IS it fair for persons whom have been convicted of drunk driving offenses in their lifetime be required to have RED lettered license plates? To alert the community to the potential of the danger of a drunk on the road or in their neighborhood? Considering the number of fatalities caused by drunk drivers, should they (like convicted sex offenders are banned from school yards and parks) be restricted from going into taverns and liquor stores?
It's hard to say whether it is fair, because that is personal preference. As far as reasonable, the answer depends on which aspect of your question we talk about.
I believe that the altered plates are fair for safety perposes, so long as it is not a condition of parole under which police are allowed to pull you ever without any other probable cause at any time, as it is in Ohio (My state, although we just use yellow plates instead of standard white ones). That is a violation of your civil liberties.
As far as both sex offenders and drunk drivers are concerned, it is ridiculous to prevent them from buyings alcohol, or to prevent sex offenders from being near children. In both cases, it is all beside the point. Let me explain...
In the case of drunk drivers, I believe the problem is that we are focusing on the wrong issue. If we want to save lives, raise the age kids can get their drivers licenses, impose conditions which make old people prove they are still able to drive, and find a way to eliminate people from falling asleep at the wheel, which is currently killing more people annually than drunk driving. Until that happens, I will not believe the government or anyone else is taking the driving deaths seriously, and they are just scapegoating on the drunks.
In the case of Sexual Predators, they are less likely than any other felony level offender to re-offend. Of those convicted over 90% will not in their lives re-offend, and their rate of re-offending is not at all connected with their proximity to schools or kids.
All things considered, I believe we should quit with the sensationalism, so that we can address real problems, and save real lives.
I can't see what good this would do. There are so many people convicted of drinking and driving that the red lettered plate would turn into a joke.
I would like to see more meaningful consequences for this type of behavior.
As long as it was part of their original sentence. I do not like imposing an added punishment years after the crime has been committed.
Although I think it is a good idea, it most likely won't keep the people that drink and drive off of the road. If someone is under the influence, they probably don't care what their license plates look like. However, the person driving the car would have a bad reputation around the community.
Sure, then we can put a red latter A on all the people that have AIDS, or a red letter S for all the people on sexual offenders list, until we're putting star of david on jewish people, and a red crescent on all muslims, and a red cross on all christians. Think about this, the Nazi's did it during their campaing against the jews.
if they have a DUI why are we giving them a plate for their car take the car away from they and make it so they can't buy another one. guess what then they won't get a second offense.
Here's my idea. If you are stopped for DUI, and any open containers are found, you forefeet your car. Just like if they find drugs in your car.
The car gets auctioned off, if there is any money owed on the car, the loan co or bank gets what $$$ they get at auction.This protects the bank. If the auction doesn't generate enough to pay off the loan, then.too bad.
Any inconvenience or loss you sustain,toooooo bad.
Of course, this would not apply to any UNopened cans or bottles in the trunk of the car.
This would apply besides any other penalty, fine, suspension, jail,etc.
Imagine, some kid going home and telling his dad, they siezed the car.
hi there,people how drink and drive should be have there licence removed from them permanatley and should also lose there freedom so many families all over the world have lost loved ones because some idiot thought that they could be able to drive home after a drinking session or the other one they are not paying the price of a taxi ....well in that case there price should be there freedom ....and trhe other one i would insist on happening as a sobbering thought for the death or injuries that they have caused they should be taken to a morg,and showen what ther drink driving has done to some one else's life ,or what there actions have caused to that person and how that couple of extrs glasses have done to them ,why shouldnt they get to see what there drink driving has really caused telling you ,you do this to say the next 5 drink drivers caught over the limit and what they would have to say about it after seeing for them selfs what has happened ,would stop a lot of people from drinking you can tell this makes me so mad that this goes on ...and it should just never happen to any family !!...take care xx
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