Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My best friend was drug tested at work and found positive. Can she collect unemployment?

We live in Pa. and am wondering if she'll be able to collect unemployment. She's worked for this company for 20 years with an excellant work history there. She knows she was wrong.
No, the only way she can get unemployment in any case if you was terminated with no type of misconduct. By unemployment standards, there was misconduct so no benefits. The only chance she has is if the employer wants to pay her unemployment benefits by not responding to why she was fired %26 this is unlikely b/c the company comes first %26 they are always trying to save the company money.
not likely.
I know in Jersey you cant, Not sure about P.A., I really doubt it thou....
Why in the world should the tax payers pay her for doing nothing just because she was so stupid.........
Can't speak for Pennsylvania, but here in Michigan if your employment was terminated because you poppped positive on a drug test you can't collect unemployment. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pennsylvania has a similar law.

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