Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More On Gaddel?

Has anyone contacted the State attorney generals office. Or the State of New Jersey who they have some type of contract to get their tax foreclosures?
I don't understand you people. I have been following the Gaddel info on here for a few weeks now.

If your not happy or squeamish, then ask for your money back. They can and will give it back to you. I have seen this first hand. Doesn't that make more sense then posting on an internet BB.

If you guys continue to be a pain in the a** then everyone is going to lose. There won't be room for any new investors, b/c the company won't be taking any more. They will just do all of the deals themselves.

A good friend of mine just settled for $20,000 and got the money. I am due to close any day now myself.

And for those of you who keep calling this Ponzi, I brought zero people in. So much for the Ponzi theory.
Quel bizarre.

The Gaddel website says:

To Our Valued Members and Potential Members

It has come to our attention that various websites have erroneous information posted about our organization. Our corporate attorneys are in the process of addressing information that has been posted on these sites. We identified the person(s) that made these false and erroneous statements and we are taking the necessary action against these individuals and/or persons. Our corporate attorneys have advised us to contact these websites so as to report this misconduct and abuse. We will file any and all necessary complaints that will assist in removing this information. We have representatives available to answer any inquires as to the validity of our organization. Please feel free to utilize the “Contact Us” link if you have any further questions.

Currently our website is under construction and we appreciate your patience.

Hoo, boy, whatever scam y'all were trying to pull has just gone poof. I would not want to be one of the instigators of the runmors etc.

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