Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My boyfriend got me pregnant, and I want an abortion, does he have any say in what I do legally?
Unfortunately, he has no say. Depending on where you live, how far along you are, and how old you are, the government and your parents might have the right to interfere. For your child's sake, I hope so.
Your boyfriend didn't "get you pregnant." You got yourself pregnant. Don't get me wrong - your boyfriend is just as responsible, but you sound like you're trying to avoid taking responsibility.
no, he doesnt, but depending on where you live and how old you are, your parents might.
oh, and he didnt get you pregnant, you had to be there too. your blaming him for what is both of your problem.
He has no say. Good luck to you.
and actually, the action of both of you got you pregnant.
Don't get an abortion in the first place. If you do, you're a murderer!
You are a vile specimen of a human being.
First of all, YOU were also there when he "got you pregnant". Second, abortion is murder. If you don't have the abortion, you can give the child up for adoption, or perhaps the father's family will take it. Abortion is not there to use as birth control!
I believe he does have a SAY. You need to discuss it with him because it is just as much his child as it is yours... it took both of you to make it. However, ultimately it is your body and you get to make the decision... but I think it is his right to have a say in what happens to the child you both made.
sure blame it all on him, you were probably there as well. grow up.
Maybe not, but really?
Why is 'legal' your only standard for living?
No, it's your body and as far as I know there's nothing he can do about it. Just be sure abortion is legal in your area and ,good luck to you.
Honey, you say "my boyfriend got me pregnant" as if you had nothing to do with it. It's your fault you got pregnant if you did not insist on one of the following:
1.) Condoms
2.) Birth control
3.) Abstinence
No, your boyfriend does not have any say in what you decide, but for the love of god, practice a little personal responsibility from here on out, okay?
Only if you were to hold them responsible if you were to have the kid.
But I guess legally you can kill your child, that will make all democrats happy.
It's just a life, God will be OK with it.
No, but rather ironically, if you chose to have the baby you could force him to pay child support even if he didn't want it. How fair is that?
Your boyfriend didn't just get you pregnant,you had a part in it too.I think he does have a say.If you dont want the baby,maybe he will.Its his baby too!If neither of you want it,than put it up for adoption.Someone will love it.But DONT Kill it!!
First - HE did not get you pregnant. YOU allowed yourself to get pregnant.
Second - You have the right to decide for yourself.
Third - Seek help and support from parents.
Fourth - Do not place the entire blame on the boy. You allowed this without protection.
Fifth - Do NOT have sex again until you are mature enough to handle the consequences.
he wont have any say not unless you have given birth to a baby from him
IF you were killed two years ago, the you that exists now would not be alive. If you were killed ten years ago, the you that exists now would not be alive. If you were killed at two years old, the you that exists now would not be alive. If you were killed in the third trimester in your mommy's womb, the you that exists now would not be alive. If you the freshly germinated egg were killed, the you that exists now would not be alive. How many real people are not alive because of abortion. Millions upon millions. I have seen aborted babies that have lived and have grown to adulthood. Abortion ends the life of a person in genesis form. You kill the fetus; you kill the 40 year old man or woman that fetus would have grown to be. If your Mom had killed you when you were a fetus, then you would not be. I hope you know what the enormous thing you are doing just for the sake of convenience.
since we don't know how old you are how CAN we tell you that it's YOUR decision----if you are under age 18, it is your parent's decision ---between the ages of 12 and 14 or maybe even OLDER, Planned Parenthood even has to tell your parents... HOWEVER, if you are 18 and older this is redundant...and of course ALL YOUR CHOICE. just make sure you weigh the pros and cons of your decision THOROUGHLY before you do ANYTHING. whatever decision you make, I KNOW it will be a difficult one and one you will think about until the day you die.there ARE other options to abortion. you could register at a reputable adoption agency--LOTS of childless couples are looking for babies to adopt... I'm PRO-CHOICE but I'm also 56 and will never have to MAKE that choice for myself----(I have one child and could have no more)...you have the RIGHT to your own decision no matter WHAT that decision is---as long as you are old enough to MAKE that decision.
If you live in the U.S neither your boyfriend NOR your parents have any say, and if anyone wants to discuss that issue, contact the U.S. Supreme Court. The issue has been decided since 1969
I understand you find yourself in a position that is quite difficult but will you please consider not getting the abortion? At the very least, give the child a chance and allow the baby to be adopted by a family who would love to raise it. How do you know that the child you are carrying right now is not going to be the one who finds a cure for a disease that has been ailing mankind for years? or is a future President? or Olympian? or the person who saved their community from being taken over by bad people?
No, the Courts have ruled that not even a husband or parent has any say legally.
It is not a decision to be made lightly though; I have a friend that had an abortion and it has haunted her the rest of her life. I have had an acquaintance that was divorced, had two children then got pregnant by a boyfriend who left when he found out and chose to have the child and put it up for adoption; as hard as that was to do, she seemed much more at peace knowing her child went to a good home than the child never having a chance to be born.
Honey, you are not a vile speciman of a human being as some idiot posted above.
But you could be making the biggest mistake of your life. After only two weeks, your baby's heart began to beat with a completely different blood type than your own. Your baby wants to live and grow and be born. Just like you did.
Just remember this - you are a mother now. You will either be the mother of a dead baby or a live baby. I hope you will make the right choice; one that you won't regret.
No! It's your body! If that's what you want to do, then you have the right to do so!! But he does have the right not to pay for it. And don't listen to any of the evil and judgmental people that are calling you a murderer or "vial", who are they to judge?? Anyway, if there is anyway that you can have this child with out putting your life at risk (we don't know your situation) you should consider it. There are many people out there that would love to have a baby and can't. I know some, (if you want to discuss this further you can email me sjude2003@yahoo.com), just know that there are alternatives, it's ultimately your choice. Have you spoken to you parents about this? Maybe they wouldn't take it as bad as you think. I have 2 daughters and I shutter at the idea of them coming home pregnant, it's something you don't really want to talk about, but I love them and would do anything for them, including helping them out with my grandchild. I wish you luck in your decision and if you need someone to talk to email me. Good Luck.
My boss says its illegal to work with a nose piercing..Is this true?
I work in a small bar, but apparently it's against higiene law for an employee to work with a nose piercing..?
Is this true?
There is no way that it is illegal.
If that's the case, why aren't we stopped wearing them in my work - in hospital?
If they claim that it might fall out of your nose whilst serving people, the same could be said about boogies!! Sorry to be vulgar but it's true.
I would guess that your boss just doesn't like it. If you were of an ethnic background, they would have no choice but to accept it.
Good luck.
Not sure about drinks - but any jewelery should be removed or covered if you are working with food.
It's not illegal, it just depends on company policy
Thats the 1st i`ve heard of it
check company policies
No it's not true.UNLESS the state you live in has one of those old funky laws from years and years ago that still in effect but no one really enforces.
Convince your boss to get a PA and he'll forget all about your nose piercing.
This is health and safety hygiene and if the piercing can be dangerous for any reason it can be considered as unsuitable.
If it were illegal, people with pierced earrings would also be banned.
It could be in some states although I can't see why a nose ring would have anything to do with serving drinks. The customers drink doesn't go anywhere near your face. It may be a company policy. If that is the case and you still want to work there, just remove it while working.
it depends
C'mon, he made this up, right?
Local ordinances can vary, particularly pertaining to food or bev handling. But I doubt if local codes specifically forbid nose studs.
Nose studs are a big turnoff to me. I don't like to think how people get the backs on and off.
Your boss may feel they are a turn off to his/her customers. He does have a right to expect you to dress appropriately for your job. He may be in his rights to ban jewelry that might be offensive to customers or that might imply unsanitary habits.
Take it out while you're at work. Why rock the boat over this?
no its not illegal unless you work with food then you just have to cover it . some asian women wear them as part of their faith no one makes them take that out
where food preparation is involved then yeah - but if there's no food he's probably just being annoying. if you've just had it done and can't take it out, you should be allowed to cover it with a plaster, although that would look a bit silly.
if its local policy then you should follow it. It may fall out and go in a drink or snack.
Not sure it is "law" as such but if it is local policy then just do it.
Like a previous person said, you can take it out whilst at work.
If it is newly pierced then you should have asked ur boss about this first.
Is this true?
There is no way that it is illegal.
If that's the case, why aren't we stopped wearing them in my work - in hospital?
If they claim that it might fall out of your nose whilst serving people, the same could be said about boogies!! Sorry to be vulgar but it's true.
I would guess that your boss just doesn't like it. If you were of an ethnic background, they would have no choice but to accept it.
Good luck.
Not sure about drinks - but any jewelery should be removed or covered if you are working with food.
It's not illegal, it just depends on company policy
Thats the 1st i`ve heard of it
check company policies
No it's not true.UNLESS the state you live in has one of those old funky laws from years and years ago that still in effect but no one really enforces.
Convince your boss to get a PA and he'll forget all about your nose piercing.
This is health and safety hygiene and if the piercing can be dangerous for any reason it can be considered as unsuitable.
If it were illegal, people with pierced earrings would also be banned.
It could be in some states although I can't see why a nose ring would have anything to do with serving drinks. The customers drink doesn't go anywhere near your face. It may be a company policy. If that is the case and you still want to work there, just remove it while working.
it depends
C'mon, he made this up, right?
Local ordinances can vary, particularly pertaining to food or bev handling. But I doubt if local codes specifically forbid nose studs.
Nose studs are a big turnoff to me. I don't like to think how people get the backs on and off.
Your boss may feel they are a turn off to his/her customers. He does have a right to expect you to dress appropriately for your job. He may be in his rights to ban jewelry that might be offensive to customers or that might imply unsanitary habits.
Take it out while you're at work. Why rock the boat over this?
no its not illegal unless you work with food then you just have to cover it . some asian women wear them as part of their faith no one makes them take that out
where food preparation is involved then yeah - but if there's no food he's probably just being annoying. if you've just had it done and can't take it out, you should be allowed to cover it with a plaster, although that would look a bit silly.
if its local policy then you should follow it. It may fall out and go in a drink or snack.
Not sure it is "law" as such but if it is local policy then just do it.
Like a previous person said, you can take it out whilst at work.
If it is newly pierced then you should have asked ur boss about this first.
My boss is verbally abusive, what should i do?
For the last few months, one of my bosses has been very verbally abusive to me. I have gone to the presedent of the company and she has told me she would talk to her, but nothing has changed. I have even told her if it continues I am going to press charges and sue her for the abuse. What are the next steps I should take? Thanks in advance for your help.
Start looking for other employment...
That is my policy at all times really, even if I'm happy with my current job, I always have back-up employment lined up. Even if it's just temporary work until I can find something in my field. Anything to lighten the burden on my "emergency funds" until I can find another decent paying job.
Everyone is replaceable, no one owes you a job, and there will come a time when you don't get along with the management.
shoot him in the face
Talk to the presidnet of the company again and then talk to him in the face. Try not to bring a middle person in. Just go up to him...keep your cool and tell him what you are feeling. Good Luck with everything.
Talk to the President of the company one more time and tell them your next call will be to the EEOC if they do not fix this problem within the next 3 days.
Report her. The longer you wait the worse it's going to get. If you wait too long when you finally do report her they will ask why you waited so long.
Nobody should have to go through abuse of any kind in the work place. You should pursue the step you said that you would and press charges. Especially if this has been going on for months. Good luck :)
Try getting some direct evidence of the abuse ie, tape recordings or an eye witness and sue him/her. You must also be able to prove damages caused by the abuse. Good luck..
Quit and find a new job.
If you're serious about taking action, you'll need as much evidence as you can gather. Keep a diary of these incidents, with as much detail as possible. If you can, get others to witness the abuse too. You should talk to your HR department if you have one, or a Union rep if thats applicable.
On the other hand, you could try managing your boss. What triggers these incidents? Is your boss responding inappropriately to some issue between the two of you? Is she getting hassle from HER boss when these incidents happen? Could you avoid the problem by handling your boss differently? This isnt to say that your boss isn't responsible for her own actions - of course she is. But to use an old joke:
"Every time I do X, my boss is mean to me, what should I do?"
"Well, you could stop doing X".
The serious point is, assuming your boss isn't just a complete b**ch, the two of you should be wanting the same thing - to do a good job, keep the customer happy, make money, live the good life. That won't happen if you arent working together - so its not in your interest or your bosses interest to keep going the way you are. Something needs to change, and one thing you can try is to take some control of the situation yourself.
Or, if its just a job and not THE Job, the easiest course of action is to start looking for a new boss.
get a lawyer. Make sure you have witnesses that will stand up for you in court. Otherwise it is hearsay.
Start looking for other employment...
That is my policy at all times really, even if I'm happy with my current job, I always have back-up employment lined up. Even if it's just temporary work until I can find something in my field. Anything to lighten the burden on my "emergency funds" until I can find another decent paying job.
Everyone is replaceable, no one owes you a job, and there will come a time when you don't get along with the management.
shoot him in the face
Talk to the presidnet of the company again and then talk to him in the face. Try not to bring a middle person in. Just go up to him...keep your cool and tell him what you are feeling. Good Luck with everything.
Talk to the President of the company one more time and tell them your next call will be to the EEOC if they do not fix this problem within the next 3 days.
Report her. The longer you wait the worse it's going to get. If you wait too long when you finally do report her they will ask why you waited so long.
Nobody should have to go through abuse of any kind in the work place. You should pursue the step you said that you would and press charges. Especially if this has been going on for months. Good luck :)
Try getting some direct evidence of the abuse ie, tape recordings or an eye witness and sue him/her. You must also be able to prove damages caused by the abuse. Good luck..
Quit and find a new job.
If you're serious about taking action, you'll need as much evidence as you can gather. Keep a diary of these incidents, with as much detail as possible. If you can, get others to witness the abuse too. You should talk to your HR department if you have one, or a Union rep if thats applicable.
On the other hand, you could try managing your boss. What triggers these incidents? Is your boss responding inappropriately to some issue between the two of you? Is she getting hassle from HER boss when these incidents happen? Could you avoid the problem by handling your boss differently? This isnt to say that your boss isn't responsible for her own actions - of course she is. But to use an old joke:
"Every time I do X, my boss is mean to me, what should I do?"
"Well, you could stop doing X".
The serious point is, assuming your boss isn't just a complete b**ch, the two of you should be wanting the same thing - to do a good job, keep the customer happy, make money, live the good life. That won't happen if you arent working together - so its not in your interest or your bosses interest to keep going the way you are. Something needs to change, and one thing you can try is to take some control of the situation yourself.
Or, if its just a job and not THE Job, the easiest course of action is to start looking for a new boss.
get a lawyer. Make sure you have witnesses that will stand up for you in court. Otherwise it is hearsay.
My boss is trying to take me for a fool. what do i do?
i was working for a dentist starting back in november of 06. i didn't like it, and left on good terms after 6 months. i'm now emplayed my a different dentist, but the last couple of weekends, my PREVIOUS employer has been asking me to work for him. i picked up my first paycheck for working weekends, and my check didn't have a stub. when i asked for one. he told me that i was no longer on the payroll and that he didn't deduct taxes. he said it's "contract work", so, it's my responsibility to claim what i make and what not on my own. i never signed a contract. and i want to paid with my taxes taken out as reference. it helps to get apartments and i'm trying to get a car, so i need it. i'm only 18, and i think he's trying to take advantage that i'm not educated in such matters. i never signed a contract, and he's not giving me what i want. what do it do?
He is paying you as a sub-contractor. THat's why he is not deducting taxes. This is a way for him to save money. He doesn't have to match Social Security deductions, pay taxes.
It is quite legal but only if YOU agree to it. He will report what he pays you and the IRS will expect you to pony up the taxes at the end of the year.
Many employers try this.but it won't hold up with the tax man if there isn't some sort of contract.
Yes, he is trying to use you as a subcontractor. You have two options:
1. ask him for a contract in writing. This contract should say that if the IRS determines your relationship to be employer-employee rather than contractor-contractee, the boss will be responsible for financial consequences (otherwise, if the IRS says you are an employee, you will have to pay all the payroll taxes). Have a lawyer read it over before signing.
2. insist on being hired as an employee.
If you need the stubs for verification of income, just
keep photocopies. At the end of the year you should
receive a form 1099 for wages that he paid you, compare
the amount on the 1099 form to the amounts from your
photocopies, for your own good deduct 15.9% from each
check for Social Security taxes and another 10% for
federal taxes, put this amount of money into a savings
account after you get paid, you will need them to file
your income taxes at the end of the year.
You don't necessarily have to sign a contract to be paid
as a contract employee, this part time job keeps the
dentist from having to pay 50% of your Social Security and
State disability, if you get injured on the job you are on
your own (ie no disability) If you are not comfortable with
working in this manner tell the dentist that you can not
work this way.
As a contractor you can deduct the mileage you put on
your car to travel to and from work, plus other costs
make sure you keep good records.
Ask yourself two things.
1) After you deduct the taxes out of what he is paying you, is he paying you enough to make it worth putting in the time.
2) How important, really, is it to be able to prove this little bit of additional income when you apply for apartments, etc?
If you aren't getting enough to offset the taxes that you are going to have to pay out of your own pocket at the end of the year, or if the additional 'proveable' income is that important, you'll have to find another side job instead.
Otherwise, enjoy your side job, while saving 20% of your weekend earnings to be able to pay the piper next April 15th.
One more note, don't let yourself end up owing the government, especially the IRS more than $1000 per quarter, or you will get fined.
If you keep the side job, you might want to increase your taxation rate at your regular job to avoid owing more than $1000 to the federal government at the end of the year.
Nothing wrong with that, I've been working on contract for years. Actually, it entitles you to more tax deductions.
As long as you claim it on your taxes, you can prove your income based on your return.
He could be doing you a favor.
Revenge is always a good alternative.
He is paying you as a sub-contractor. THat's why he is not deducting taxes. This is a way for him to save money. He doesn't have to match Social Security deductions, pay taxes.
It is quite legal but only if YOU agree to it. He will report what he pays you and the IRS will expect you to pony up the taxes at the end of the year.
Many employers try this.but it won't hold up with the tax man if there isn't some sort of contract.
Yes, he is trying to use you as a subcontractor. You have two options:
1. ask him for a contract in writing. This contract should say that if the IRS determines your relationship to be employer-employee rather than contractor-contractee, the boss will be responsible for financial consequences (otherwise, if the IRS says you are an employee, you will have to pay all the payroll taxes). Have a lawyer read it over before signing.
2. insist on being hired as an employee.
If you need the stubs for verification of income, just
keep photocopies. At the end of the year you should
receive a form 1099 for wages that he paid you, compare
the amount on the 1099 form to the amounts from your
photocopies, for your own good deduct 15.9% from each
check for Social Security taxes and another 10% for
federal taxes, put this amount of money into a savings
account after you get paid, you will need them to file
your income taxes at the end of the year.
You don't necessarily have to sign a contract to be paid
as a contract employee, this part time job keeps the
dentist from having to pay 50% of your Social Security and
State disability, if you get injured on the job you are on
your own (ie no disability) If you are not comfortable with
working in this manner tell the dentist that you can not
work this way.
As a contractor you can deduct the mileage you put on
your car to travel to and from work, plus other costs
make sure you keep good records.
Ask yourself two things.
1) After you deduct the taxes out of what he is paying you, is he paying you enough to make it worth putting in the time.
2) How important, really, is it to be able to prove this little bit of additional income when you apply for apartments, etc?
If you aren't getting enough to offset the taxes that you are going to have to pay out of your own pocket at the end of the year, or if the additional 'proveable' income is that important, you'll have to find another side job instead.
Otherwise, enjoy your side job, while saving 20% of your weekend earnings to be able to pay the piper next April 15th.
One more note, don't let yourself end up owing the government, especially the IRS more than $1000 per quarter, or you will get fined.
If you keep the side job, you might want to increase your taxation rate at your regular job to avoid owing more than $1000 to the federal government at the end of the year.
Nothing wrong with that, I've been working on contract for years. Actually, it entitles you to more tax deductions.
As long as you claim it on your taxes, you can prove your income based on your return.
He could be doing you a favor.
Revenge is always a good alternative.
My boss is too emotional and involves her personal feelings in the office. How do I communicate with her?
I'm an accountant and i need to report to her on a daily, weekly, monthly and every time she wants me basis... but if she comes sad from home, she will act horribly and tell me mean things... She also promotes her two stupid daughters, encouraging them to act like all the world was theirs and that everybody in the firm should bow down like peasants in front of them. Do I quit, or do I try to solve the problem?
This sounds like a toxic environment and I recommend that you seek new employment. In the meantime, I would document all requests in writing (email is the best) and I would keep a log of things significant things she has said or done, promises made, etc. If/when you leave, she may cause trouble and if you've documented events well with dates, you will protect yourself from any kind of action she might try to take against you.
Look for another job then quit. It is easier to get another job if you are in employment.
Look for another job.
Everyone has their own drama and shouldn't be forced to put up with anyone else's while at work.
She's very unprofessional to be doing the things that she does, and who wants to work for someone like that.
How current is your resume.?
Time to start looking.
Confront her and tell her the problem. Tell her she is just a **** and you were looking for a job when you found this one. She will either fire you or take notice to you. It is better to be honest with yourself then to play her stupid games. It would be the best solution for both of you to lay the cards out on the table and bet the farm right from the start.
Quitting seems like a way out, but you will have to deal with difficult people no matter where you go. If you enjoy your job otherwise, just try to be as sterile and non-emotional as you can when you deal with her or her daughters. Emotional people usually leave people who don't give them a reaction alone.
This sounds like a toxic environment and I recommend that you seek new employment. In the meantime, I would document all requests in writing (email is the best) and I would keep a log of things significant things she has said or done, promises made, etc. If/when you leave, she may cause trouble and if you've documented events well with dates, you will protect yourself from any kind of action she might try to take against you.
Look for another job then quit. It is easier to get another job if you are in employment.
Look for another job.
Everyone has their own drama and shouldn't be forced to put up with anyone else's while at work.
She's very unprofessional to be doing the things that she does, and who wants to work for someone like that.
How current is your resume.?
Time to start looking.
Confront her and tell her the problem. Tell her she is just a **** and you were looking for a job when you found this one. She will either fire you or take notice to you. It is better to be honest with yourself then to play her stupid games. It would be the best solution for both of you to lay the cards out on the table and bet the farm right from the start.
Quitting seems like a way out, but you will have to deal with difficult people no matter where you go. If you enjoy your job otherwise, just try to be as sterile and non-emotional as you can when you deal with her or her daughters. Emotional people usually leave people who don't give them a reaction alone.
My boss I feel is being really unprofessional. His wife works with us and she has been the cause of many?
of many problems. Instead of telling her she can't work there. He is in the middle sticking up for her. I can see why he does it, but his reasons are unjust. When approached about the situation he gets offended. When it is easlily explained that if the person everyone was complaining about wasn't his wife it wouldn't be an issue. What should we do?
In his company, he pretty much gets to decide what behavior is professionally acceptable or not. It's not about fairness or justice, but about how he chooses to run his business. However, you as an employee also have a choice of what's an acceptable work environment. If you're no longer satisfied, there are plenty of employers out there. It's not indentured servitude- you're free to go work someplace better.
Quit, en mass. All of you walk off the job at once.
He'll get the picture.
Your boss has bigger problems in his life than in the business! Be understanding, and don't confront unless pushed. Also, refresh your resume!
Good Luck!
Unfortunatly he is your boss and pretty much has the final say. If repeated attempts are made to resolve the "problem", go unheeded then its is his doing. You can only confront them and bring up situations in which the company was hurt by such actions but other than that it is still his decision. Do your part and if the company suffers still, look toward getting a similar job or better.
In his company, he pretty much gets to decide what behavior is professionally acceptable or not. It's not about fairness or justice, but about how he chooses to run his business. However, you as an employee also have a choice of what's an acceptable work environment. If you're no longer satisfied, there are plenty of employers out there. It's not indentured servitude- you're free to go work someplace better.
Quit, en mass. All of you walk off the job at once.
He'll get the picture.
Your boss has bigger problems in his life than in the business! Be understanding, and don't confront unless pushed. Also, refresh your resume!
Good Luck!
Unfortunatly he is your boss and pretty much has the final say. If repeated attempts are made to resolve the "problem", go unheeded then its is his doing. You can only confront them and bring up situations in which the company was hurt by such actions but other than that it is still his decision. Do your part and if the company suffers still, look toward getting a similar job or better.
My boss has lied and cheated his way into power how do i get him busted?
That is very unfortunate! Keep copies of everything you can, but keep it at home, not in your desk! Keep a log of everything and watch your step! Every time I've turned somebody in for cheating, I've just "shot myself in the foot"! Only turn him in if you're ready to go on down the street! It's a shame, but it's happening! We're even taught to cheat in college! Just be careful!
Prove it.
find some evidence and call the cops
Tell his superior what you know about your boss.
provide proof of wrongdoing, not claims. proof can be used in a court of law, but just making unsubstantiated claims can cost you everything when you get sued for slander.
ok get a recorder and then u un cover him :)
Look for another job. if you go to someone,that person may be a good buddy of your boss,and it'll blow up in your face. Welcome to office politics.
My boss found out I was applying to other jobs. Where do I go from here?
Last night at work my boss confronted me in front of a group of my fellow managers saying "Hey, I got a call from _____ company and they were looking for your supervisor". I was shocked, I never listed him as a reference or told them my current employer knew of my search. I asked if I would be fired and he said "No, but don't expect me to do your any favors".
My relationship w/ my boss and co-workers has been destroyed. Can he fire me for this if he decides to %26 with-hold any unemployment I might try to collect while job searching? Where do I go from here?
He can fire you, but I can't see how he would be able to withhold unemployment unless you actually had another job.
They cannot fire you for this. And if its truley destroyed because you are trying to better your life, then they were not much of people anyway
Assuming you are in the US, then in most states you can be fired for no reason - so yes, he could fire you. That he didn't try to work with you to get you to stay indicates you are not a valued member of the company anyway, so I would just continue your search.
There are a few variables here. You have to find out if you live in a right to work state. If you do, then the only way they can't fire you is if you become pregnant or disabled but can still do the job, or they have to find a job that you can do. If you don't then you need to find out the laws in your state that deal with this sort of situation.
BUT if you do get fired and you specifically told prospective employers to NOT contact your present employer you may have a case against the Co that called your present employer and prove that it resulted in your termination.
He cannot withhold unemployment from you though.
I think what your boss meant [about favors] was that he wouldn't give you a glowing reference since he might feel betrayed ...bosses' egos are sometimes dinged when they find out an employee they thought they had it good with is looking elsewhere.
If he DOES fire you, he CANNOT withhold your unemployment, he would be hard pressed to prove he fired you "for cause" [assuming it is not against company policy to look for other jobs]. Man I feel bad for you, makes you feel like you're living in a facist state. Everyone, EVERYONE, has the right to pursue a better life for themselves and I think your boss and co-workers are being childish frankly. If he values you, he should ask why you're looking, and ask whether there's anything he could do to convince you to stay. Also, now that they all know you're looking, if you DON'T get another offer, they'll think other companies thought you weren't worth it! OUCH, this rots all around...hope you make out ok.
If they fire you or do things to make life really hard on you, you can sue them. The best thing to do is make sure you do your best there at work and hope and pray something new comes along soon now that the cat is out of the bag.
Personally, I think it is very immature of your boss to act the way he is. If he were an adult, he would talk with you and try to find out why you are applying elsewhere and try to work things out with you or at least improve the work place to some degree.
If things start happening at work, document. Go home each night and keep track of things others might be doing to sabotage your work or things they might try to do to rile you. Might be a good idea to place small initials on some of your paperwork (on the back, lower corner) just as a precaution.
Beware of anyone who tries to befriend you and lead you into conversation about the boss and/or things at work. Say only positive things or nothing at all.
Whatever you do, don't give anyone any reason to fire you so keep a cool head, even if they are doing things that make you angry. Never let them see you get angry or upset over things and be careful what you say to others.
Definitely don't make comments about anyone to someone else because many are quick to twist your words and make it into something else so they look good and you end up looking like a whiner or trouble maker.
Keep a positive attitude towards everyone and smile and greet them when you see them. Be the bigger man and show them how an adult is supposed to act.
If the other company hasn't contacted you, go back to them and ask about the job. If they say they have hired someone else, ask them what kind of review you got from your present employer so you know exactly what you are working with. If they say no, insist because it is YOUR record and you have a right to know what is in your file with them.
If your supervisor was immature enough to make that comment to you, I wouldn't put it past him to have told some lies on you to the other company which is defamation of character if you can prove it.
See how things go at work and if necessary, get a lawyer. The last link below lists states where you can find lawyers who specialize in discrimination.
Good luck to you
To everyone reading this question - when you are hired always tell your employer that you would like a written review every quarter for your records. Two things are accomplished - 1st you have an ongoing letter of recommendation. 2nd your employer will find it difficult to let you go without cause if your reviews are satisfactory. Also don't forget your were the one looking for another job. Why? If you feel like your not happy at work give your boss the chance to make you happy - communicate. How would you feel if you found your company was interviewing for your position?
My relationship w/ my boss and co-workers has been destroyed. Can he fire me for this if he decides to %26 with-hold any unemployment I might try to collect while job searching? Where do I go from here?
He can fire you, but I can't see how he would be able to withhold unemployment unless you actually had another job.
They cannot fire you for this. And if its truley destroyed because you are trying to better your life, then they were not much of people anyway
Assuming you are in the US, then in most states you can be fired for no reason - so yes, he could fire you. That he didn't try to work with you to get you to stay indicates you are not a valued member of the company anyway, so I would just continue your search.
There are a few variables here. You have to find out if you live in a right to work state. If you do, then the only way they can't fire you is if you become pregnant or disabled but can still do the job, or they have to find a job that you can do. If you don't then you need to find out the laws in your state that deal with this sort of situation.
BUT if you do get fired and you specifically told prospective employers to NOT contact your present employer you may have a case against the Co that called your present employer and prove that it resulted in your termination.
He cannot withhold unemployment from you though.
I think what your boss meant [about favors] was that he wouldn't give you a glowing reference since he might feel betrayed ...bosses' egos are sometimes dinged when they find out an employee they thought they had it good with is looking elsewhere.
If he DOES fire you, he CANNOT withhold your unemployment, he would be hard pressed to prove he fired you "for cause" [assuming it is not against company policy to look for other jobs]. Man I feel bad for you, makes you feel like you're living in a facist state. Everyone, EVERYONE, has the right to pursue a better life for themselves and I think your boss and co-workers are being childish frankly. If he values you, he should ask why you're looking, and ask whether there's anything he could do to convince you to stay. Also, now that they all know you're looking, if you DON'T get another offer, they'll think other companies thought you weren't worth it! OUCH, this rots all around...hope you make out ok.
If they fire you or do things to make life really hard on you, you can sue them. The best thing to do is make sure you do your best there at work and hope and pray something new comes along soon now that the cat is out of the bag.
Personally, I think it is very immature of your boss to act the way he is. If he were an adult, he would talk with you and try to find out why you are applying elsewhere and try to work things out with you or at least improve the work place to some degree.
If things start happening at work, document. Go home each night and keep track of things others might be doing to sabotage your work or things they might try to do to rile you. Might be a good idea to place small initials on some of your paperwork (on the back, lower corner) just as a precaution.
Beware of anyone who tries to befriend you and lead you into conversation about the boss and/or things at work. Say only positive things or nothing at all.
Whatever you do, don't give anyone any reason to fire you so keep a cool head, even if they are doing things that make you angry. Never let them see you get angry or upset over things and be careful what you say to others.
Definitely don't make comments about anyone to someone else because many are quick to twist your words and make it into something else so they look good and you end up looking like a whiner or trouble maker.
Keep a positive attitude towards everyone and smile and greet them when you see them. Be the bigger man and show them how an adult is supposed to act.
If the other company hasn't contacted you, go back to them and ask about the job. If they say they have hired someone else, ask them what kind of review you got from your present employer so you know exactly what you are working with. If they say no, insist because it is YOUR record and you have a right to know what is in your file with them.
If your supervisor was immature enough to make that comment to you, I wouldn't put it past him to have told some lies on you to the other company which is defamation of character if you can prove it.
See how things go at work and if necessary, get a lawyer. The last link below lists states where you can find lawyers who specialize in discrimination.
Good luck to you
To everyone reading this question - when you are hired always tell your employer that you would like a written review every quarter for your records. Two things are accomplished - 1st you have an ongoing letter of recommendation. 2nd your employer will find it difficult to let you go without cause if your reviews are satisfactory. Also don't forget your were the one looking for another job. Why? If you feel like your not happy at work give your boss the chance to make you happy - communicate. How would you feel if you found your company was interviewing for your position?
My boss doesn't even tell me he's closing his practice.?
I have to hear it from other attorneys because my 'boss' doesn't tell me ANYTHING. He lost his license to practice law for 90 days, and didn't tell me that either. I would think it would be important for me to know, because I need to inform the clients about whats going on, and it would also be nice to tell me he is selling the practice to give me time to find a new job. What is his problem??
He should tell you about the suspension because by law he has to tell the clients, so if you didn't know you would still be telling the clients he represented them, and he can get in a lot of trouble for that, maybe even lose his license permanantly. He is also required to tell you he is closing, but not required to make sure you are financially stable (like in the answer above me) I guess you're right, he really doesn't care about the suspension, because it looks like he's looking for a permanent one.
Well He is being selfish, maybe he does not have enough to pay his employees so he just wanted to make an exit without all his employees knowing.. Its sad ... But I麓m sure that you will get a better job.. Don麓t ask more questions, just start looking for another Job..
he's obviously a narcissistic jerk
Your situation is not new. Here is what he is thinking. If he tells you that you will be laid off, you will sluff off at your work, not come in, use your time at work to job hunt, perhaps steal company property and not give the best of service to his clients in retaliation. Now you may be a person who would give 100% to the end and then again maybe not. I've seen this work both ways. He's protecting what he has for as long as he can. Nothing personal.
Your "boss" doesnt have to tell you any of that. Would it be nice if he told you? Sure. You bet. But he didnt have to. When you own a business, the crap comes at you fast. Especially when it's a small business. I suspect he had more important things to worry about. Like his family. His house. Stuff like that. Everybody has a priority. And often, you (the proper You that is) are not it. Move on and get a new...perhaps better...job. If this guy lost his ticket for ninety days, I'm sure he has bigger problems than you do.
It is not your obligation to tell his clients anything. It is his.
You're only 23; you'll work for plenty of crappy bosses in your time. Just don't ever let yourself do anything you think may be illegal. Quit %26 move on.
He is probobly going through a major depression, especially since he is sleeping at work. Sounds like he may need mental help, does he have family, does anybody care about him.
I am sure you are still getting paid or you wouldn't be there.
Oh, and here is an idea, maybe you should just ask him instead of listening to gossip.
Okay, you poor thing, now the pity party is over. If I were you I would have picked up and left a long time ago. I refuse to work for anyone who has a bad reputation, that will reflect on you when you start looking for another job. Start submitting your resumes now, before he closes the practice that way your behind is covered financially.
yes. by law your boss is requred to tell you. the court would have given at least a 1 week notice of when his license is suspended. during all of that time that is when he should be calling around telling everyone that he will not be doing any cases for 90 days for what ever he wants to tell them. he is also to decide if you are to get for certain times (such as a end of contract fee). also he is required to give a 3 week notice that he is selling the business which gives you time to find a new job, and to make sur that you have the funds to live until you do have a job.
He should tell you about the suspension because by law he has to tell the clients, so if you didn't know you would still be telling the clients he represented them, and he can get in a lot of trouble for that, maybe even lose his license permanantly. He is also required to tell you he is closing, but not required to make sure you are financially stable (like in the answer above me) I guess you're right, he really doesn't care about the suspension, because it looks like he's looking for a permanent one.
Well He is being selfish, maybe he does not have enough to pay his employees so he just wanted to make an exit without all his employees knowing.. Its sad ... But I麓m sure that you will get a better job.. Don麓t ask more questions, just start looking for another Job..
he's obviously a narcissistic jerk
Your situation is not new. Here is what he is thinking. If he tells you that you will be laid off, you will sluff off at your work, not come in, use your time at work to job hunt, perhaps steal company property and not give the best of service to his clients in retaliation. Now you may be a person who would give 100% to the end and then again maybe not. I've seen this work both ways. He's protecting what he has for as long as he can. Nothing personal.
Your "boss" doesnt have to tell you any of that. Would it be nice if he told you? Sure. You bet. But he didnt have to. When you own a business, the crap comes at you fast. Especially when it's a small business. I suspect he had more important things to worry about. Like his family. His house. Stuff like that. Everybody has a priority. And often, you (the proper You that is) are not it. Move on and get a new...perhaps better...job. If this guy lost his ticket for ninety days, I'm sure he has bigger problems than you do.
It is not your obligation to tell his clients anything. It is his.
You're only 23; you'll work for plenty of crappy bosses in your time. Just don't ever let yourself do anything you think may be illegal. Quit %26 move on.
He is probobly going through a major depression, especially since he is sleeping at work. Sounds like he may need mental help, does he have family, does anybody care about him.
I am sure you are still getting paid or you wouldn't be there.
Oh, and here is an idea, maybe you should just ask him instead of listening to gossip.
Okay, you poor thing, now the pity party is over. If I were you I would have picked up and left a long time ago. I refuse to work for anyone who has a bad reputation, that will reflect on you when you start looking for another job. Start submitting your resumes now, before he closes the practice that way your behind is covered financially.
yes. by law your boss is requred to tell you. the court would have given at least a 1 week notice of when his license is suspended. during all of that time that is when he should be calling around telling everyone that he will not be doing any cases for 90 days for what ever he wants to tell them. he is also to decide if you are to get for certain times (such as a end of contract fee). also he is required to give a 3 week notice that he is selling the business which gives you time to find a new job, and to make sur that you have the funds to live until you do have a job.
My boss . help. please?
ok i drive a truck . the truck has a computer on it that is suppose to say how far to empty fuel. anyway the other day i knew that computer was not great so i put 40 dollars of my money in it . the boss wont give me the 40 bucks back in cash or chegue. yesterday i drove it again and returned it to the yard while the computer says one km . to empty.
What do you think is a resonable resonse from the boss . also was i right in not putting money in it.
oh he did say it would go further say 10 k more then the computer says . there is no disel station for about 25 k from the yard. so what do you think.
this all depends on what the company has said. if it says for you not to spend your money then dont because they do not have to give it back to you. i would suggest next time that if he wont give you the money to put some gas in and you know you need some just let the thing run completly out it will be quite expensive for him and he most likely will make sure it doesnt happen again.
take your boss on a ride
I would have to say that he doesn't care if you run out of fuel on the side of the road. I wouldn't worry about it, he's the one that has to worry about getting it going again after wards. If it happens enough times he'll make sure you have a way to buy fuel.
first thing fill up before you leave if you know you cant make the run without haveing to buy fuel get money before you leave an if they wont give you money go ahead an make the run an when you run out of fuel call them an tell them were you are an bring you some fuel after the exspence that it cost them they wont do that no more
What do you think is a resonable resonse from the boss . also was i right in not putting money in it.
oh he did say it would go further say 10 k more then the computer says . there is no disel station for about 25 k from the yard. so what do you think.
this all depends on what the company has said. if it says for you not to spend your money then dont because they do not have to give it back to you. i would suggest next time that if he wont give you the money to put some gas in and you know you need some just let the thing run completly out it will be quite expensive for him and he most likely will make sure it doesnt happen again.
take your boss on a ride
I would have to say that he doesn't care if you run out of fuel on the side of the road. I wouldn't worry about it, he's the one that has to worry about getting it going again after wards. If it happens enough times he'll make sure you have a way to buy fuel.
first thing fill up before you leave if you know you cant make the run without haveing to buy fuel get money before you leave an if they wont give you money go ahead an make the run an when you run out of fuel call them an tell them were you are an bring you some fuel after the exspence that it cost them they wont do that no more
My black friend hates the black race...what do I do?
Great guy...don't get me wrong. I'm Mexican and most of our friends are Latin or White. He's constantly talking trash about his race. We do nothing to encourage this. How can I help him be more accepting and less judgemental about his own race? I'd hate to just cut him off. Thanx.
He's understandably ticked off at his own kind. I mean, popular black culture today is all about gangster rappers, bitches and ho's, etc., and has been for at least a decade now. Successful black role models like Clarence Thomas are held in contempt, and trying to succeed in school or the business world is considered "Acting White." Would you want anything to do with that culture?
Maybe slip in some positive black role models in your conversations like, "Hey I was watching the Cosby show the other day. I can't believe all that Cosby has done. I mean he's earned a PhD in Education, won an Emmy for his work on I, Spy, ....
self hate?
well, there's nothing that YOU can do about that, he's gotta work that out on his own...
Probably because they all live off the system!! Well most of them. They need to quit having babys they can not support!
Logic works wonders. Remind him that his opinions are blanket generalisations and probably not accurate at all.
Oh, and don't just "do nothing to encourage" it. Actively DIScourage it. He won't get that you don't like it or agree with it unless you outright tell him that it's unacceptable behavior. No need to cut him off if he's willing to change his speech.
Tell him to do his history.all black people are not the same, and as for the guy above...WATCH WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE I WORK FOR THE SYSTEM AND NUMBERS DON'T LIE! THERE ARE MORE WHITES THAN BLACKS!!
I would suggest that if he hasn't asked for your help than you shouldn't think you need to help him, nor offer it. But perhaps you should try to understand why he feels the way he does. Then, if he ever *wants* your help, you will have a better foundation to help him with it.
He will have to work it out himself,my skin color is white,but i don't care much for the white race,my race of choice is mexicano.
He probably has only seen the negative sides of his race, like all the stereotypes. Try showing him all the hard-working and intelligent people in the black or African race (scientists, writers, poets, queens, celebrities, etc). I'm Mexican and some of my brothers were very ashamed of saying they were Mexican when they were in high school because of all the bad images of Mexicans in the media. Now that they are older and have visited Mexico, and study the history they are very proud of who they are. He's probably brainwashed into thinking black people can't be "good".
He's understandably ticked off at his own kind. I mean, popular black culture today is all about gangster rappers, bitches and ho's, etc., and has been for at least a decade now. Successful black role models like Clarence Thomas are held in contempt, and trying to succeed in school or the business world is considered "Acting White." Would you want anything to do with that culture?
Maybe slip in some positive black role models in your conversations like, "Hey I was watching the Cosby show the other day. I can't believe all that Cosby has done. I mean he's earned a PhD in Education, won an Emmy for his work on I, Spy, ....
self hate?
well, there's nothing that YOU can do about that, he's gotta work that out on his own...
Probably because they all live off the system!! Well most of them. They need to quit having babys they can not support!
Logic works wonders. Remind him that his opinions are blanket generalisations and probably not accurate at all.
Oh, and don't just "do nothing to encourage" it. Actively DIScourage it. He won't get that you don't like it or agree with it unless you outright tell him that it's unacceptable behavior. No need to cut him off if he's willing to change his speech.
Tell him to do his history.all black people are not the same, and as for the guy above...WATCH WHAT YOU SAY BECAUSE I WORK FOR THE SYSTEM AND NUMBERS DON'T LIE! THERE ARE MORE WHITES THAN BLACKS!!
I would suggest that if he hasn't asked for your help than you shouldn't think you need to help him, nor offer it. But perhaps you should try to understand why he feels the way he does. Then, if he ever *wants* your help, you will have a better foundation to help him with it.
He will have to work it out himself,my skin color is white,but i don't care much for the white race,my race of choice is mexicano.
He probably has only seen the negative sides of his race, like all the stereotypes. Try showing him all the hard-working and intelligent people in the black or African race (scientists, writers, poets, queens, celebrities, etc). I'm Mexican and some of my brothers were very ashamed of saying they were Mexican when they were in high school because of all the bad images of Mexicans in the media. Now that they are older and have visited Mexico, and study the history they are very proud of who they are. He's probably brainwashed into thinking black people can't be "good".
My bike's been stolen; sign advice?
I just had my bike stolen from below the staircase leading to my apartment. It's my fault for not chaining the bike, but it wasn't there for very long, I live in a nice neighborhood, and my daughter's toddler float was sitting on top of the bike and it's been taken, too.
I have two questions: what's the best way to create a sign for a stolen bike? I will offer a $50 reward, I think.
If I see someone using the stolen float at the apartment pool, it's probably safe to assume this person/family knows something about my bike. What's the best action to take if I do see the float somewhere?
U need to paste poster everyway along the neighbourhood, seek the help of ur neighbour and friend to keep a lookout and report to the police if u saw ur bike anywhere, avoid confront the theft as it might be a group of people.
If you do offer a $50 dollar reward and someone returns the bike seeking the $50, you are legally obligated to pay them $50 when they return the bike to you. The sign advertising the reward is a valid contract. If you don't give the $50 dollars you are in breach of the contract. So, if you do decide to post the sign, make sure that you do have $50.
The bike was most likely stolen. Why reward a thief. Call the police and make a police report. Use the $50 towards a new bike.
I have two questions: what's the best way to create a sign for a stolen bike? I will offer a $50 reward, I think.
If I see someone using the stolen float at the apartment pool, it's probably safe to assume this person/family knows something about my bike. What's the best action to take if I do see the float somewhere?
U need to paste poster everyway along the neighbourhood, seek the help of ur neighbour and friend to keep a lookout and report to the police if u saw ur bike anywhere, avoid confront the theft as it might be a group of people.
If you do offer a $50 dollar reward and someone returns the bike seeking the $50, you are legally obligated to pay them $50 when they return the bike to you. The sign advertising the reward is a valid contract. If you don't give the $50 dollars you are in breach of the contract. So, if you do decide to post the sign, make sure that you do have $50.
The bike was most likely stolen. Why reward a thief. Call the police and make a police report. Use the $50 towards a new bike.
My bf's died a month ago. His mother after a month just came and toke our dog. What can I do?
Call the police and report it stolen. It was joint property and thus, now yours. She in no way has a right to this dog.
Take the dog back. It is your dog.
You used the term "our" in your statement. If it was his before you met him, it would belong to his family. If you two got the dog together, then I would say you have all rights to the dog. If his family was involved with him getting the dog, I would agree that they have rights to the dog.
Here's the deal. Anything involving property, or money is considered civil. The only way to legally get the dog back is if you take them to small claims court. Filing fees vary state by state. Generally, they would run you from $50 to maybe $85 to file the claim. The judge will hear your case and then decide where the dog goes. If you win, you can even ask for the court fees back. Now, if the people who took the dog sells it, then you are completely out of luck.
You didn't give enough info on the situation.
it is your dog..go see the local police
As an attorney I agree with Squiggs. HOWEVER, to whom does the residence belong? Is it leased/rented and who is on the lease?
There is a reason I am asking such a question, besides knowing how the dog was acquired.
My best friend was drug tested at work and found positive. Can she collect unemployment?
We live in Pa. and am wondering if she'll be able to collect unemployment. She's worked for this company for 20 years with an excellant work history there. She knows she was wrong.
No, the only way she can get unemployment in any case if you was terminated with no type of misconduct. By unemployment standards, there was misconduct so no benefits. The only chance she has is if the employer wants to pay her unemployment benefits by not responding to why she was fired %26 this is unlikely b/c the company comes first %26 they are always trying to save the company money.
not likely.
I know in Jersey you cant, Not sure about P.A., I really doubt it thou....
Why in the world should the tax payers pay her for doing nothing just because she was so stupid.........
Can't speak for Pennsylvania, but here in Michigan if your employment was terminated because you poppped positive on a drug test you can't collect unemployment. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pennsylvania has a similar law.
No, the only way she can get unemployment in any case if you was terminated with no type of misconduct. By unemployment standards, there was misconduct so no benefits. The only chance she has is if the employer wants to pay her unemployment benefits by not responding to why she was fired %26 this is unlikely b/c the company comes first %26 they are always trying to save the company money.
not likely.
I know in Jersey you cant, Not sure about P.A., I really doubt it thou....
Why in the world should the tax payers pay her for doing nothing just because she was so stupid.........
Can't speak for Pennsylvania, but here in Michigan if your employment was terminated because you poppped positive on a drug test you can't collect unemployment. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Pennsylvania has a similar law.
My aunt is trying to sue me for money that she told me not to worry about. can she?
My aunt gave me 1400 dollars last year to pay some of my bills off. She told me several times to not worry about it. now a year later she says she's gonna get a warrent in debt if I don't pay her, can she sue me for this gift? I never signed any papers saying it was a loan and that I would repay it, and she doesn't have any proof. But I have witnesses that heard her say not to worry about it. Please advice!
Sounds like a gift to me, however the elements of a valid gift are (1) donative intent, (2) delivery, and (3) acceptance. She will argue that she never "intended" to give the money as a gift, but the circumstantial evidence you seem to have would probably help establish that it was, in fact, not a loan. Also, since there is no writing or other indication that it was a loan, you should prevail. You should also avoid relatives, but that's another story.
I think Judge Judy would rule in your favor.
There is no proof that it was a loan. You can say it was a gift. That's how people get out of paying me back.
she can try
Its up to the judge. If you get a nice one you will be fine.
Was it more like you saying I'll pay you back as soon as I can? and she said don't worry about it, meaning it didn't matter how long it took?
Just pay it back. Whether or not she has legal standing. (She doesn't have much) is irrelevant. The wise thing to do here is to give her the money back and then never accept anything from her ever again.
She can't get a 'warrant in debt' to get you arrested for this or anything. All she can do is bring you to small claims court over the $1400 and if she has no proof that this was a loan, and not a gift, the judge will rule in your favor. Just because you're right doesn't mean that you can skip your court date though. If you do not show up, the judge will give a default judgment in your Aunt's favor, which will mean that you will have to pay the $1400 back to her.
Your aunt probably told you at the time not to worry about it because she was "loaning" you the money to help you get out of debt, probably also for you not to ruin your "credit history". She probably didn't want to stress you out more at the time of the "loan".
I do not believe that this amount of money was a "gift". She gave you the money for you to get out of a bad situation, a year has passed the right thing to do is to "pay" her "back".
Doesn't make sense to me that you would want to hurt your aunt in anyway. Therefore, make a payment arrangement with her and pay her back the money that she "loaned" you.
Sounds like a gift to me, however the elements of a valid gift are (1) donative intent, (2) delivery, and (3) acceptance. She will argue that she never "intended" to give the money as a gift, but the circumstantial evidence you seem to have would probably help establish that it was, in fact, not a loan. Also, since there is no writing or other indication that it was a loan, you should prevail. You should also avoid relatives, but that's another story.
I think Judge Judy would rule in your favor.
There is no proof that it was a loan. You can say it was a gift. That's how people get out of paying me back.
she can try
Its up to the judge. If you get a nice one you will be fine.
Was it more like you saying I'll pay you back as soon as I can? and she said don't worry about it, meaning it didn't matter how long it took?
Just pay it back. Whether or not she has legal standing. (She doesn't have much) is irrelevant. The wise thing to do here is to give her the money back and then never accept anything from her ever again.
She can't get a 'warrant in debt' to get you arrested for this or anything. All she can do is bring you to small claims court over the $1400 and if she has no proof that this was a loan, and not a gift, the judge will rule in your favor. Just because you're right doesn't mean that you can skip your court date though. If you do not show up, the judge will give a default judgment in your Aunt's favor, which will mean that you will have to pay the $1400 back to her.
Your aunt probably told you at the time not to worry about it because she was "loaning" you the money to help you get out of debt, probably also for you not to ruin your "credit history". She probably didn't want to stress you out more at the time of the "loan".
I do not believe that this amount of money was a "gift". She gave you the money for you to get out of a bad situation, a year has passed the right thing to do is to "pay" her "back".
Doesn't make sense to me that you would want to hurt your aunt in anyway. Therefore, make a payment arrangement with her and pay her back the money that she "loaned" you.
My apartment was robbed, what shoud I do?
I came home early from class, noticed the back door open, then called the police. Everything had been dug through, but all that was stolen was a laptop, some washing detergent, and a bag of Durritos. The police said that it must be someone at the complex who was watching me and my schedule to know when I would be gone, and it looked like I interupted him when I came home early. He broke in through the window, it was locked along with the doors. Completely not my or my husbands' fault. Our lease isn't up until Feb of next year, but my husband is in the navy and is gone every other month, and is worried that I could have been raped or worse had he not been there, so naturally we want to leave. But they say that since he isn't being "restationed" anywhere, it isn't there responsiblity, so we either have to pay 3 times or rent to get out, our suck it up. Im alone every night since my husband is on night shift. I'm scared, and my husband's worried, what can we do? Should we hire an attorney
Have you talked to anybody on Post or his Chain of Command?.Do you know anyone that can stay with you??.What do you feel about firearms there are many that you could become efficient in using.What about getting a dog?...You could pay to get it K9 trained that is better than any firearm in most cases.
Do you need a lawyer I wouldnt think this is a situation that requires a lawyer.Things like this happen all over the world and yeah as bad as it sucks the Apartment Complex even if it has private security they cant be everywhere every minute so the Complex isnt liable...
I would however talk to your housing office on post and see if they cant suggest some things to you...
I would like to say Thank You to you though...being a Military Wife is the Hardest Job in the Military...I am sure your husband appreciates you very much.
If you need anymore help or advice please contact me...Best of luck!
Buy a gun and learn how to use it.
Buy a gun and move to a safer location when your lease is up.
Change the locks, get a watch dog, make sure there is plenty of lighting at every entrance to your home, and make the police aware of your situation, they can do quick driveby's to make sure everything is good.
Yes, you should hire an attorney. You have a good reason to get out of the lease. You can get out of almost any residential lease.
I would go for a couple of days with a family member or my friend. And/Or, I would have someone staying with me for a couple of days.
Or, I will get a home alarm system. And I will also put on every window and doors of my home a whole bunch of rat traps.
If it's someone that's watching you, then I don't believe that they would try to get into your home while you are their. It doesn't seem that they do not have any intention to personally harm you.
But since you never know, I would always be cautious. Probably even sleep in my living room instead of my bedroom. Paranoia? Maybe? Who knows? I am not in your situation. I know I would be.
Hiring an attorney will be expensive. Read your lease with a fine tooth comb. Look for all the reasons you'd be able to get out of your lease. If none of them work try lying to make them fit. If you post your lease onlin i'll look at it and see if you have the ability to leave without paying.
Your apartment was not "robbed" it was burglarized. You cannot rob an object or a dwelling, only a person. Robbery requires threat of bodily harm. Burglary in making illegal forced (or non forced) entry into a structure for the purpose of committing a crime.
To answer your question of response -- yes you need to hire an attorney to protect your rights from your landlord.
does the Navy have a family services office? Perhaps they could help you with legal issues and speak to the landlord on your behalf.
u informed 911 thats all v can do
its hard to say but its some1 of ur neighbour!
he/she is either tooo proffesional or just un proffesional
Talk to an attorney. It could have been a random crime. So try to have an alarm system installed that has a loud audio output so it will scare someone if they try to break in again. I'm sorry you had to go through this and i am glad you was not at home.
your husbands got a gun, learn how to use it
Have you talked to anybody on Post or his Chain of Command?.Do you know anyone that can stay with you??.What do you feel about firearms there are many that you could become efficient in using.What about getting a dog?...You could pay to get it K9 trained that is better than any firearm in most cases.
Do you need a lawyer I wouldnt think this is a situation that requires a lawyer.Things like this happen all over the world and yeah as bad as it sucks the Apartment Complex even if it has private security they cant be everywhere every minute so the Complex isnt liable...
I would however talk to your housing office on post and see if they cant suggest some things to you...
I would like to say Thank You to you though...being a Military Wife is the Hardest Job in the Military...I am sure your husband appreciates you very much.
If you need anymore help or advice please contact me...Best of luck!
Buy a gun and learn how to use it.
Buy a gun and move to a safer location when your lease is up.
Change the locks, get a watch dog, make sure there is plenty of lighting at every entrance to your home, and make the police aware of your situation, they can do quick driveby's to make sure everything is good.
Yes, you should hire an attorney. You have a good reason to get out of the lease. You can get out of almost any residential lease.
I would go for a couple of days with a family member or my friend. And/Or, I would have someone staying with me for a couple of days.
Or, I will get a home alarm system. And I will also put on every window and doors of my home a whole bunch of rat traps.
If it's someone that's watching you, then I don't believe that they would try to get into your home while you are their. It doesn't seem that they do not have any intention to personally harm you.
But since you never know, I would always be cautious. Probably even sleep in my living room instead of my bedroom. Paranoia? Maybe? Who knows? I am not in your situation. I know I would be.
Hiring an attorney will be expensive. Read your lease with a fine tooth comb. Look for all the reasons you'd be able to get out of your lease. If none of them work try lying to make them fit. If you post your lease onlin i'll look at it and see if you have the ability to leave without paying.
Your apartment was not "robbed" it was burglarized. You cannot rob an object or a dwelling, only a person. Robbery requires threat of bodily harm. Burglary in making illegal forced (or non forced) entry into a structure for the purpose of committing a crime.
To answer your question of response -- yes you need to hire an attorney to protect your rights from your landlord.
does the Navy have a family services office? Perhaps they could help you with legal issues and speak to the landlord on your behalf.
u informed 911 thats all v can do
its hard to say but its some1 of ur neighbour!
he/she is either tooo proffesional or just un proffesional
Talk to an attorney. It could have been a random crime. So try to have an alarm system installed that has a loud audio output so it will scare someone if they try to break in again. I'm sorry you had to go through this and i am glad you was not at home.
your husbands got a gun, learn how to use it
My 3 anchor mooring with mooring ball and line. Then some guy attaches to it with his boat.?
I put down 3 anchors, all chain, and used it as a mooring for my boat. Well, I sold the boat a few months ago and then went to put my new boat on it and some guys boat is on it. I finially found out who it was and went to his door, and told him to get off my mooring. He never did. So friday night after a night of drinking ( 3 AM ) I rowed out and got my mooring anchors and let his boat adrift. His boat crashed on the rocks. He calls and says he saw me do it and he is calling the police. How can he prove? What would you do? Police came and I said Not Me... People do unfair things, steal my anchors.. What do they expect?
Your behavior is what is known as vigilantism and it is anti-social. If you want people to obey the law, then you should obey the law.
Wow! What a story!
Good thing Nifong isn't your DA or you'd be accused of sinking the Titanic too!
Freaking jerk. He got what was coming to him. I'd dropped an anchor through his d@mn hull. Good for you.
Your behavior is what is known as vigilantism and it is anti-social. If you want people to obey the law, then you should obey the law.
Wow! What a story!
Good thing Nifong isn't your DA or you'd be accused of sinking the Titanic too!
Freaking jerk. He got what was coming to him. I'd dropped an anchor through his d@mn hull. Good for you.
My 2-years old daughter is on the security watchlist due to last name. Can I change her family name for this?
When I traveled two weeks ago with my family, I discovered that my 2-years old daughter who was born in the US was on the no-fly security watchlist. That shocked me. I am myself on that list, but no big deal. I am used to it. But my Americal daughter is a diffirent story. So I want to change her family name altogether. Is this legal reason for this name change? Do I need to hire a lawyer?
Of course you can change her name... but changing a name wouldn't take her off the no fly list...or Osama Bin Laden would be Kenny Buchannan and spending the weekend at Disney World.
If you're going to go through all the legal trouble...argue to have her removed from the list.
You would have to go to court and get the name legally changed,
Of course you can change her name... but changing a name wouldn't take her off the no fly list...or Osama Bin Laden would be Kenny Buchannan and spending the weekend at Disney World.
If you're going to go through all the legal trouble...argue to have her removed from the list.
You would have to go to court and get the name legally changed,
My 19 year old friend shot some dude with a bb gun in the leg. What's the most legal punishment he can get
What can he do to lower his punishment. He's already agreed to confess if he is charged(the guy he shot called the cops but they havnt talked to my friend yet cause he went to work, but they told me they would talk to him later.)
The most he can get? I would charge it as assault in the third degree here if the other person wasn't injured. Max punishment is a year. But probably a fine and probation.
for a violent assault with a weapon that will easily be 2 years in a medium maximum security prison. Hope your friend isn't white, has a 300+ bench press, or is affiliated with a gang. Otherwise he's gonna be wearing koolaid lipstick while performing services for melvin.
My guess would be assault with a deadly weapon. As far as getting the punishment reduced, having a good record and an even better lawyer to help obtain a plea bargain would be helpful. Good luck to your friend.
was it an accident or intentional that is the primary thing. my son shot someone in the eye with a bb gun and got no charges he was 19 at the time
He could be charged with assault involving a weapon. Penalty would be imposed by the courts. Anywhere from a fine, to community service, to jail or prison time.
No one can possibly give you a definitive answer here because you never said the state you are in and that bears a lot on the answer.
felony assault of some kind. he could do time
The most he can get? I would charge it as assault in the third degree here if the other person wasn't injured. Max punishment is a year. But probably a fine and probation.
for a violent assault with a weapon that will easily be 2 years in a medium maximum security prison. Hope your friend isn't white, has a 300+ bench press, or is affiliated with a gang. Otherwise he's gonna be wearing koolaid lipstick while performing services for melvin.
My guess would be assault with a deadly weapon. As far as getting the punishment reduced, having a good record and an even better lawyer to help obtain a plea bargain would be helpful. Good luck to your friend.
was it an accident or intentional that is the primary thing. my son shot someone in the eye with a bb gun and got no charges he was 19 at the time
He could be charged with assault involving a weapon. Penalty would be imposed by the courts. Anywhere from a fine, to community service, to jail or prison time.
No one can possibly give you a definitive answer here because you never said the state you are in and that bears a lot on the answer.
felony assault of some kind. he could do time
My 18 year old son is a thief.?
For the last couple months my son has turned into a thief, he's become defient, he dropped out of highschool, got himself a DUI, and within a week broke his probation with a disorderly conduct citation. I had a bottle of wine I brought as an investment 2 years ago, worth around $200. I noticed it missing, and questioned him on it, he swore he knew nothing about it, so much so that I started doubting myself as to where I stored it. This morning I looked, and saw the empty bottle and 2 paper cups in his back seat. He steals any money that might be laying around. I want him to just go away. I don't know what to do with him. If I throw him out, I think he would die on the streets, but I feel I have to.
You are seriously considering throwing out your 18 yer son? Over a 200 bottle of booze. No Wonder he drinks. Have you considered taking him to a detox ward, or getting family counseling? Or going to your clergymen, priest, rabbi whatever? Seems that he may be developing a drinking problem but is mostly having a bad case of growing pains. Try reaching out and getting some help.
tough love. he needs a dose of reality...
I'd try to get him some help, first. If he doesn't respond, you might have to go the tough love route. He's an adult and needs to suffer the consequences of his actions.
It's unlikely that an 18 year old male will die on the streets.
It sounds like you indulged him a bit too much. If you continue to support or tolerate his bad behavior, the problem will undoubtedly get worse.
You have to show him that what he's doing is wrong. That's your job as a parent. Kick him out, call the police when he steals...It may seem harsh, but it's much better than allowing this behavior to become who he is.
You can try and help him and "reach out" to him as much as you want. But at this rebellious stage, your attempts will be in vain. Don't "kick him out". Just calmly tell him he needs to move out on his own now, he is an adult, and you don't agree with a lot of his choices/antics, so he can't stay at your house anymore.
A very dear attorney friend of mine who lives in california has come up with what he calls the "BRAZIL SOLUTION". It is rather lengthy but worth the read.
First, both of you apply for and receive your passports. Inform your son it is his 18th birthday present.
Next, book a flight to Rio in Brazil. You round trip, him one-way.
Next, pack lightly and go to the airport. Tell your son during the trip that he can do as he pleases because he is an adult. You just wanted to share the moment with him. Also, tell him that because he will be out at night, you should keep his passport with you for safe keeping.
When you arrive, go to your room. Tell him you want to have dinner with him later but now you need rest. When you are in your room, write the following letter that you will leave at the front desk for delivery to his room later.
Dear Son;
Since turning 18 you have become a person who does not listen to the experience and wisdom of your parent. You have stolen money and other items which mean a great deal to me.
Therefore, I can only assume by your actions that you feel you are entitled to a life without parents or anyone else telling you what to do.
It is with this in mind that I now say goodbye and good luck. You are now on your own to follow your own rules.
Love, Mom or Dad.
Take your Unpacked luggage and the letter, go to the front desk, leave the letter to be delivered the next morning, hail a cab, drive to the airport and return home.
He will either grow up real fast or not. It's up to him.
Doesn't sound like much of a family situation. Family is about tradition, values and caring.
If you can't afford the counseling and medical help your son needs seek help from the department of social services. They will direct you on how to receive services at low or no cost. Consider some counseling as well for yourself as your approach to the situation, by simply throwing him away on the streets, severely lacks family ethics.
You are seriously considering throwing out your 18 yer son? Over a 200 bottle of booze. No Wonder he drinks. Have you considered taking him to a detox ward, or getting family counseling? Or going to your clergymen, priest, rabbi whatever? Seems that he may be developing a drinking problem but is mostly having a bad case of growing pains. Try reaching out and getting some help.
tough love. he needs a dose of reality...
I'd try to get him some help, first. If he doesn't respond, you might have to go the tough love route. He's an adult and needs to suffer the consequences of his actions.
It's unlikely that an 18 year old male will die on the streets.
It sounds like you indulged him a bit too much. If you continue to support or tolerate his bad behavior, the problem will undoubtedly get worse.
You have to show him that what he's doing is wrong. That's your job as a parent. Kick him out, call the police when he steals...It may seem harsh, but it's much better than allowing this behavior to become who he is.
You can try and help him and "reach out" to him as much as you want. But at this rebellious stage, your attempts will be in vain. Don't "kick him out". Just calmly tell him he needs to move out on his own now, he is an adult, and you don't agree with a lot of his choices/antics, so he can't stay at your house anymore.
A very dear attorney friend of mine who lives in california has come up with what he calls the "BRAZIL SOLUTION". It is rather lengthy but worth the read.
First, both of you apply for and receive your passports. Inform your son it is his 18th birthday present.
Next, book a flight to Rio in Brazil. You round trip, him one-way.
Next, pack lightly and go to the airport. Tell your son during the trip that he can do as he pleases because he is an adult. You just wanted to share the moment with him. Also, tell him that because he will be out at night, you should keep his passport with you for safe keeping.
When you arrive, go to your room. Tell him you want to have dinner with him later but now you need rest. When you are in your room, write the following letter that you will leave at the front desk for delivery to his room later.
Dear Son;
Since turning 18 you have become a person who does not listen to the experience and wisdom of your parent. You have stolen money and other items which mean a great deal to me.
Therefore, I can only assume by your actions that you feel you are entitled to a life without parents or anyone else telling you what to do.
It is with this in mind that I now say goodbye and good luck. You are now on your own to follow your own rules.
Love, Mom or Dad.
Take your Unpacked luggage and the letter, go to the front desk, leave the letter to be delivered the next morning, hail a cab, drive to the airport and return home.
He will either grow up real fast or not. It's up to him.
Doesn't sound like much of a family situation. Family is about tradition, values and caring.
If you can't afford the counseling and medical help your son needs seek help from the department of social services. They will direct you on how to receive services at low or no cost. Consider some counseling as well for yourself as your approach to the situation, by simply throwing him away on the streets, severely lacks family ethics.
My 12 year old may be charged with disorderly conduct (O.R.C.2917.11 (A) for pantsing another student?
The pants came down almost under the butt - and the other student had boxers on - If we don't show for our "community Diversion Program" court action could be taken - (complaints have been filed) - could he really be charged in court for this ?!!
ha! sorry. but what the hell? lighten up everybody, no harm no foul. i can't believe complaints (more than 1?) have been filed. what kind of society are we becoming?
I'm surprised it's not considered assault.
Tell him that is inappropriate behavior.
It's called assault. (No pun intended.) Yes, he can be charged.
Yes, he really could get charged in Ohio for that. It's called disorderly conduct.
2917.11 Disorderly conduct.
(A) No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following:
(1) Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior;
(2) Making unreasonable noise or an offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person;
(3) Insulting, taunting, or challenging another, under circumstances in which that conduct is likely to provoke a violent response;
(4) Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road, highway, or right-of-way, or to, from, within, or upon public or private property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender;
(5) Creating a condition that is physically offensive to persons or that presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender.
(B) No person, while voluntarily intoxicated, shall do either of the following:
(1) In a public place or in the presence of two or more persons, engage in conduct likely to be offensive or to cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to persons of ordinary sensibilities, which conduct the offender, if the offender were not intoxicated, should know is likely to have that effect on others;
(2) Engage in conduct or create a condition that presents a risk of physical harm to the offender or another, or to the property of another.
(C) Violation of any statute or ordinance of which an element is operating a motor vehicle, locomotive, watercraft, aircraft, or other vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drug of abuse, is not a violation of division (B) of this section.
(D) If a person appears to an ordinary observer to be intoxicated, it is probable cause to believe that person is voluntarily intoxicated for purposes of division (B) of this section.
(E)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of disorderly conduct.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(3) of this section, disorderly conduct is a minor misdemeanor.
(3) Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if any of the following applies:
(a) The offender persists in disorderly conduct after reasonable warning or request to desist.
(b) The offense is committed in the vicinity of a school or in a school safety zone.
(c) The offense is committed in the presence of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescuer, medical person, emergency medical services person, or other authorized person who is engaged in the person’s duties at the scene of a fire, accident, disaster, riot, or emergency of any kind.
(d) The offense is committed in the presence of any emergency facility person who is engaged in the person’s duties in an emergency facility.
(F) As used in this section:
(1) “Emergency medical services person” is the singular of “emergency medical services personnel” as defined in section 2133.21 of the Revised Code.
(2) “Emergency facility person” is the singular of “emergency facility personnel” as defined in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code.
(3) “Emergency facility” has the same meaning as in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code.
(4) “Committed in the vicinity of a school” has the same meaning as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code.
When they cited your son, they gave you something that said just 2917.11(A)? There wasn't another letter or number after the "A"?
Welcome to the hell created by the democrats.
Yes, he can be charged with this.
Speak to a lawyer, my dear. This is real serious. I suggest you get your answers from a lawyer that has knowledge of such situations.
When I pantsed a kid last year in gym class, all I got was a saturday school. But the kid never came back to school.
He could, but I think they'll just give him community service.
Have you thought that maybe you should take him to the program and let him receive his punishment for his behavior? Or maybe you could, as well, tell him and show him that behavior is wrong and that certain behavior gets punished? Maybe then this will be the last time he is charged with disorderly conduct. I doubt very highly that he got this punishment for one incident. Smells like this is in a stream of events that would be considered disorderly.
No excuses. I work with someone who has a very low IQ and she would never consider doing anything malicious to someone, and she would never consider something like that remotely funny. So, it lays right on the parents shoulders. It's what the parents teach the kids, that the kid mostly learns. You can either help your child grow up into being a responsible adult, or be a crutch.
Obviously there is some truth to what I said, and the last responder said or you wouldn't have been so defensive about it.
The advice I give as a mother, is to let your child receive his punishment,, don't give him the idea that he can give it and not take responsibility for his actions. You will have less legal trouble in the future.
Haven't you heard of home land security. We have a concern for wmds, no buts about it. All we need is a pair of good boxers and we can clean their clocks anywhere. We are not talking division, divergance, deliverence or what ever, we simply need good examples.
Did you kick his ***? How would you feel if you got pantsed or if your son was the one who got pantsed.
That should not be the question...the question should be how blind are you to your 12 year old being a bully...
The thing is that this punishment is more than likely for numerous events leading up to this
It depends on your school district.
It's an environment- today of zero tolerance. I.Q. no longer matters, it's the action of one student towards another or faculty.
The district can be sued for failure to protect.
Wide open to lawsuits.
They are trying to save themselves a 2.5 million dollar judgments by instituting this diversion program to show they have policies in place to correct behaviors and protect the students/staff on campus during school hours.
Please show for the diversion program- I know. It bites, but this will go away upon completion of the program. Get that promise in writing!
yes and needs to be, he done it ,Have you ask your self what this has done mentally to the others He done it to. Sure we all make mistakes, BUT we all have to pay for or mistakes.Probably get probation, And when he dose it again is when serious actions or taken, But who is to say what the ones He done it to could do to Him.Our children are killing each other because of things like this...Its the mental part of it that the children cant deal with .Like the other children teasing the ones He done this too...Get Him some Help and bust His a..and make him learn from the wrong He has done...Instead of trying to sugar coat it.
ha! sorry. but what the hell? lighten up everybody, no harm no foul. i can't believe complaints (more than 1?) have been filed. what kind of society are we becoming?
I'm surprised it's not considered assault.
Tell him that is inappropriate behavior.
It's called assault. (No pun intended.) Yes, he can be charged.
Yes, he really could get charged in Ohio for that. It's called disorderly conduct.
2917.11 Disorderly conduct.
(A) No person shall recklessly cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following:
(1) Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property, or in violent or turbulent behavior;
(2) Making unreasonable noise or an offensively coarse utterance, gesture, or display or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person;
(3) Insulting, taunting, or challenging another, under circumstances in which that conduct is likely to provoke a violent response;
(4) Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road, highway, or right-of-way, or to, from, within, or upon public or private property, so as to interfere with the rights of others, and by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender;
(5) Creating a condition that is physically offensive to persons or that presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act that serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender.
(B) No person, while voluntarily intoxicated, shall do either of the following:
(1) In a public place or in the presence of two or more persons, engage in conduct likely to be offensive or to cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to persons of ordinary sensibilities, which conduct the offender, if the offender were not intoxicated, should know is likely to have that effect on others;
(2) Engage in conduct or create a condition that presents a risk of physical harm to the offender or another, or to the property of another.
(C) Violation of any statute or ordinance of which an element is operating a motor vehicle, locomotive, watercraft, aircraft, or other vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drug of abuse, is not a violation of division (B) of this section.
(D) If a person appears to an ordinary observer to be intoxicated, it is probable cause to believe that person is voluntarily intoxicated for purposes of division (B) of this section.
(E)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of disorderly conduct.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(3) of this section, disorderly conduct is a minor misdemeanor.
(3) Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if any of the following applies:
(a) The offender persists in disorderly conduct after reasonable warning or request to desist.
(b) The offense is committed in the vicinity of a school or in a school safety zone.
(c) The offense is committed in the presence of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, rescuer, medical person, emergency medical services person, or other authorized person who is engaged in the person’s duties at the scene of a fire, accident, disaster, riot, or emergency of any kind.
(d) The offense is committed in the presence of any emergency facility person who is engaged in the person’s duties in an emergency facility.
(F) As used in this section:
(1) “Emergency medical services person” is the singular of “emergency medical services personnel” as defined in section 2133.21 of the Revised Code.
(2) “Emergency facility person” is the singular of “emergency facility personnel” as defined in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code.
(3) “Emergency facility” has the same meaning as in section 2909.04 of the Revised Code.
(4) “Committed in the vicinity of a school” has the same meaning as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code.
When they cited your son, they gave you something that said just 2917.11(A)? There wasn't another letter or number after the "A"?
Welcome to the hell created by the democrats.
Yes, he can be charged with this.
Speak to a lawyer, my dear. This is real serious. I suggest you get your answers from a lawyer that has knowledge of such situations.
When I pantsed a kid last year in gym class, all I got was a saturday school. But the kid never came back to school.
He could, but I think they'll just give him community service.
Have you thought that maybe you should take him to the program and let him receive his punishment for his behavior? Or maybe you could, as well, tell him and show him that behavior is wrong and that certain behavior gets punished? Maybe then this will be the last time he is charged with disorderly conduct. I doubt very highly that he got this punishment for one incident. Smells like this is in a stream of events that would be considered disorderly.
No excuses. I work with someone who has a very low IQ and she would never consider doing anything malicious to someone, and she would never consider something like that remotely funny. So, it lays right on the parents shoulders. It's what the parents teach the kids, that the kid mostly learns. You can either help your child grow up into being a responsible adult, or be a crutch.
Obviously there is some truth to what I said, and the last responder said or you wouldn't have been so defensive about it.
The advice I give as a mother, is to let your child receive his punishment,, don't give him the idea that he can give it and not take responsibility for his actions. You will have less legal trouble in the future.
Haven't you heard of home land security. We have a concern for wmds, no buts about it. All we need is a pair of good boxers and we can clean their clocks anywhere. We are not talking division, divergance, deliverence or what ever, we simply need good examples.
Did you kick his ***? How would you feel if you got pantsed or if your son was the one who got pantsed.
That should not be the question...the question should be how blind are you to your 12 year old being a bully...
The thing is that this punishment is more than likely for numerous events leading up to this
It depends on your school district.
It's an environment- today of zero tolerance. I.Q. no longer matters, it's the action of one student towards another or faculty.
The district can be sued for failure to protect.
Wide open to lawsuits.
They are trying to save themselves a 2.5 million dollar judgments by instituting this diversion program to show they have policies in place to correct behaviors and protect the students/staff on campus during school hours.
Please show for the diversion program- I know. It bites, but this will go away upon completion of the program. Get that promise in writing!
yes and needs to be, he done it ,Have you ask your self what this has done mentally to the others He done it to. Sure we all make mistakes, BUT we all have to pay for or mistakes.Probably get probation, And when he dose it again is when serious actions or taken, But who is to say what the ones He done it to could do to Him.Our children are killing each other because of things like this...Its the mental part of it that the children cant deal with .Like the other children teasing the ones He done this too...Get Him some Help and bust His a..and make him learn from the wrong He has done...Instead of trying to sugar coat it.
My "friend" owes money and now doesnt want to pay back. Can I sue him?
He borrowed 2k and luckily I wrote him a check otherwise I have no proof. But he is bullsh*tt*ng about paying me back... And hes been stringing me along so to make it seem like he didn't bail on me. Well it has been a month and I could use the money. Can I file this in small claims court? Even though theres no WRITTEN agreement of him paying me back...will a verbal agreement suffice?? I have a copy of the cashed check. PLEASE ANY ADVICE WILL HELP. Thank you.
Yes you can but I have a better idea. Before you take him to the small claims court, get a lawyer to send him a letter. It will probably get your money back since the lawyer can send the letter almost instantly. When you file a small claims case it might take a few months until your claim is heard.
Sorry to hear about your friend owing you money. I have been in the same situation before.
Of course. Small claims courts do this all the time. It will cost around $65 or so to file.
Yes, sue the jerk in small claims. Take the original cancelled check with you to court. Be ready to tell the judge the background of how you loaned him money.
Sure thing, assuming you had a verbal agreement from him to pay it back. Lesson learned, get stuff like this in writing. I lent a good friend just a few hundred a long time ago and drafted an agreement. Protects both sides.
Go for it. And maybe you can make it into one of the court shows on TV
I think it is worth looking into but you have to be careful not to get to deep into legal fees . (If any). You know that you are gonna lose this friendship and to be honest if he can not be a man of his word and pay you back then you don't need him anyway. Sue him!
of course you can. take him to small claims court
a written agreement would help your case but I'd for sure take him to court.. The least that would happen is them say no... It's worth a try.. You should get it back as long as you think he will not lie about him having to pay it back... they will probably take your side...
yes you have a stub from the check theres your proof you are really Lucky you have that! and he ain't no friend! dont ever lend him money ever again...well i know u probably wont but that is pretty fucked up to do that to someone who is Nice enough to give it to you in the first place!
You can file a civil suit. A judgement will be brought against him, but it will still be up to you to collect the money owed.
Go on Judge Judy or any one of those court tv shows
Yes you can but I have a better idea. Before you take him to the small claims court, get a lawyer to send him a letter. It will probably get your money back since the lawyer can send the letter almost instantly. When you file a small claims case it might take a few months until your claim is heard.
Sorry to hear about your friend owing you money. I have been in the same situation before.
Of course. Small claims courts do this all the time. It will cost around $65 or so to file.
Yes, sue the jerk in small claims. Take the original cancelled check with you to court. Be ready to tell the judge the background of how you loaned him money.
Sure thing, assuming you had a verbal agreement from him to pay it back. Lesson learned, get stuff like this in writing. I lent a good friend just a few hundred a long time ago and drafted an agreement. Protects both sides.
Go for it. And maybe you can make it into one of the court shows on TV
I think it is worth looking into but you have to be careful not to get to deep into legal fees . (If any). You know that you are gonna lose this friendship and to be honest if he can not be a man of his word and pay you back then you don't need him anyway. Sue him!
of course you can. take him to small claims court
a written agreement would help your case but I'd for sure take him to court.. The least that would happen is them say no... It's worth a try.. You should get it back as long as you think he will not lie about him having to pay it back... they will probably take your side...
yes you have a stub from the check theres your proof you are really Lucky you have that! and he ain't no friend! dont ever lend him money ever again...well i know u probably wont but that is pretty fucked up to do that to someone who is Nice enough to give it to you in the first place!
You can file a civil suit. A judgement will be brought against him, but it will still be up to you to collect the money owed.
Go on Judge Judy or any one of those court tv shows
My $10000 check was cashed by somebody.?
I found out this thing recenlty and contact the company which issued the check for help.But they did not cooperate.They told me the check was sent with right information and they did not pay any responsibilities.They just provided a copy of the cashed check.So,i contacted the bank whick issued the check cash for help,but they told me to contact the company.My God!What should i do next?Looking forward your reply!Thank you for your any help!
First of all ask the bank to verify signature, second of all...a check for $10,000 doesn't just get cashed without a ton of proper ID and a HOLD for a minimum of 5 days. This means that the person who "cashed" the check had to actually deposit it into an account and likely wait a minimum of 5 business days for funds to become available. Easy solution is whatever account the check was deposited to is the person responsible for stealing it. None of this information will help you if your question should actually be $1000...not 10000 like you indicated. 1000 dollar check is not as difficult to cash. Good Luck
Sorry about your loss. $1,000 is a lot of money.
File a police report. With the police report, you have more of a chance to prove to the company that issued the check that it was not YOU who cashed the check, but someone else.
Show them the police report and request that they cut you another check.
Good luck.
Request the company to request from the bank for a copy of the check, both the front and back. All checks need to be signed at the back portion before being cashed. That should give you a place to start.
Sounds to me like you fell for one of the THOUSANDS of e-mail scams going around.
If something sounds too good to be true, it is.
Don't let greed make you a victim.
First of all ask the bank to verify signature, second of all...a check for $10,000 doesn't just get cashed without a ton of proper ID and a HOLD for a minimum of 5 days. This means that the person who "cashed" the check had to actually deposit it into an account and likely wait a minimum of 5 business days for funds to become available. Easy solution is whatever account the check was deposited to is the person responsible for stealing it. None of this information will help you if your question should actually be $1000...not 10000 like you indicated. 1000 dollar check is not as difficult to cash. Good Luck
Sorry about your loss. $1,000 is a lot of money.
File a police report. With the police report, you have more of a chance to prove to the company that issued the check that it was not YOU who cashed the check, but someone else.
Show them the police report and request that they cut you another check.
Good luck.
Request the company to request from the bank for a copy of the check, both the front and back. All checks need to be signed at the back portion before being cashed. That should give you a place to start.
Sounds to me like you fell for one of the THOUSANDS of e-mail scams going around.
If something sounds too good to be true, it is.
Don't let greed make you a victim.
Must you be licenced as a lawyer to handle insurance claims?
I am taliking about car damage. Minor injuries.
You don't have to be an attorney to handle your own claim, or claims arising under your policy (such as you are the policy owner and you let someone borrow your car). There is also nothing to prevent you from assisting someone else, on their behalf (as their agent), although that can be a really bad idea if the insured doesn't like what you negotiate for them!
However, if the matter goes to court, in order to represent another individual, yes, you must be a licensed attorney.
Nope, not until the need arises for someone to be represented in court, and then an attorney should be involved.
If you're doing it for someone else, yes. If you're doing it for yourself, you don't HAVE to be... But as they say, the man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Remember, if you're suing someone, you CAN ask for attorney's fees!
Actually, I have been doing research on prep for a case involving just this issue lately. And I am dumbfounded with the amount of case law on the subject.
I suggest you read the following to educate yourself. And remember, just because the high court has ruled doesn't mean you will be allowed the fruits of the decision.
Non-lawyers can assist or represent litigants in court.
JOHNSON V. AVERY, 89 S.Ct. 747
Members of group who are competent nonlawyers can assist other members of group achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of law"
NAACP V. BUTTON, 371 US 415 (1962);
No. Most states allow people to defend, not prosecute, but defend, when they are not an attorney. But the judge will probally give you a legal compenency test. Its really rare for that to happen though.
You don't have to be an attorney to handle your own claim, or claims arising under your policy (such as you are the policy owner and you let someone borrow your car). There is also nothing to prevent you from assisting someone else, on their behalf (as their agent), although that can be a really bad idea if the insured doesn't like what you negotiate for them!
However, if the matter goes to court, in order to represent another individual, yes, you must be a licensed attorney.
Nope, not until the need arises for someone to be represented in court, and then an attorney should be involved.
If you're doing it for someone else, yes. If you're doing it for yourself, you don't HAVE to be... But as they say, the man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Remember, if you're suing someone, you CAN ask for attorney's fees!
Actually, I have been doing research on prep for a case involving just this issue lately. And I am dumbfounded with the amount of case law on the subject.
I suggest you read the following to educate yourself. And remember, just because the high court has ruled doesn't mean you will be allowed the fruits of the decision.
Non-lawyers can assist or represent litigants in court.
JOHNSON V. AVERY, 89 S.Ct. 747
Members of group who are competent nonlawyers can assist other members of group achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of law"
NAACP V. BUTTON, 371 US 415 (1962);
No. Most states allow people to defend, not prosecute, but defend, when they are not an attorney. But the judge will probally give you a legal compenency test. Its really rare for that to happen though.
Muslim's and their duty to Allah?
As you may know it is against the orders or the Muslim faith for a muslim man to see any woman naked other than his wife and he must commit suicide if he does.. So I announce an American plan to rid the subburbs of the world of terrorist scum, It is requested tha all women living in the subburbs go naked into the street out side their homes at 4pm est on the 10-6-07 and that all men position themselves on a chair in the garden at the front of their homes and watch this patriotic event and prove that they are not terrorists, further as it is also against their religion to drink alcohol so a six pack if cold beer is also required to further celebrate the event. The American government appreciates you co-operation in protecting the free world.
Get a life - have you really nothing better to do than offend people? It is such intolerence that is causing all the problems we have today- can't you see that?
nice suggestion
Great plan, I think that nude magazines should be dropped on mecca every time a terrorist bl owes something up in the name of Allah, this would get the good Muslims very angry with the fanatics for causing this event.
that's pretty funny. u should have paid attention to where this joke was going. lol
smart...and i can see why it automatically ended up here ...!
I support you 100 %
What happen to terrorist issue is not religious issue? DO YOU CONSIDERED IT AS RELIGIOUS ISSUE?
Your suggestion deter all muslims to create something unforseen...
Better Watch Out!
Good question!
It is a pity that some of us do not understand satire.
So as another small minded person your saying that all Muslims are terrorists? There are many British people who convert to Islam because they like the religion so you should do the same to them because all Muslims are terrorist? The answer is no. Not all Muslim countries are terrorists Egypt is a Muslim country how many terrorists have you heard that are part of terrorist plans the answer is none.
You shouldn't blame the religion for terrorism but the country them selves or the way the have been brought up against other people not for religious reasons but for culture differences. I'm not saying something shouldn't be done about terrorism but not in the way of making other people look stupid and mock their beliefs. I know you thought your comment would be funny and it was a little bit but don't blame Muslims for terrorism they just want to live in peace and have a nice peaceful life.
its a good idea for my money but the thing is its also against Islam to kill innocent people, to rape and numerous other things but look at events nowadays. Also, the 9-11 cowards spent the few days before the event in lapdancing clubs drinking proving how devout muslims they were, and the somali muslims who carried out the armed robbery in Leeds last year that ended with a policewoman being shot dead had spent the night before taking drugs and getting plastered, they are often only muslims when it suits them. I used to work with a pakistani woman who couldnt work on islamic holidays on the grounds of religion, yet she wore make up, didnt wear a burka, went out drinking every weekend, and was living with a sikh, having sex out of wedlock and planned to marry said sikh
I don't get why people are getting so worked up, it's just a joke!
Thank you for making me smile!
I hope you have more jokes, I'll be looking out for them!
silly me didnt check the date now im on a charge for bearing all in public
Well I for one will strip it will be worth it.lol
Is that the tenth of June or the sixth of October? Hope you mean October... the nipples will be huge.
I spent quite a while wondering why 9 - 11 was such a big deal when the attack happened on 11 - 9. but then I remembered something.
Yanks can't get the concept of day - month - year.
well certainly muslims have something that you dont have which is morals and respect to others.
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 3
Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 4
And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 10
In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: and grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 11
When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only want to make peace!"
You are the most pathetic ignorant idiot I have ever seen !!
" As you may know it is against the orders or the Muslim faith for a muslim man to see any woman naked other than his wife and he must commit suicide if he does "
It's true that it's against Islam teachings for a muslim man to see any women naked other than his wife , but commiting suicide is a great sin in Islam , to muslims it's like dying as an infidel . So what the hell are YOU talking about ?
Second .. are you suggesting that all those who refuse to watch naked women walking down the street are terrorists ?
You're either sick or .. sick .
Get a life - have you really nothing better to do than offend people? It is such intolerence that is causing all the problems we have today- can't you see that?
nice suggestion
Great plan, I think that nude magazines should be dropped on mecca every time a terrorist bl owes something up in the name of Allah, this would get the good Muslims very angry with the fanatics for causing this event.
that's pretty funny. u should have paid attention to where this joke was going. lol
smart...and i can see why it automatically ended up here ...!
I support you 100 %
What happen to terrorist issue is not religious issue? DO YOU CONSIDERED IT AS RELIGIOUS ISSUE?
Your suggestion deter all muslims to create something unforseen...
Better Watch Out!
Good question!
It is a pity that some of us do not understand satire.
So as another small minded person your saying that all Muslims are terrorists? There are many British people who convert to Islam because they like the religion so you should do the same to them because all Muslims are terrorist? The answer is no. Not all Muslim countries are terrorists Egypt is a Muslim country how many terrorists have you heard that are part of terrorist plans the answer is none.
You shouldn't blame the religion for terrorism but the country them selves or the way the have been brought up against other people not for religious reasons but for culture differences. I'm not saying something shouldn't be done about terrorism but not in the way of making other people look stupid and mock their beliefs. I know you thought your comment would be funny and it was a little bit but don't blame Muslims for terrorism they just want to live in peace and have a nice peaceful life.
its a good idea for my money but the thing is its also against Islam to kill innocent people, to rape and numerous other things but look at events nowadays. Also, the 9-11 cowards spent the few days before the event in lapdancing clubs drinking proving how devout muslims they were, and the somali muslims who carried out the armed robbery in Leeds last year that ended with a policewoman being shot dead had spent the night before taking drugs and getting plastered, they are often only muslims when it suits them. I used to work with a pakistani woman who couldnt work on islamic holidays on the grounds of religion, yet she wore make up, didnt wear a burka, went out drinking every weekend, and was living with a sikh, having sex out of wedlock and planned to marry said sikh
I don't get why people are getting so worked up, it's just a joke!
Thank you for making me smile!
I hope you have more jokes, I'll be looking out for them!
silly me didnt check the date now im on a charge for bearing all in public
Well I for one will strip it will be worth it.lol
Is that the tenth of June or the sixth of October? Hope you mean October... the nipples will be huge.
I spent quite a while wondering why 9 - 11 was such a big deal when the attack happened on 11 - 9. but then I remembered something.
Yanks can't get the concept of day - month - year.
well certainly muslims have something that you dont have which is morals and respect to others.
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 3
Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them;
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 4
And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 10
In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: and grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).
The Holy Qur'an %26gt; Surah Al-Baqarah%26gt; Verse 11
When it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "Why, we only want to make peace!"
You are the most pathetic ignorant idiot I have ever seen !!
" As you may know it is against the orders or the Muslim faith for a muslim man to see any woman naked other than his wife and he must commit suicide if he does "
It's true that it's against Islam teachings for a muslim man to see any women naked other than his wife , but commiting suicide is a great sin in Islam , to muslims it's like dying as an infidel . So what the hell are YOU talking about ?
Second .. are you suggesting that all those who refuse to watch naked women walking down the street are terrorists ?
You're either sick or .. sick .
Mumbai city has 5 lakh stray dogs?
how many stray dogs ur city have,B.M.C,is planning to shift them out of city,all dogs will get a home under one roof.has any other muncipal corporation done such thing before.
Easiest %26 the best solution for stray dog menace is to sterilize them hence controlling their population growth. In our colony one of my friend who was in charge of the maintenance of the colony got this done thus the number of these stay dogs got restricted to a very small number. What the municipalities does is to either send to some dog home or shoot them. But what I find controlling the population of these stray dogs is the best solution.
Dogs are best friends to human(Proverb)
But, Human are best enimies to all animals(New verb).
I would like to tell the world to love each other.
No other city done such Exercise before. It w'd better to sterilise them before shifting,otherwise they will more puppies and there population will be increasing continuously.
It sounds very cruel but a practical option would be Bangalore style i.e. to cull the stray dogs. This is the only way to curb this menace. Another very real menace is of pet dogs fouling public pavements. Here the real culprits are pet owners who are so inconsiderate for their fellow citizens. The public is forced to walk on the roads in order to avoid pet dog crap on the pavements. The pet owners go by chauffeur driven cars, they dont walk on the pavements, their servants 'walk' their pets. Take a look at any pavement in South Mumbai, the home of maximum number of pet dogs.
Every city and town in India has more or less the same proportion of stray dogs.
I will squarly blame the citizens only for this menace. If everyone tries to keep their environment clean, then there is no possibility for the problem to develop to such magnitude.
Butcher shops are also to be blamed for the increase of stray dogs.
Even pet owners are not very responsible every where, i noticed. They do not carry a bag, when taking their dogs every day for the walk. The clean pavements of all residential colonies are being dirtied by the dogs in this manner.
I feel that much more than the animal itself , the owners are in dire need of training, in this respect.
Easiest %26 the best solution for stray dog menace is to sterilize them hence controlling their population growth. In our colony one of my friend who was in charge of the maintenance of the colony got this done thus the number of these stay dogs got restricted to a very small number. What the municipalities does is to either send to some dog home or shoot them. But what I find controlling the population of these stray dogs is the best solution.
Dogs are best friends to human(Proverb)
But, Human are best enimies to all animals(New verb).
I would like to tell the world to love each other.
No other city done such Exercise before. It w'd better to sterilise them before shifting,otherwise they will more puppies and there population will be increasing continuously.
It sounds very cruel but a practical option would be Bangalore style i.e. to cull the stray dogs. This is the only way to curb this menace. Another very real menace is of pet dogs fouling public pavements. Here the real culprits are pet owners who are so inconsiderate for their fellow citizens. The public is forced to walk on the roads in order to avoid pet dog crap on the pavements. The pet owners go by chauffeur driven cars, they dont walk on the pavements, their servants 'walk' their pets. Take a look at any pavement in South Mumbai, the home of maximum number of pet dogs.
Every city and town in India has more or less the same proportion of stray dogs.
I will squarly blame the citizens only for this menace. If everyone tries to keep their environment clean, then there is no possibility for the problem to develop to such magnitude.
Butcher shops are also to be blamed for the increase of stray dogs.
Even pet owners are not very responsible every where, i noticed. They do not carry a bag, when taking their dogs every day for the walk. The clean pavements of all residential colonies are being dirtied by the dogs in this manner.
I feel that much more than the animal itself , the owners are in dire need of training, in this respect.
Multiple choice question: Which of the following is/are examples of agency "adjudication"?
Which of the following is/are examples of agency "adjudication"?
(A) The legislative adoption of statutory provisions
(B) An agency's determination of whether a petitioner
is entitled to a zoning variance
(C) The agency's adoption of rules and regulations
(D) All of the above
Thanks for your help! :-)
P.S.: I think it's "B"
The answer is "B" because they don't make statutory provisions. (Statutes in this case = law everyone must abide by passed by the legislatures).
I would say b, an adjudication is a judgment or a determination
It would be "B"
the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
(A) The legislative adoption of statutory provisions
(B) An agency's determination of whether a petitioner
is entitled to a zoning variance
(C) The agency's adoption of rules and regulations
(D) All of the above
Thanks for your help! :-)
P.S.: I think it's "B"
The answer is "B" because they don't make statutory provisions. (Statutes in this case = law everyone must abide by passed by the legislatures).
I would say b, an adjudication is a judgment or a determination
It would be "B"
the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented
Multiple choice question concerning a brief is Social Security Disability (book text added)?
My book reads, "an effective brief usually does not exceed five to ten typewritten pages."
Therefore, what would the answer be here:
An effective brief will exceed:
(A) 1 page
(B) 10 pages
(C) 15 pages
(D) 20 pages
Wouldn't the answer be "B"?
An effective brief cannot be more than 10 pages and one page is too little to be effective.
On first reading I thought B also, BUT reread this. The premise is that the brief is not more than 10 pages. The question is that 'an effective brief will EXCEED'. So if the brief is effective it will be 10 pages or less --- or A the effective brief will exceed 1 page (not exceed 10 pages).
This is a question where you need to read each word. It is easy to make assumptions when you are reading and this question is testing that.
Just a reality check here the length of a brief depends on court directions. Most courts and government agencies require a page limit -- I have seen that limit goes from 5 pages to 30 pages. An effective brief is one that completely presents your argument and follows the court rules for briefs.
My book reads, "an effective brief usually does not exceed five to ten typewritten pages."
Therefore, what would the answer be here:
An effective brief will exceed:
(A) 1 page
(B) 10 pages
(C) 15 pages
(D) 20 pages
Wouldn't the answer be "B"?
An effective brief cannot be more than 10 pages and one page is too little to be effective.
On first reading I thought B also, BUT reread this. The premise is that the brief is not more than 10 pages. The question is that 'an effective brief will EXCEED'. So if the brief is effective it will be 10 pages or less --- or A the effective brief will exceed 1 page (not exceed 10 pages).
This is a question where you need to read each word. It is easy to make assumptions when you are reading and this question is testing that.
Just a reality check here the length of a brief depends on court directions. Most courts and government agencies require a page limit -- I have seen that limit goes from 5 pages to 30 pages. An effective brief is one that completely presents your argument and follows the court rules for briefs.
Multiple choice question about who may not be a debtor under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.?
Which of the following may not be a debtor under Chapter 7?
A, A railrod
B. A federally insured bank
C. A domestic insurance company
D. All of the above
I chose "D" because I believe only individuals can file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Am I right?
The correct answer would be D.
This looks like an old CPA question.
Yes, the answer is D
To qualify for relief under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the debtor may be an individual, a partnership, or a corporation or other business entity. 11 U.S.C. 搂搂 101(41), 109(b).
A, A railrod
B. A federally insured bank
C. A domestic insurance company
D. All of the above
I chose "D" because I believe only individuals can file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Am I right?
The correct answer would be D.
This looks like an old CPA question.
Yes, the answer is D
To qualify for relief under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the debtor may be an individual, a partnership, or a corporation or other business entity. 11 U.S.C. 搂搂 101(41), 109(b).
Mu husband is in the Army,and we are relocating to Colorado. I have three kids from a previous marriage?
If we get relocated and the kids biological dad is here in Texas,would my husband that is in the Army..his order's work for allowing me to take the kids to the new base? If my ex tried to stop me?
No you can not just pick up and take the children to another state. He might be a dead beat I don't know your situation, but how would you like it if the situation was reversed. Those are his kids too.
No. Your ex husband can take you to court. If it goes like it did for my brother in law, the judge said she was free to move anywhere she wanted, but the boy stays in the same state as the father. You will be depriving their father from seeing them.
Not really sure how it works there, but you may need your ex's approval. Don't know what it says in your papers, but even if my hubby were to get, oh lets say, relocated to another state for work, and i took the kids without the ok from my ex, he could get me for kidnapping. Not kidding. I looked into this.
Not sure how it works since its cuz of the army. Your best bet is go to your attorney. Make sure everything is done properly. I would hate to see you get into trouble because someone forgot to cross a T or something. Good luck.
If you have full custody, then yes.you could take them. If you share custody, then you might have to get with your lawyer. You guys are going to have to work out a different rotation. I hope it works out for the best for you!
You husband has to go, you will have to check with the courts in Texas regarding moving your children to another state. It's really all about the visitation rights, does your ex have them? You might have to go to court to change when they see their biological Dad.
No you can not just pick up and take the children to another state. He might be a dead beat I don't know your situation, but how would you like it if the situation was reversed. Those are his kids too.
No. Your ex husband can take you to court. If it goes like it did for my brother in law, the judge said she was free to move anywhere she wanted, but the boy stays in the same state as the father. You will be depriving their father from seeing them.
Not really sure how it works there, but you may need your ex's approval. Don't know what it says in your papers, but even if my hubby were to get, oh lets say, relocated to another state for work, and i took the kids without the ok from my ex, he could get me for kidnapping. Not kidding. I looked into this.
Not sure how it works since its cuz of the army. Your best bet is go to your attorney. Make sure everything is done properly. I would hate to see you get into trouble because someone forgot to cross a T or something. Good luck.
If you have full custody, then yes.you could take them. If you share custody, then you might have to get with your lawyer. You guys are going to have to work out a different rotation. I hope it works out for the best for you!
You husband has to go, you will have to check with the courts in Texas regarding moving your children to another state. It's really all about the visitation rights, does your ex have them? You might have to go to court to change when they see their biological Dad.
Ms jernice, shouldn't the question be didn't white girls learn anything from oj?
Like don't marry an abusive man?
Yes, how low can you go.
In my opinion race was not the factor so let us not try to make it one. As we see people of the same race kill each other too. Did you hear about the man in the S.U.V. who allegedly shot %26 killed his wife %26 children. Both appeared to be of the same race.
Back to this story of lies, double life, and to much drama. Allegedly he cheated on his wife. The victim had a child with him already and they both created another child together even though he was still married to someone else (although I was not there to know the sequence of events).
Then he allegedly murdered the close to term child and let the toddler witness it and be left unsupervised. So maybe everyone can learn to either keep pants zipped %26 hold an aspirin between the knees or put the children first. Children are being brought into this world %26 they did not choose to be left in this world w/o the love of mom %26 dad.
Mrs Blair who hates smoking will now defend seedy clubs who want smoking. Is this hypocrisy?
Lawyers, judges, and legislators ALL struggle to separate their personal opinions from what is called for under the law in doing their jobs. An example of this might be me as a juror sincerely believing that the accused is guilty, but voting to acquit because the prosecutor failed to prove his case. Is that hypocracy? I don't think so! That's what the law mandates that I do!
The same goes for Mrs. Blair--whoever she is! So she personally hates smoking. If she feels that under the law a seedy club has the right to exist, even though its seedy, she could justify defending them. And if she feels the law supports their stance on smoking, AGAIN I say it, she can justify defending them.
Some lawyers would not take the case. It's a personal decision. But I don't think many people would call that hypocracy.
Good question. One would think so at first thought.however, just because you don't like something doesn't mean that you still believe in others having the right to do what they want. For instance....I don't like it when I have neighbors who have loud hot rods and motor cycles..But if someone tried to tell them that they could not have these items I would fight for their rights b/c it's not fair to them, they have every right to own those items.
Make sense?
One rule for them and one rule for the rest of us!
You not realised that horse faced horse hipped b itch is a self
serving hypocrite yet?No wonder our country is in the state it is.
No. A lawyer represents whoever asks them. If they didn't then people accused of terrible crimes like terrorism or paedophilia couldn't find anyone to defend them.
In the UK everyone's entitled to a fair trial with as good a defence as they can afford.
Did you really expect anything else from the W.W.!
Sounds about right, that man has always had double standards, maybe because now he's unemployed and nothing to do, he may well want to start hanging around these type of premises again ! lets face it, would you want to spend the whole day with Cheri ?
No, it's politics.
When it suits Mrs.Blair and Ms.Booth are two different people who both like a nice little earner even if it means embarrassing that ghastly man they share a bed with.
No it is not hypocrisy.Mrs B is a lawyer.
It is the job of lawyers to lie in court on behalf of their clients.
It is the English way.
The legal system in England uses the adversarial system. This means that the truth is of little importance. All that matters is winning the case.
Most English lawyers treat their cases as a game, otherwise they would become involved and end up in mental hospitals.
I am shocked at such cynicism amoungst the Yahoo community. (not!)
Cherie Blair(Booth) QC is a member of the Bar.
As such, she has a professional obligation to represent the next client who comes along assuming
(i) it's within her expertise and
(ii) the case properly merits someone of her seniority.
It's called the cab-rank rule (it does not apply to solicitors) and if she refused to adhere to it she'd find herself in front of her disciplinary body (the Bar Council) pretty sharpish.
Now, the owner of this seedy club clearly realised that if he got CB QC to represent him, he'd get publicity above and beyond any legal fees he'd have to pay.
And he was right!
This non-story is all over the papers and is even on FreeLawAnswer.com .
How many other cases in which CBQC acted, can you recall? Exactly!
He has not issued a claim; CB is merely providing him with legal advice.
He must know, and has no doubt been advised, that he has no legal prospects of sucess whatsoever in challenging this ban.
But what does he care? We're all talking about his seedy little club!
It seems clear that some of the answerers on here have the luxury of deciding whether or not their income comes from a morally upright source and can pick and chose their clients depending on their respective virtue.
And I'm sure all of them only accept money from God-fearing paragons who'd make that bloke from Little House on the Prairie seem a bit shifty.
Barristers have no such right and moreover have a specific professional obligation not to make such moral judgements.
Sorry if the answer is not quite as glib and pithy as some of the others - I though you deserved an actual answer.
MP using Disabled Parking Bay. Should he resign?
Anthony Steen, Consevative MP for Totnes, Devon, caught parking all day in a disabled parking bay at the railway station. Then has the cheek to say that the person who sent the photo to the local paper was very sneaky ! He was fined, but is this enough punishment for the HONORABLE gentleman
An MP calling someone sneaky,that`s a bit hypocritical
Nope. He should be chucked out and have his toe nails pulled out one by one.
I'm really in a shocking mood at the moment, it would seem!
strange for a tory. they usually get caught with rent boys.
honorable? mp's have disgraced the word.
With this government I'm surprised they haven't made it compulsory!
Sounds like he's a politician. How many politicians are truly honest? How many are truly Honorable? Sound like typical behavior for a "better than thou" politician.
It`s a pity his car was not torched.
Nice one whoever took the pickie I too am disabled and when I get to my local Hospital the 3 bays by the outpatients are always filled by the 3 same cars ALL day
I believe his fine was NOT sufficient someone in a position of like that should suffer two fold as they are trying to abuse their position I think this should be extended to other public figures like Police officers but sadly what few do get to court are treated with the minimum penalty rather than the Maximum +
If I tried my New Skyline out at 170 MPH just to get used to it
they would use my B*ll's as a neck tie
Why not break his back so he has the right to use it?
No. He abused his position and took up a space that a disabled person really needed. If he can do that, what else is he capable of doing? How sneaky is he?
Perhaps he should be disabled
I think his party should chuck him out.
It really really really annoys me when non disabled people park in disabled bays.
They're there for a reason.
When I take my sister (who has a disabled badge) out we often can't find suitable parking as able bodied people have parked in disabled bays.
I have had several confrontations with people, most are apologetic but some are down right nasty and rude.
Break both his legs and see how he likes not being able to get around properly!!
Yes the reason I say this is he is a typical politician,its a case of don't do as I do do as I say.
here in canada it is a 300 dollar fine if your caught using a disabile parking spot how come he wasn"t charge?is he above the law?send the picture to the local parking police.
Yes, plus a substantial fine. He's not a paedophile - as far as I know!
no he should not resign, i agree with him , there are far too many disabled parking bays around. our local tescos as around 40 and Ive never seen more than 4 being used even on a Saturday.
The news article should be put on a poster and hung everywhere in his constituency.Like most tories he would not take a red face if you slashed him.
Yes, for the time being. Now that he has now been exposed for what he is, hopefully the electorate will act accordingly.
Resignation would be good, but unlikely as he is without honour or scruples (maybe as a politician that's natural).
Take our parking space, take our disability ...
A written, public apology is the least I expect.
Or perhaps he could spend a week in my wife's wheelchair.
An MP calling someone sneaky,that`s a bit hypocritical
Nope. He should be chucked out and have his toe nails pulled out one by one.
I'm really in a shocking mood at the moment, it would seem!
strange for a tory. they usually get caught with rent boys.
honorable? mp's have disgraced the word.
With this government I'm surprised they haven't made it compulsory!
Sounds like he's a politician. How many politicians are truly honest? How many are truly Honorable? Sound like typical behavior for a "better than thou" politician.
It`s a pity his car was not torched.
Nice one whoever took the pickie I too am disabled and when I get to my local Hospital the 3 bays by the outpatients are always filled by the 3 same cars ALL day
I believe his fine was NOT sufficient someone in a position of like that should suffer two fold as they are trying to abuse their position I think this should be extended to other public figures like Police officers but sadly what few do get to court are treated with the minimum penalty rather than the Maximum +
If I tried my New Skyline out at 170 MPH just to get used to it
they would use my B*ll's as a neck tie
Why not break his back so he has the right to use it?
No. He abused his position and took up a space that a disabled person really needed. If he can do that, what else is he capable of doing? How sneaky is he?
Perhaps he should be disabled
I think his party should chuck him out.
It really really really annoys me when non disabled people park in disabled bays.
They're there for a reason.
When I take my sister (who has a disabled badge) out we often can't find suitable parking as able bodied people have parked in disabled bays.
I have had several confrontations with people, most are apologetic but some are down right nasty and rude.
Break both his legs and see how he likes not being able to get around properly!!
Yes the reason I say this is he is a typical politician,its a case of don't do as I do do as I say.
here in canada it is a 300 dollar fine if your caught using a disabile parking spot how come he wasn"t charge?is he above the law?send the picture to the local parking police.
Yes, plus a substantial fine. He's not a paedophile - as far as I know!
no he should not resign, i agree with him , there are far too many disabled parking bays around. our local tescos as around 40 and Ive never seen more than 4 being used even on a Saturday.
The news article should be put on a poster and hung everywhere in his constituency.Like most tories he would not take a red face if you slashed him.
Yes, for the time being. Now that he has now been exposed for what he is, hopefully the electorate will act accordingly.
Resignation would be good, but unlikely as he is without honour or scruples (maybe as a politician that's natural).
Take our parking space, take our disability ...
A written, public apology is the least I expect.
Or perhaps he could spend a week in my wife's wheelchair.
Motion to Reconsider?
My lawyer had filed a motion to suppress that was denied and he later filed a motion to reconsider the suppression. My question is if the judge has to grant the motion to reconsider and then grant the motion to suppress or if they motion to suppress is granted automatically once the judge grants a motion to reconsider
No they are two separate things. If the judge agrees to reconsider he will do just that, reconsider the issue of the motion.
usually the motion to reconsider will not be granted if its the same judge then no it wont.. if its a different judge they usually respect each others decision
My lawyer had filed a motion to suppress that was denied and he later filed a motion to reconsider the suppression. My question is if the judge has to grant the motion to reconsider and then grant the motion to suppress or if they motion to suppress is granted automatically once the judge grants a motion to reconsider
No they are two separate things. If the judge agrees to reconsider he will do just that, reconsider the issue of the motion.
usually the motion to reconsider will not be granted if its the same judge then no it wont.. if its a different judge they usually respect each others decision
Mothers rights?
My child was born in Canada and has both Canadian citizenship and british citizenship as I am british. We currently live in Canada, however I have been thinking of leaving my boyfriend and going back home taking my daughter with me. Can my boyfriend stop me from taking her as he is the dad? And if I left then told him we were not coming back to canada once we arrived in England could he charge me with kidnapping?
If he is the father, he has a legal right to see his child. You cannot unilaterally decide that you will take your child with you and take away his rights as a father. You will likely need some kind of custody agreement before you are allowed to remove the child from the country. To do so without court approval would be equivalent to kidnapping.
Are you sure he's the dad?
You will need to gain legal custody if you don't want your boyfriend to have a case against you when you leave the country. Please call an attorney that specializes in custody law.
Yep if you aren't sole guardian. If he did can ya blame him? How you gonna take a kid from his dad for your selfishness?
If he is the father, he has a legal right to see his child. You cannot unilaterally decide that you will take your child with you and take away his rights as a father. You will likely need some kind of custody agreement before you are allowed to remove the child from the country. To do so without court approval would be equivalent to kidnapping.
Are you sure he's the dad?
You will need to gain legal custody if you don't want your boyfriend to have a case against you when you leave the country. Please call an attorney that specializes in custody law.
Yep if you aren't sole guardian. If he did can ya blame him? How you gonna take a kid from his dad for your selfishness?
Mothers against drunk driving SPEAK?
does anyone but me feel that the madd group has outlived their lifespan, and is basicly another fund raising organization dedicated to paying some ceo too much money so that he, (not she), can bring bookoos a bux into the organization? it's just sick how we get ripped off! and does anyone know how much the ceo of madd makes? i do, chumps!
no i do not know how much they make but i have noticed it is rarely spoken of any more so they might of been going down the drain with out supporters.
I saw an accident that resulted in two babies burning alive due to a selfish drunk driving loser, they should keep on . They are a good organization.
no i do not know how much they make but i have noticed it is rarely spoken of any more so they might of been going down the drain with out supporters.
I saw an accident that resulted in two babies burning alive due to a selfish drunk driving loser, they should keep on . They are a good organization.
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers?
IS it fair for persons whom have been convicted of drunk driving offenses in their lifetime be required to have RED lettered license plates? To alert the community to the potential of the danger of a drunk on the road or in their neighborhood? Considering the number of fatalities caused by drunk drivers, should they (like convicted sex offenders are banned from school yards and parks) be restricted from going into taverns and liquor stores?
It's hard to say whether it is fair, because that is personal preference. As far as reasonable, the answer depends on which aspect of your question we talk about.
I believe that the altered plates are fair for safety perposes, so long as it is not a condition of parole under which police are allowed to pull you ever without any other probable cause at any time, as it is in Ohio (My state, although we just use yellow plates instead of standard white ones). That is a violation of your civil liberties.
As far as both sex offenders and drunk drivers are concerned, it is ridiculous to prevent them from buyings alcohol, or to prevent sex offenders from being near children. In both cases, it is all beside the point. Let me explain...
In the case of drunk drivers, I believe the problem is that we are focusing on the wrong issue. If we want to save lives, raise the age kids can get their drivers licenses, impose conditions which make old people prove they are still able to drive, and find a way to eliminate people from falling asleep at the wheel, which is currently killing more people annually than drunk driving. Until that happens, I will not believe the government or anyone else is taking the driving deaths seriously, and they are just scapegoating on the drunks.
In the case of Sexual Predators, they are less likely than any other felony level offender to re-offend. Of those convicted over 90% will not in their lives re-offend, and their rate of re-offending is not at all connected with their proximity to schools or kids.
All things considered, I believe we should quit with the sensationalism, so that we can address real problems, and save real lives.
I can't see what good this would do. There are so many people convicted of drinking and driving that the red lettered plate would turn into a joke.
I would like to see more meaningful consequences for this type of behavior.
As long as it was part of their original sentence. I do not like imposing an added punishment years after the crime has been committed.
Although I think it is a good idea, it most likely won't keep the people that drink and drive off of the road. If someone is under the influence, they probably don't care what their license plates look like. However, the person driving the car would have a bad reputation around the community.
Sure, then we can put a red latter A on all the people that have AIDS, or a red letter S for all the people on sexual offenders list, until we're putting star of david on jewish people, and a red crescent on all muslims, and a red cross on all christians. Think about this, the Nazi's did it during their campaing against the jews.
if they have a DUI why are we giving them a plate for their car take the car away from they and make it so they can't buy another one. guess what then they won't get a second offense.
Here's my idea. If you are stopped for DUI, and any open containers are found, you forefeet your car. Just like if they find drugs in your car.
The car gets auctioned off, if there is any money owed on the car, the loan co or bank gets what $$$ they get at auction.This protects the bank. If the auction doesn't generate enough to pay off the loan, then.too bad.
Any inconvenience or loss you sustain,toooooo bad.
Of course, this would not apply to any UNopened cans or bottles in the trunk of the car.
This would apply besides any other penalty, fine, suspension, jail,etc.
Imagine, some kid going home and telling his dad, they siezed the car.
hi there,people how drink and drive should be have there licence removed from them permanatley and should also lose there freedom so many families all over the world have lost loved ones because some idiot thought that they could be able to drive home after a drinking session or the other one they are not paying the price of a taxi ....well in that case there price should be there freedom ....and trhe other one i would insist on happening as a sobbering thought for the death or injuries that they have caused they should be taken to a morg,and showen what ther drink driving has done to some one else's life ,or what there actions have caused to that person and how that couple of extrs glasses have done to them ,why shouldnt they get to see what there drink driving has really caused ...im telling you ,you do this to say the next 5 drink drivers caught over the limit and what they would have to say about it after seeing for them selfs what has happened ,would stop a lot of people from drinking ...as you can tell this makes me so mad that this goes on ...and it should just never happen to any family !!...take care xx
It's hard to say whether it is fair, because that is personal preference. As far as reasonable, the answer depends on which aspect of your question we talk about.
I believe that the altered plates are fair for safety perposes, so long as it is not a condition of parole under which police are allowed to pull you ever without any other probable cause at any time, as it is in Ohio (My state, although we just use yellow plates instead of standard white ones). That is a violation of your civil liberties.
As far as both sex offenders and drunk drivers are concerned, it is ridiculous to prevent them from buyings alcohol, or to prevent sex offenders from being near children. In both cases, it is all beside the point. Let me explain...
In the case of drunk drivers, I believe the problem is that we are focusing on the wrong issue. If we want to save lives, raise the age kids can get their drivers licenses, impose conditions which make old people prove they are still able to drive, and find a way to eliminate people from falling asleep at the wheel, which is currently killing more people annually than drunk driving. Until that happens, I will not believe the government or anyone else is taking the driving deaths seriously, and they are just scapegoating on the drunks.
In the case of Sexual Predators, they are less likely than any other felony level offender to re-offend. Of those convicted over 90% will not in their lives re-offend, and their rate of re-offending is not at all connected with their proximity to schools or kids.
All things considered, I believe we should quit with the sensationalism, so that we can address real problems, and save real lives.
I can't see what good this would do. There are so many people convicted of drinking and driving that the red lettered plate would turn into a joke.
I would like to see more meaningful consequences for this type of behavior.
As long as it was part of their original sentence. I do not like imposing an added punishment years after the crime has been committed.
Although I think it is a good idea, it most likely won't keep the people that drink and drive off of the road. If someone is under the influence, they probably don't care what their license plates look like. However, the person driving the car would have a bad reputation around the community.
Sure, then we can put a red latter A on all the people that have AIDS, or a red letter S for all the people on sexual offenders list, until we're putting star of david on jewish people, and a red crescent on all muslims, and a red cross on all christians. Think about this, the Nazi's did it during their campaing against the jews.
if they have a DUI why are we giving them a plate for their car take the car away from they and make it so they can't buy another one. guess what then they won't get a second offense.
Here's my idea. If you are stopped for DUI, and any open containers are found, you forefeet your car. Just like if they find drugs in your car.
The car gets auctioned off, if there is any money owed on the car, the loan co or bank gets what $$$ they get at auction.This protects the bank. If the auction doesn't generate enough to pay off the loan, then.too bad.
Any inconvenience or loss you sustain,toooooo bad.
Of course, this would not apply to any UNopened cans or bottles in the trunk of the car.
This would apply besides any other penalty, fine, suspension, jail,etc.
Imagine, some kid going home and telling his dad, they siezed the car.
hi there,people how drink and drive should be have there licence removed from them permanatley and should also lose there freedom so many families all over the world have lost loved ones because some idiot thought that they could be able to drive home after a drinking session or the other one they are not paying the price of a taxi ....well in that case there price should be there freedom ....and trhe other one i would insist on happening as a sobbering thought for the death or injuries that they have caused they should be taken to a morg,and showen what ther drink driving has done to some one else's life ,or what there actions have caused to that person and how that couple of extrs glasses have done to them ,why shouldnt they get to see what there drink driving has really caused ...im telling you ,you do this to say the next 5 drink drivers caught over the limit and what they would have to say about it after seeing for them selfs what has happened ,would stop a lot of people from drinking ...as you can tell this makes me so mad that this goes on ...and it should just never happen to any family !!...take care xx
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