law license and lying to the courts, investigators, and the three lacrosse players. Do you think Nifong should be put in prison ?

Do you think Nifong should be required to pay resitution and legal fees to the three guys he falsely accused of rape?

Do you think the three players should be allowed to file a multi-million dollar federal civil rights lawsuit against the the State of North Carolina and Durham County. I think the state and county officials should be held responsible for defamation of character to these three young men.

What are your thoughts about a possible federal civil rights lawsuit in this case?
Dodgins... What the h*** are you talking about?

I would guess that they will sue for restitution.

As of this morning the three boys have filed suit.
I think that too many people are blowing this out of proportion. Those 3 little rich bitches will be fine. Their parents will hire a nanny who will change their diapers and powder their bum-bums whenever it's needed. They'll probably write a book together, make too much off of it, and get away with raping all sorts of people for the rest of their pathetic lives.
First off, Nifong didn't accuse the Duke players of rape, an alleged victim did. I would imagine most of Nifong's actions in prosecuting the case are protected by prosecutor's immunity, even with his disbarment.

Second, in order to sue for defamation of character the Duke players would have to prove they have character. So pray do tell: exactly how does attendance at some alcohol-driven male orgy, wherein strippers were hired to perform and were abused, add up to possesion of character? Seriously - get a life.
isn't perjury punishable by jail time?
Yes, he should go to prison.
Yes, he should be required to pay restitution and legal fees to the three guys he falsely accused of rape.
Yes, the three players should be allowed to file a multi-million dollar federal civil rights lawsuit.
Nifong messed up. The three players should be compensated for the hell he put them through.

Mike Nifong and the case?

How was Mike Nifong allowed to do what he did? Doesn't he have anyone above him who watches his actions and why did it take them so long to have charges filed against him? Shouldn't it have happened right away after he called the boys 'holligans'?
One would hope that people in power, such as District Attorneys, will use that power wisely and fairly. Nifong didn't.

One misconception about criminal prosecutions is that there is any kind of oversight of what is done. People believe that all defendants are treated equally, that all people who commit a crime will be prosecuted, and that a prosecutor will only go after a guilty person.

The truth is more complicated than that. One reason is a simple one -- the DA prosecutes what the police discover. DA's and police are human, and many crimes will go undetected or remain unproveable. DA's also have their own beliefs about what should be prosecuted.

Another answer is more complex. A DA prosecuting a high-profile case gets his name in the paper. What does this lead to? Oprah? Larry King? Some of them want to be seen as crusaders, protectors of the people.

A DA is an elected official, and he answers mostly to the voters. As citizens, it is our job to watch their work ourselves.

The best "check" on this kind of behavior is the criminal defense bar. These lawyers, usually Public Defenders, watch what the DA is doing, and speak up when they see those big wrongs.
Just be glad it's done and quit nitpicking.
Its as simple as black and white. The accuser was black, Durham, North Carolina was predominantly black, and the accused were white. They wanted someone's head to roll, and Nifong played on this.
Are you kidding me I give North Carolina a gold star for stopping this before it ruined the lives of innocent people. In most states nothing at all would have happened except 3 boys would have gone to prison for a crime they did not do.

MIKE NIFONG - Former Duke LaCrosse Prosecutor - what should happen now?

You know the story...
%26gt;Disbarred last week over his botched prosecution of the Duke lacrosse case.
%26gt;Broke more than two dozen rules of professional conduct in his handling of the allegations in the rape case.
%26gt;Finally, the three players Nifong prosecuted were found innocent victims of a "tragic rush to accuse."

%26gt;Now...the three players are seeking criminal contempt of court charges against him.
%26gt;A hearing will take place to decide his fate.
%26gt;Possible penalties for his criminal contempt include jail time or a fine.


What do you think should happen to Mike Nifong?
What do you predict will happen to him?
What should happen? 179 days in jail for criminal contempt.

What will happen to him? Probably get 10 days in jail.

What might happen to him? Somewhere between 0 and 179 days in jail or an order to pay restitution for all of the fees and costs those LaCrosse players are out.
He's a laughing stock, isn't he. What more needs to be done at this point.
he should be put in front of a firing squad for the bad rep that he gave the sport of lacrosse
I am hoping he is charged and sentenced to jail..

He not only persued false criminal charges on the boys to further his career, he has jaded the public and the courts for true rape victims...
I think he should be sent to jail and the state should be liable for damages to the Duke Boys, (lol I said Duke Boys).

But I predict that he will not be charged with any crime that might land him in jail, and even if he does he will not spend time in jail. And also the Duke Boys (lol) will sue him personally in a civil case and win.
Nifong should go to prison, end of story.

MIke Nifing goes on trial today,should he be disbarred?

HE was running a circus,that tried to prosecute without checking the facts. Should he be disbarred?
He intentionally chose to try the boys on the team via media, he deserves nothing less. Even in the media, the "Facts" clearly showed that there was no case. He went with it anyway -- being an election year I suspect was a great motivator. It was poor judgement all the way around (In my opinion) I am also of the opinion that as an elected official of the people, they got just what they asked for. He should pray that the new prosecutor stick more closely to the facts than did he.
He should be tried based on the merits of the case against him, based on the facts.
He went into this prosecution to get back into office. He knew the boys did not rape her and he knew she was lying from the start. Even if they found the boys DNA in her she was a whore there being payed. You would need alot more than a whores word of rape.
I'm shocked that people are reacting this way. It doesn't matter what the girl's background was, nor is her background admissible evidence in a rape trial. No one will ever know for sure if these guys did it. But if it was any other guys being charged, no one would question it. Being a Duke lacrosse player shouldn't entitle you to special treatment. I would be disappointed if he hadn't charged them. Don't forget, these guys have been arrested for a lot of other things. They aren't saints.
and tarred and feathered.

Might my question be answered whole heartedly, when is it most appropriate....?


To ask a married WHITE WOMAN in a corporate office secretary position to fly in my private jet and walk down the isle in a black thong while I slap her PHAT BOOTY with a large feather?

I DARE you to come to where I work and ask me that!!

Lemme ask a question, how do you "slap" anything with a "feather"?

Wow are you dumb!
same time her husband shoots your butt
When you flash the cash.
you havent done it yet?

Michigan drivers license renewel problem?

My husband went to renew his license today and they wouldn't let him for some tickets from 13 years ago. It tickets are in Indiania and we live in michigan. They also said that he has to pay a reinstatement fee of 150.00 to indiania . Why? Ok we are paying the tickets but why the reinstatment fee there? He is not trying to get a indiania license we live in michigan. I asked why tehy gave him a drivers license and now he can't reinstate it because of some tickets from 13 years ago. This is weird. Please help he needs his license to get renew as of yesterday. Thank you
My best guess (from previously living in Michigan) is that Michigan can't issue him a new license based on an invalid license from Indiania. I would take this meaning that his license from Indiania is invalid and it's a good thing he hasn't gotten pulled over. Anyway, once the tickets are paid and his license in Indiania has been re-instated, Michigan can then issue a license because he now has a valid driver's license from another state. Otherwise, he could apply for a new license and then go through all the headaches of getting a new license. In todays world this takes a long time and hours of frustration. Not worth it IMHO.

They probably have a way to expedite the re-validation in Indiania, but it will no doubt cost some $$$$ to do it quickly.

Hope this helps!
He's the one that didn't take care of his illegal traffic actions. He should have to pay for it. MI/IN have an agreement to post traffic actions in one state on the license of a person in the other state. Since the tickets are posted MI can then charge the fee legally since it is his MI license the is lapsing.

Sorry, but most states agree now to post the traffic tickets/outstanding traffic warrants for their residents that can tickets out of state. (Note this doesn't apply to out of country)
If a license if revoked, suspended or otherwise invalid in another state Michigan will not issue you a valid license. Chances are he got the license previously from Michigan because they were not aware of the action in Indiana.
Remind the DMV that statute of limitations has passed, and if they don't listion, you could file a lawsuit against them, and the judge will lift the fee, or it is just $150, save yourself the trouble %26 time, and just pay it.

Michigan controversy.?

Whats is your input on Michigan's controversy about the legal drinking age? It is currently 21 for those who don't know and they're trying to lower it to 18. Will the gov. allow this?
I do not think the government willl allow it as there is so much health issue going on in this world with lot of organisation asking the government to be tough of things that cause health problem so unlikely the gov will allow it.
i would hope not, while it won't stop 18 to 21 years old from drinking however, i would hope it would make them think twice about it. the immaturity level of that age could be detrimental to their future. poor decisions/choices could damage their lives forever.
The Feds got all the states to raise their drinking ages to 21 by threatening to withhold federal highway funds until they raised the drinking age. To lower the drinking age to 18 would result in a loss of federal highway funds, which is a pretty good amount of money.

Michael moore. right or wrong?

okay so most of you know about his new film. i personally think its bullshit because my parents own their own life/health care insurance brokerage company and worked very hard to build it up. i just want to know what most of you think. do you really feel that americas health care systems have failed so much more than that of hundreds of other countries around the world? i feel that america would be in the top 5 countries of excellent health care. i dont understand why micheale moores fat *** couldnt go to some country like ethiopia where they have basically zero healthcare and children starve and die everyday. thats the true issue. that fact of the matter is that his movie will be swaying thousands of neutral minds just like all his other movies, to beleive that the democrat way is the only way. he doesnt realize that he himself, if he does accomplish his goal of voting in a democrat, will be costing millions of hardworking people their jobs. let me get some of your opinions on this
I have not or will not watch SICKO or any other Michael Moore film. Moore has made it clear that he has an agenda and uses his "movies" as a way to push his political rhetoric. I refuse to watch, listen to, or read any media that is biased and trying to force their views upon their audience. I do not like being told how I should think, feel, or react. In the same way, I do not watch FOX news, most sitcoms with a "hidden message" about a political issue, or any other form of mass communication that has a political agenda. Moore may or may not have some good points concerning health care or the other issues that he addresses, but they are lost in his mind-numbing maze of anti-Bush rants and forced liberal opinions. I will not purposely subject myself to attempted mind control.
He presents facts, how can you argue with a fact?

Telling people to go somewhere else rather than express their feelings and present facts shows little maturity or tolerance. It is American to appreciate diverse thinking and the FREEDOM to express your thoughts. Are you anti-American?

Republicans have screwed this country up beyond belief. The ones in power right now are a true disgrace to democracy and have won power through corruption and lying. They cater to corporations and big money rather than looking out for the regular person. By falling for the talking points they send out every day you show great ignorance and an inability to see reality.

As for our health care system, it is a mess. If you can't see that then you are truly blinded by what other people are telling you.
I got a kick out of his film "Canadian Bacon," where Hawkeye Pierce played Bill Clinton.

I would take "SiCKO" just as seriously as I would "Canadian Bacon." But I think I will only watch it if I am at a friend's house and he decided to rent the darn thing. And even then only the opening credits.

I worked in Health Insurance and healthcare too long to be swayed by the "amazing" amount of research that must have gone into making "SICKO."
He spoke on ABC TV The View today about a bi partisan effort here. I was amazed yet somewhat convinced. He also called healthcare by a different name other than socialized. It seems words get in the way alot these days. AND nothing gets done.
Sicko leaked online already. It's more than his trip to Cuba w/out paperwork.
I would have said absolutely NOT b4. Now I am not sure.
Because other countries have worse health care systems, then U.S. should do anything about improving theirs? Here is a report from 2000, showing the U.S. ranked at 37. Things have not changed significantly since then. Think about this. When you want retire, what exactly are you going to do about health care coverage? The current system is horrible.

Edit to add:

Just how is he forcing any opinion down your throat. Did someone hold a gun to your head and make you go watch the thing?
michael moore makes me vomit.

Methods of execution question.?

The United States has more different methods of judicial killing than any other country in the history of the world. They've all got two things in common; they're painful and unreliable. Any anaesthetist and anybody who's ever had a general anaesthetic knows that it's easy to kill somebody painlessly. If it's really necessary to kill people to demonstrate that killing people is wrong, why not do it with laughing gas, halothane or entonox?
I agree with you, I am personally 100% against the death penalty, it is one of the most inhumane things ever. Just the thought of the fact we have a death penalty system makes me mad, I mean how in the world can you legalize the murder of a person, no matter what that person has done? You cannot justify killing someone, whether it is a criminal shooting someone or the government killing that criminal, it is murder either way.
I know that didn't answer your question, but I'll try. I think the way to demonstrate that killing is wrong is not by killing the accused, but instead by removing them from society and preventing them from having any human contact, even family members, and throwing them in a cold, dark, small room, where they can genuinely think about the pains they've caused. After all, the purpose of "correctional facilities" isn't and shouldn't be to punish, but to correct.
Good question. However, I don't have an answer to that. But again, very good question.
Good point, laughing gas is a good idea.
put their heads in the sand and smother them to death

why should criminals be treated respectfully? especially those who target babies?
The reason for the variety is that states determine whether they have the death penalty, and how it's carried out.

Why we don't just use anaesthesia to do it, I don't know. I do remember hearing that the inventor of 'lethal injection' turned out not to be very well qualified...
because the means is to punish and teach others to avoid the punishment.
Kinda locking up someone up and let them eat,say and sleep with their lovers when ever they want, give them whatever they want....are we talking a Corrections center ot Country Club?
I don't think the murderer worried about the pain he put the victim through. His death should be the same as his victim.We all know the death sentence law is a laugh at best.

You lose a love one that went through torture and re ask this question.
Why don't you ask the victim's family how painless the criminal's death should be?
While there is no doubt that there has been some botched executions.(some I think purposely) But in the majority of the cases and especially recent executions(Last 15yrs.) have for the most part been carried out in a relatively humane manner.
But of course we don't get to interview the deceased. "Old
Sparky," I have not heard of him taking anyone out lately. Nor
have we hung anyone lately to my knowledge and can't remember the last time I heard of anyone going to the "Gas Chamber" No firing squads either, as of late.(which I think might be my preference if I had to go) Anyone here lately gets
the gurney and the lethal injection, which they say is fairly
painless. How long does it take to laugh yourself to death, too long for me! What's bad,is the ones that get out quicker for murder than for robbery,drug offences(some need it)and
fraud. 1st degree murderers,rapist,and pedo's,how long do you want to keep them? "FROM NOW ON."
It's the public spectacle part that is difficult. In most states death has to be witnessed by an audience of up to 12 people. To do that, you have to kill quickly, but it must look pleasant too - you don't want to upset the witnesses too much.

An overdose of barbiturates in the last meal would do nicely, but takes too long. The guillotine works wonderfully, is fast and reliable, but gory, so considered inhumane.

The lethal injection seemed like a good idea - use a paralyzing drug first, so no-one knows if the person is aware and hurting, then stop their heart. Stopping the heart of course is something you are aware of, causes pain, and does not produce unconsciousness instantaneously. Even so, it looks quite elegant to the witnesses.

However you do it, killing is barbaric. Thankfully, more and more states are delaying executions and abandoning the practice.
I'm all for bringing back the guillotine and public executions.

Men also need legal protection against harrasment from women ? Why laws only protect women ?

Men are not protected by laws in India. Women are getting more protection with new laws and misuse of Women Protection Law in on sharp rise.
Isn't equality wonderful?
According to political correctness and Feminist Jurisprudence, men are presumed to be guilty by nature and women are presumed to not have the criminal or dishonesty genes.
Ummm... When is the last time a man's family burned him alive?
we have the same prob in us we just normally like it when women misuse us
men tend to be more aggressive do to a hormone called testosterone. there may be more of an apparent danger to women. if you think men also need to be protected start advocating it.
The problem with laws is they are almost always a knee-jerk reaction to something. That is how we get a lot of bad law.

While I empathize with you, I understand your record of the treatment of women is dismal! Maybe the shoe should be on the other foot for awhile!

Seriously, most of our laws protect men as well, though I know of no Battered men's shelter! I would be ashamed to show up at one!
dude! grow some balls and stand up to the woman, i dont mean hit her, but tell her to back off! or better answer.. tell her your gay and she will leave you alone. works for me all the time! and i am really gay!
there a place called the john hower sisitey it,s because women are still higher then men when geting herassed or victemized by 89% i,m a victem, some men are in barased and they have no rights to protect them selfs.
what you say is exactly correct but when u see as a whole women are more poorer than men. not all women are trying to harass the men and the fact is they cant do it more than an extent, but men can go to any extreme since they are very strong in physic than women and even they are very bold than the woman. and no women can do harassment to men by crossing their strength as men are very stronger than women. so i think there is no need of any separate law against men harassment..
If your woman has abused you or threatened you, you are protected just as much as a woman would be in that situation. You can file a report, you can get a restraining order. What is the difference?
Your right. my girl friend was on drugs and I didn't know it at the time. We were eating supper one night and out of the blue she stabbed me with the steak knife in my leg because the food was to hot and burned her mouth and she went crazy. I called the cops on her and quess what? I got put in jail for trying to protect my self from her. true story.

Sincerely yours,
Fred M. Hunter

Members of congress..?

if you asked your member of congress to help pass a national law allowing teenagers to drive at 14, what steps would make this bill possible, starting with a congressman/congresswoman authoring the bill and ending with the presidents signature?


Hey love, just wait.
Don't even bother with that, it's 16 in most states, and if anything, it's going to be raised, not lowered. I can honestly foresee the driving age being raised to 17 or 18 in the next 20 years.

Medical disability percentage for active duty members?

I incurred an injury due to a motorcycle accident while in the Marine Corps. I have over 6 years of active service. Trying to figure out what percentage is allowed to still work?
30% got me out i am rated 40% right now, but i am trying to get a new eval. but i think as long as you can do all that is required you should be fine to stay in.
it all depends on the injury. In your case, since it was a MC accident, they may find it NON-service related and you get 0%. Fight to stay in and get through this ordeal. Best recommendation.
you want 30%...that's the magic number that get's you to the head of the line for all federal jobs

Medical condition?

i gots this medical condition that make me gonna get fired but it aint my fault. I works in this office place with three shifts an i share the cubicle with two white dudes. they went to the supervisor and complained cause they say i makin the chair stink and they dont want to sit in it. well, aint my fault but theys right--i gots a leaky gasket, so to speak. i went to the doctor, and he say nothin wrong but i should eat mo ruffage. damn, i be eatin enough ruffage to plug a godam colony of sea monkeys an all that. boss done replaced chair twice, say he gonna fire my butt if he has to do it agian. i try using towlit paper for a plug but it give me a rash. can you help me?
you need to invest in a chair. Maybe the boss will pay for it, but if not, look for a used one. Make sure that the seat is vinyl and not cloth. Also tell everyone that it's YOUR chair, and no one else is to sit in it.

Hope this helps!
If you've got a medical condition that a doctor will sign off on then I don't think they can fire you. Check The Americans With Disablities Act. They have tomake some accomidations. Maybe give you your own chair or your own cubicle.
hey baby it bin yo fwend LaTrine. I bin a nurse an all I got trainin in wikepedia. Caum ta mama lettus rub butts 2getha.
I is bin ah propa AFreakan queen I is so bootyful I havta wear gorilla maxe ta hide mah bootyful Nubian face
You need to get yourself one of the butt plugs like in "The Story of O." If that doesn't work, maybe your stink isn't coming from your butt. much jenkem do you consume? Have you been taking laxatives to increase production?
Well, if you lose your job ( which you will, sooner than later, anyway), you can go into the jenkem business.
Da hood be a wundaful land o' oppatoonity, fo' an ontra-pi-nure minded *****, knowwhuduhmsayin'?
Now gets goin', boy!

Me and the boys played music for a party and now they don't want to pay us the full price.?

Can this matter be taken to court. We did sign an agreement but only between us.
Yes, you can take them to court, but it might cost more for court than the bill. You say you "only signed an agreement between us."
Does this mean that no one but you and the people who hired you saw it? if yes, you might have a harder time getting your money. If it is just an agreement and not a real contract, you might have to just learn a hard lesson and never play music for these people again.
I don't understand what you mean by "only between us." If you had a contract, then go sue them.
Hey! Do you play that song called "THE WINDOW"?
Let me help you out.

Sorry. Me trying to be funny at 5am has about as much chance of you getting your $$$ back.
You should be suein dem up in dere. You be havin their signature and sh!t.
If you signed an agreement between you, then you can absolutely take this to court. Assuming that you lived up to your end of the bargain, showed up on time, played for the desired length of time. Not liking the music does not give them the right to not pay you the agreed upon price.

Assuming that the amount is less then $5000, you can sue in small claims court, where you need no lawyer. I don't know what state you are in, but here is a link for us here in California:

Every state has this, it is designed for just such claims. You did your job, you should get paid. If they didn't like it, it was their responsibility to know what they were hiring. Buyer beware...
All the answers above are correct. Yes, you can bring the case to court.

But what I will do is to whack them up after the lawsuit is over for causing all those inconvenience to me for bringing the case to court. Just a smll lesson to teach them to honour their words.

Me and my ex have joint costody he has moved out of state without given me 60 day wirtten notice what can i do

our custody agrement is i get them odd years and he gets them even years. I filed in california and now back on my home state of kansas he will not answer my phone calls or return them so i have not got to talk to my kids for a month and half. He has not given me any addresses to where they are living now or the kids school or day care. i know he is in violation of a court order but is he kiddnapping my kids? And can i do anything here in Kansas like reopen the case here?
Yes, go to job and family services or get a good private attorney and put him in his place
Go to the local district attorney and they will tell you where to go and what to file or if you have a lawyer he can file for you.
Yes he has kidnapped your kids. Go after him.
Of course you need to after him.

I've never heard of 1 year each. I can't imagine any way that would be good for the kids.
A parent cannot kidnap their own child. That's called 'custodial interference', not kidnapping. He cannot remove the children without court approval, whether you give it or not. Only a judge can release the children from the jurisdiction of the custody order. Neither can you. Right now, he is in contempt of court if he has violated the agreement.

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